In the (janitor's) closet

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Throughout the week Vitch would visit Serpe either bringing something over to him, or just for chit-chat. Whatever the reason, Serpe hated it, as he felt extremely uncomfortable with himself and the way Vitch made him feel. How was he supposed to work under these conditions?  His schedule would get thrown out the window every time they’d cross paths. He would overanalyze every little detail, from word choices to body language. He just can’t get him out of his head.
S: (He annoys me to the point where I can’t stop thinking about him. I can’t read him, I can’t fire him, but there must be something I can do!! And this intense feeling started with the eyes incident. What was that even? Wait a minute… he is from the owl tribe isn’t he? Could that be the owl equivalent to the snake’s imprinting? God I hope not. I have enough problems as it is. I can’t have him toying with me; I’ll go confront him right now.)
He goes and waits outside Vitch’s classroom until the bell rings. The moment he steps out of the room he grabs him by the arm and without saying a word, drags and shoves him to the nearest janitor’s closet.
V: Hm, kinky~
S: Shut up!! You think this is funny?
V: A little.
S: Silence! Tell me what you did.
V: What did I do?
S: The eyes! The glowing eyes. Explain it to me.
V: Ooh~ You mean these? *his eyes glow in the dark just like they did that morning*
S: o///o
V: Oh come on, I didn’t think it would trouble you so much. As for what they do I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure it out. *smirk*
Serpe, who is basically red like a beetroot by this point, cannot take the tension any longer and places his palm on Vitch’s face, covering his eyes.
S: I could have you fired for this!
Without being intimidated, Vitch begins to come closer to Serpe. Serpe steps backwards until his back touches the wall. Vitch, still unfazed, pins him, which flusters him all the more.
V: Weren’t you the one to drag me by the arm into this closet? Seems to me like you’ve brought this upon yourself. *the glow in his eyes gets brighter under Serpe’s hand*
By this point Vitch knows what he’s doing. He puts his left hand on Serpe’s lips and with his right he strokes his waist. He begins to untuck his shirt. Serpe’s breathing becomes heavy but he can’t bring himself to move.
S: Y-you can’t do this here //
V: Oh, would you rather we do it somewhere else?
And like angel’s singing, the bell rings.
V: We should get going, *holds his chin* we shouldn’t be late now, should we?
And like nothing had just happened Vitch walks out and heads to class, leaving Serpe stunned and horny.
S: …Did I just enjoy this?

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