Hi coming, I'm dad

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Later that evening, Vitch is getting ready at the last minute. He’s putting on the final details to his very fancy (for his standards) outfit. He’s wearing a yellow-orange suit that matches his eyes, a white shirt - not buttoned all the way, eyeliner and for the cherry on top alongside his other earrings he’s wearing his lip chain ring, which he saves for special occasions.
Just on time, the bell rings. It’s Serpe. Vitch adjusts his tie before opening the door.
V: Coming~ *opens door*
Before his eyes stands Serpe, handsome as always, dressed in white from head to toe. His silky hair is tied in a low, side, ponytail and he is wearing a dub of blush.
V: You look really good in this babe.
S: Did you just call me-
V: Come on in, the food’s ready.
S: What are we having?
V: I made a couple traditional Russian dishes and an Italian one just for you :D
S: Ah, how considerate. Just so you know, my standards are pretty high for food.
V: And for everything else.
They both chuckle and take their seats.
On the table sit Russian pelmeni and borscht soup alongside the Italian risotto. They enjoy their meal over pleasant conversation. Serpe hasn’t laughed that much in a long time.
S: This wasn’t half bad.
V: By which you mean “you loved it”.
S: I said what I meant.
V: Your face said otherwise.
S: Ah fine. But I’ve eaten better risotto before; I can teach you how to improve it for next time.
V: There’ll be a next time? :D (Great success.)
S: (Huh, cute.)
V: You wanna cuddle on the couch?
S: …You aren’t playing any games again, are you?
V: *he doesn’t answer the question, instead he proceeds to the couch*
S: Ugh fine.
They sit beside each other and hug shoulder to shoulder. Serpe, unknowing of what is about to come, slides his hand down Vitch’s waist. Vitch loses no time and like the whore that he is, he does the same thing and squeezes it, with the intention of making Serpe horny.  Serpe looks at Vitch with a :0 face and Vitch stares back with his glowing gaze. Instant hypnosis. This wasn’t Serpe’s plan, but now that they are so close, he can barely resist. So he makes a move again, and goes in for a kiss. They make out for a little bit, but are interrupted by a ring on Serpe’s phone.
It’s his father.
He knows he must answer this call, he has been avoiding him for a while now.
S: Wait, wait. I’m sorry but I need to answer this?
V: Hm? Who is it that is so important?
S: Just keep quiet for a bit, it’ll only take a minute.
V: *well he just got an idea, not a good one necessarily*
S: *answers the phone* Yes father?
[Son, where have you been? I’ve told you to call.]
V: *meanwhile, he starts taking off his own pants, and moves on to Serpe’s*
S: *he glares at him with a look that says “don’t you dare”* I know, I apologize for not calling at all. This past week has been very packed.
V: *he grins. Then lifts him by his waist, and sits him down on his dick*
S: AAh-!
[Son? Are you ok?]
S: Y-yes, I just stumbled my foot on the table.
[Oh, you and your bad habit of walking while talking on the phone.]
V: *whispers* Be quiet now, you wouldn’t want daddy to hear.
S: *whispers* You bastard.
[Anyway, I simply wanted to call to see how business is going.]
S: It’s going well father.
V: *he starts to move him up and down, going increasingly faster*
S: *he covers his mouth to keep any moans from escaping*
[Son? Are you still there?]
V: *whispers* Aren’t you going to answer dear?
S: T-there’s something wrong with the connection; I can’t hear you very well.
[But I can hear you just fine… well, back on topic, the new teacher we hired, how is he? You know the policy; we have to keep them in check to make sure they are worth the money.]
V: *whispers* Am I worth the money Mr. Pirovano? *hard thrust* 
S: He’s an excellent a-academic, and all students have been satisfied with his work so fa-ar. *he’s struggling*
[Son, you don’t sound well, what’s wrong?]
V: *whispers* Get ready. *c o m e s~~~*
S: Aaahh~ *that’s a very obvious moan*
[Serpe, answer me right now!]
S: I don’t know what you mean father.
V: *he takes it a step further, by taking the dripping cum, and holding it up in Serpe’s face* Open up.
S: Vitch, n-no-
[You must be sick. I’ll send over the family nurse tomorrow.]
 V: *Serpe doesn’t get a choice, he puts the cum in his mouth* Swallow it. *and then he starts jerking him off* Don’t waste a drop.
[Serpe? Serpe?? Are you too embarrassed to talk? I know you haven’t been sick since you were a kid but it’s alright, I know you won’t let it affect your work.]
S: *he swallows the cum, and soon after he reaches climax, he’s done* Mnfff~~ *he, at least, tries to keep quiet*
V: *whispers* Good boy~
S: Y-yes father, I will work hard as always, goodnight. *hangs up*
[Goodni- oh, he hung up on me… *el comfusione* What a weird boy.]
S: *death stare*
V: owo?
S: Are you out of your goddamn mind?! He could have found out!!
V: Didn’t you enjoy it then?
S: I- … Not the point. My family can’t know I’m sleeping with a man.
V: Aw… dang.
S: They are going to disown me!
V: Comon, nobody’s getting disowned, don’t worry babe.
S: Don’t call me babe. *he pouts and crawls to the other side of the couch* Leave me alone.
V: Aw, I’m sorry, will cuddles help?
S: …No, you’ve done enough already you owl-frocio.
V: (I dunno what that means.) *goes to him anyway*
S: *accepts the peace treaty*
After that, they spent a wholesome night together, snuggling and talking. Serpe forgets about his worries pretty quickly, Vitch makes sure of that. They get to know each other better, make jokes and spend quality time with one another. How lovely.  They sleep well, Vitch was the big spoon and Serpe the small one. Early in the next morning Serpe gets ready to return to his own home. He needs to be there to receive the nurse his father said would commission to look after him.
Serpe’s alarm rings. He always turns it off immediately and gets up right away, never hitting snooze. Before he leaves he can’t help but stroke Vitch’s hair out of his face and kiss him on his forehead.
V: Mnnnmm my solntse mm…
S: Heh I’m leaving now, I’ll close the door on my way out.

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