The storm was a paid actor

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Ever since then, Serpe would avoid Vitch at all costs. Vitch enjoyed the effort Serpe put into staying as far away as humanly possible from him, but he decided to focus on his work instead of messing around.
Mid-October, with the autumn weather kicking in, the two men found themselves in each other's lives once again. One day in particular, it started raining really hard, just before the last period ended.

V: How will I get home? (': (The weather forecast didn't say anything about a storm and I took my motorbike to work today.)

Serpe walks to the door, holding his umbrella. He is not very happy to see Vitch there.

S: Did you seriously not bring an umbrella with you?
V: Not only that, but I can't drive in this weather either, I'm stuck until the rain stops.
S: Well I heard it won't be stopping any time soon. And I need to close up the building.
V: Oh, you wouldn't abandon your staff so cruelly, would you?
S: ...Maybe I would...
V: Hey! qvq
S: I'm joking obviously... *he ponders for a minute before quietly saying* I'll drive you home.
V: What was that?
S: Do you wanna get home or not?
V: Righto! ^^

Vitch squishes in under the umbrella and they walk together to Serpe's car. Serpe notices how close the two of them are and he can't un-notice it. Thankfully for him they reach his car, so they get inside and he can finally calm his balls down.

V: Nice car [in the tone of the "Nice cock" sound]
S: Put your address in the GPS and let's get going.
V: Why the hurry, boss?
S: ...Storm.
V: Fair. So did you hear the news about Dorothy-?
S: I don't waste my time on pointless gossip.
V: Did you watch that new Kdrama everyone's been talking about?
S: I don't waste my time on pointless entertainment.
V: So what pointless things do you waste your time on?
S: I don't waste time.
V: I see...

And then they fall into an awkward silence for the rest of the ride. But just when they get to Vitch's home.

V: Wow, it's really coming down huh?
S: It's not a problem, I'll make it.
V: Well, good luck to ya. *opens door, water flows in, closes door* I don't think you'll make it.
S: Is the water that high?!! *car shuts down*
V: ...
S: ... *he bonks his head on the wheel* Why do bad things happen to me?
V: Oh, come on, it could be worse. Look at it this way; we're right outside my house, I can let you stay until the storm's over.
S: ... actually I prefer the water.
V: I won't have it, you're coming inside.
S: No, I'm not.

Vitch gets out of the car, goes to Serpe's door opens it and drags him out.

S: What the hell do you think you're doing?!!
V: If you're gonna be stubborn do it inside, let's go.

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