Official uwu

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While they’re cuddling, Serpe realizes he’s still angry at Vitch for not telling him about his eyes. So he finds an opportunity to make a face.
S: >:[
V: What?
S: What were you thinking keeping this from me?
V: Well-
S: Am I just some side hoe that doesn’t deserve to know what’s going on in your life?
V: No!-
S: My bad for thinking we had something Ù^Ú
V: *he grips him by the shoulders to grab his attention* Will you let me explain?! *he sounds upset*
S: Go on, Vitch the bitch.
V: Ok I’d be mad if that wasn’t so funny, and also, I just didn’t want to distract you from your work ok, you seemed really bothered after your dad’s visit.
S: And where did that get you? *sigh* Listen, I’m a grown man; I can make my own decisions after evaluating the situation.  However, I can’t evaluate the situation if I don’t know about it!!
V: I know, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for making you worry too. Didn’t really think this through, huh?
S: Do you ever?
V: Fair. I promise to never do it again. Will you forgive me?
S: How can I say no to those eyes? ...No.
V: Heeeeey.
S: Hush, you may cuddle me in silence.
V: But I love youuu.
S: *:0* Do you really mean it?
V: Of course I mean it! Why do you think I wanna be around you all the time?
S: I don’t know, because you’re annoying and horny?
V: Those are valid points. But I’m not that shallow. I genuinely can’t get you out of my mind-
S: Stahp ///// *he covers Vitch’s mouth with his hands but somehow the fucker still keeps talking*
V: And I really think you’re funny, and I like hanging out, and I feel happy with you-
S: Shut up already!! Weren’t you supposed to be the guy that sleeps around all the time?
V: Not after meeting you..
S: o///o …
V: I guess what I’m trying to say is... do you wanna go on a date sometime?
S: Vitch we’ve been on a date! Many dates.
V: An official one!!
S: … As in… a couple?
V: Yes Serpe, I am asking you to be my boyfriend, this is what’s happening here.
S: ////////////////// *csdbfdhfgashebdhkjavhsegafjsemvbdbnv*
V: Uh? You good?
S: YES- I mean, sure. That’d be AGREEABLE!
V: Hm, very well, moya lyubov’ *kisses his forehead*
S: *flustered* So, what do we do now?
V: Hm, how’s that ass of yours?
S: Not happening Mr. Patini.
V: Alright cuddles it is I guess.
The next morning, still in each other’s embrace, Vitch wakes up first. He gets up and does his morning routine, letting Serpe sleep in for a bit. He really needs it after yesterday’s “session”. When the time comes, Vitch goes up to Serpe to wake him with a kiss.
V: ‘Morning sleeping beauty.
S: Mhmmm…
V: We’ll be late, come on.
S: Late? What time is it?
V: We’ve got enough time if you get up now. I’ve made you breakfast.
S: *he gets up in a panic* I’m always an hour early at the school-
V: Oh, the great professional Mr. Pirovano, what would we do if he was ever late?
S: *offended* Most of the time I’m punctual, don’t worry. *he says aggressively*
V: Calm down, we’ve got time, go eat
S: Don’t have time for that, we need to leave.
V: You’re not leaving this house unless you eat. *his glowing eyes, demanding as ever*
S: UGH! Curse you and your creepy eyes.
V: You love em~

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