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Not doing lyrics anymore...soz:(

|Kat| WARNING: Chapter may trigger|

"Thank you, Shawn." I smile at my boyfriend.


He cups my face and kisses me passionately before waving goodbye and heading down the street to Nash's house.

I go inside and see my parents and sister in the living room. All their eyes are red and puffy.

"Guys...?" I ask.

"Katrina.. we have some news." My mom explains.

"What is it?"

"Honey, just take a minute o-okay. Sit down."

"Just tell me what the heck happened!" I yell.

"Your brother.. he got in a car accident this morning." My dad says.

"Please tell me he is okay. Tell me he's okay!" I scream.

"Katrina, you're brother has passed." My mom says before breaking down into sobs.

"No.. This can't be happening."

I drop to the floor on my knees and begin sobbing. My sister comes over and hugs me, her crying as well.

Why Daniel? He'd done nothing to anybody! I should have been the one to die. Not him.

After what seems like a lifetime of crying, I hug my parents and tell them I am going to bed.

As soon as I enter my room and close the door behind me, I find my way to the one thing that will keep me sane.

The blade.

I take it out and begin to run in across me skin. The metal cuts into my skin and soon enough the blood mixes with my tears.

I cut until I am numb. Until I can't feel any pain.

When I'm done I rinse off the blade ms out it back in its hiding spot.

I wash the blood running from the cuts and in a sad way feel better. I am addicted.

I grab a change of clothes and hurry to the shower for the second time today. I feel gross and depressed.

I start the water and step in, making it as hot as I can tolerate. The hot water hits my cuts, causing me to hiss from the stinging pain.

I stare at the shower wall in front of me. As soon as I remember I drop to the floor of the shower and wrap my arms around my knees, and begin to sob.

Music is playing softly in the background and I can't helpful mutter the words.

"Letting go of so much pain, the tears are thick enough to stain.."

I begin to wash my body, wincing every time I get soap or water on my fresh cuts.

After I stop the shower I stand in the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around my body, and staring at my reflection in the mirror.

The girl in the mirror has makeup all over her face and her eyes are red and puffy from crying.

I sigh and quickly remove my makeup and then wash my face.


I change into shorts and an oversized tee shirt. Then, I throw on one of Shawn's hoodies.

It still smells like him which causes me to weakly smile. I wish he were here.

Then, I shake my head.

I then make my way up to my attic room and begin to write a song. Which ends up keeping me awake for most of the night.

I find out the chords to the song and hum along with them before setting my notebook and guitar down.

Tiredly, I make my way to my bathroom and put large square band aids on my wrists.

After, I make my way to the main bedroom and get in my bed, falling fast asleep.


I begin driving down the street to calm my mind. Shawn and I got into a huge argument and I walked out and left, driving as fast as I could.

Before I have time to stop, another car comes speeding at me. I scream as our cars slam into each other.

Paramedics surround the car and take me into an ambulance.

"Is the other driver okay??" I croak.

They look at me, "We don't know yet."

I nod my head and black out, waking up to white walls and my family in the room, sleeping.

Anna wakes up first.

"An, where's Daniel?" I ask.

"Dad won't tell me where he is." She scowls.

"It's okay." I sigh.

After a few minutes of Anna and I talking, my parents wake up and look at me sadly.

"Where's Danny?" I ask.

"He...he died." My mom whispers.

"Wh-How?!" I say, becoming angry.

"Kat, you need to listen okay. It's not your fault."

"What happened!?!"

My parents look at each other.

"Katrina, your brother was driving home today and there was a car and he sped right into it. He was killed on impact. Your brother was the person in the other car of the accident you were in..."

I begin to shake, "I-I killed him...?!"

My body starts thrashing violently and my family tries to calm me down.

I wake up shaking, with tears running down my cheeks and sweat brimming my forehead.

Danny was gone. And there's no way I can fix what happened.

I lay down and my head hits the pillow. Tears fall helplessly at this point.

My brother, my best friend, is gone. Forever.

The realization hits me and I roll over, burying my face into my pillow.

I scream into it and cry harder.

"I love you, Danny."



Okay who is going to see Shawn at Darien lake this saturday? If you are comment below!!

Please leave feedback! I'm so close to 3k reads on this book and thank you guys so much for that!!😭😭❤️❤️

Anyways, I love you all!!

What did you think about Shawn's prom date....?-_-

-Shawn's Bae😘

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