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"Could I be your hero or your villain?" Get Down//James Arthur


My jaw hangs agape. He-He's in love with me?

Shawn stands there awkwardly before removing he hands from my waist.

"I'm sorry, Kat, I should've waited.."

He begins to leave and I grab his arm and turn him around, crashing my lips onto his. Our lips mold together and move in sync.

We pull apart and he smiles.

"Don't you dare leave me, Shawn Peter Raul. You're all I have left." I threaten, tears falling.

His eyes sadden and he embraces me.

"I love you." I whisper.


Shawn finally got me out of the house and I finally cleaned up and dressed nicely and showered and went out to a fast food place.

It took some convincing but somehow I ended up in the passenger seat of our car with a Starbucks tea and the remains of our Chik-fil-A.

"You're the best girlfriend I could ask for." Shawn sings to me.

"And you're the best boyfriend."

He reaches across the middle console and laces our fingers together.

"Jelly intertwined." He winks.

I giggle and he drives me home. When he drops me off he opens my door and walks me to the door, kissing me and wishing me a goodnight.

When I get upstairs I check my phone-I had left it here.

From Arianna:
Hey girl! (: can we facetimeee

To Arianna:
Of course!(:

Seconds later I get a FaceTime request from Arianna.

"Hey Kat!" She chirps.

"Hey." I smile.

"So I have some big news for you! But I have someone here to tell you."

"Okay, sure! What's up?"

She motions for the other person to come into the camera and as soon as he does I cover my mouth and gasp. it was Justing Bieber.

"Hey Kat." he greets.


"So the news.. Scooter and I were checking out your music and we really like it."

"Thanks so much." I grin.

"That's not all, though. We thought it was real good, like record label good."

My eyes widen, "What do you mean?"

"How about you and a few friends come over to Los Angeles. We want you in the studio as soon as we can get you here."

"Oh my god! Thank you Justin!" I screech.

Arianna and him laugh before telling me Ari would text Justin my number and then saying goodbye.

As end the FaceTime I call Shawn right away.

"Hey, it's Shawn and I can't get to the phone right now, but if y-"

I groan and hang up, calling Matthew.

"KATRINA." He screams.

"Hey, Matt!"

"Where have you been?! Are you okay?"

"I've been in my room. And yes. But I have news!!" I squeal.

"Well, spit it out, Katrina!"

"Justinansscootersignedmetotheirlabelandnowiamgoingtolosangelesyorecordinthestudio." I say in one breath.

"Woah, woah, I'm coming over okay??"

"Okay! Bring everyone!"

He agrees and I smile looking around my room. Coincidentally, I notice my room is a huge pig sty. I begin cleaning quickly and finish righty as my Dad yells for me.

After everyone piles in the room I freak out.

"Okay, so Kat, what did you say on the phone?" Matt asks.

"Justin and Scooter signed me to their label and now I'm going to Los Angeles to record." I screech.

"No way!!" Nash yells.

Everyone begins flipping out and soon my parents join and hear the news.

I take out my camera and point it to the group of crazy people.

"Guys!! What's happening right now?" I yell.

They all turn to the camera, "Kat got signed by a label!!"

We All freak out and I explain the situation before ending the video.

After everyone decides to stay over and order pizza to celebrate I realize that Shawn isn't here.

I send him a text telling him to join us and he never answers or reads it.

I toss my phone aside after tweeting and insta-gramming and just posting to every social media that I got signed.

We all gather in the living room and begin watching Camp Takota.

Best day of my life.


Where's Shawn??

✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Hey guys! How do you all feel about Apple music?? Anyways, you should definitely watch Camp Takota!!!

Love you all! Don't forget;


-Shawn'ss Bae😘

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