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It's been a week since any of us have heard from Kat. She's really starting to worry me. I asked her parents what's going on and they told me it involved Daniel.

Now I lie on my bed, just watching the hours tick by.

"Dude, come out with us. This is just sad." Taylor sighs.

"Sorry, bro, not feeling it today."

"That's it. I'm taking you to see Kat."

I roll onto my side, turning my back on Taylor.

"Nope. We're going." He commands.

"I don't want to, Taylor. She's probably been cheating on me or some shit. Probably has nothing to do with her brother."

"Woah, dude, calm down. Its Kat we are talking about."

I shrug, "Whatever, let's go."

Taylor hoists me out of bed and we walk downstairs.

"Where you guys going?" Matt asks.

"Going up to see Katrina."

"Can we come?" Matt asks.

I shrug, "Sure, why not. Call Cameron and Sara."

Matt nods his head, quickly dialing Cam's number.

Everyone got up and we all made our way up to the Wilmont's house.

"Okay now guys, let Shawn go in first to see what's up." Taylor mentions.

They all nod their heads, "Thanks guys."

We reach the Wilmont's house and knock on the door. Anna comes and answers is.

"Oh. Hi."

"Anna how are you?" Hayes quickly asks, rushing to his girlfriend's side.

"Not great. I suppose you're all here for Kat, yeah?"

I nod my head.

"This way. Please be careful." Anna warns.

Everyone has a confused look plastered across his face.

We all make our way up the stairs and stand outside of Kat's door.

"Shawn." Aaron nudges.

Anna opens the door and gives me a hug, "Be easy on her."

I become more confused than I already was entering the room.

Kat lays on her bed slowly breathing. I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Baby girl, it's me." I whisper.

She rolls over and opens her eyes, looking at me.

She is extremely pale and ghastly. Her smile isn't apparent and her eyes aren't bright.

"Oh, Kat." I whimper, tears coming to my eyes.

"Hey." She croaks out.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

She begins to cry again.

"Hey, hey... Shhh.."

I lift her up and onto my lap.

"He..he's gone." She struggles to say.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Daniel. He's-dead."

My eyes widen and I hold her tighter in my arms, "Baby, I'm so so sorry."

Her cries turn into sniffles and soon harsh breaths.

I run my fingers through her blonde hair. It's grimy and I pout. She must have just been laying in bed.

She looks to me and kisses me. I kiss back until she pulls away and rests her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her head and gently rub her back.

"It happened so fast, Shawn."

"I know."

She sighs heavily.

"The boys are here. They want to see you."

"You can tell them to come in."

I nod as she gets off of my lap and buries herself under the blankets.

I exit and go to get the boys from the hallway.


All the boys come in and stand around my bed, except for Shawn who lies down next to my. He takes my hand and plays with my fingers.

"So what's been going on Kat?" Jack Johnson asks.

I sigh and look to Shawn, he nods understanding me.

"Daniel has passed.." He speaks slowly, watching my every move.

Everyone's eyes widen and gasps fill the room.

"Oh, Kat were so sorry." Hayes pouts.

I shrug whispering, "It's okay."

Each boy takes their time and hugs me tightly before leaving.

As soon as they all exit I begin sobbing again. Shawn wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.

He sings softly, trailing his fingers through my hair to calm me down.


Sorry that was a really really short chapter. They are probably going to be shorter chapters from now on(longer than this)but it's easier to write until I can't which usually is around 1000 words instead of 2000. It makes the writing process easier and more enjoyable! And updates will come faster, too.

What is your favorite food?

Mine is 🍕

-Shawn's Bae😘

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