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Hey guys!(: sorry for not updating in a while..I've been busy and GUESS WHAT. I'm going to see Austin Mahone, Shawn, Fifth Harmony, and The Vamps on August 21st😭😭😫😫❤️❤️

Enjoy my peoples😘





-Shawn's Bae😘


Kat's POV

A breath I was subconsciously holding escapes from my lips as Shawn and I walk into Nash's house.

"Hey guys." I say as we enter.

They all smile softly except Matthew who jumps up to hug me.

He wraps his arms around me holding me tightly.

"Hey, Matthew." I say almost breaking down again in his arms.

"Hey Kit Kat." He grins.

He lets go of me and I walk over and sit down with all of the boys.

"So do you want to tell us what happened."

I bite my lip and nod sheepishly. They all grow silent and watch me.

"So it started out when I was in the fifth grade." I sigh, "I was bullied every day, all ways. I was verbally, physically, and sexually harassed in school. I didn't have a voice. Until around my eighth grade year I did okay.. But once that year came I fell. I grew numb to everyone and everything around me. I was emotionless..I was fading into the background. I lost my friends, I pushed my family away. I didn't eat, I barely slept, and my grades dropped. This continued for a couple years actually and somewhere in there is when the cutting and eating disorders started.."

All of their eyes fly wide open.

"A-and I tried to commit..three t-times." I begin to cry.

Cameron quickly grabs me and comforts me, although I wish it was Shawn.

"I got put in the hospital and was diagnosed with a deep depression. I continued to shut everyone out and that's why I think that my mom left us.. I was too much of a burden and I still feel like I am." I look at Shawn, "I mean who would want to love a suicidal girl with scars? You know, people think depression is always being sad or always wearing black. But that's not true. Depression is a constant feeling of numbness. You practically do anything to get by. Days become obstacles, and pain is the only feeling you aren't numb to. It's like drowning, but you can see everyone around you happy and breathing. It's an overwhelming feeling of uselessness and numbness. It's nothingness, and empty."

Shawn's tears fall freely and so do the other boys'.

I breathe out, "I think that's pretty much it."

All of the boys envelope me in a big group hug.

"We won't let anybody hurt you anymore. If they want to get to you, they have to go through us." Nash whispers.

I smile and begin to cry.

I mean, I have only just moved in and these boys know everything about me, and they care.

"Thank you guys...so much."

We all pull apart and try to get out of the sad mood by just beginning to joke around.

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