
358 17 3

"I tried to be someone..I'd like to be someone else...for you.." $TING//The


Jack barely sees me nod before we sprint upstairs and down the hallway to my room.

The door flies open as I push as hard as I can on it. We swiftly run in and close the door, turning my light on dim.

To: Nashbrown, Matthew, Sara, and 9 others..
-my door is locked do three knocks, then pause and knock once more to enter.

Soon three knocks, then another is on my door. I motion for Jack to turn the lamp off and I slowly open the door. It's Anna and Hayes.

"Kat.." She whimpers hugging onto me.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay." I run my fingers through her hair and lock my door again. The four of us sit in a circle and just stare at each other.

The light that is sent in from the moon is cast upon small speckles of our faces, making each other a little easier to see.

Knock. Knock. Knock... Knock.

I stand quickly to my feet and open the door a crack.

"It's Sara."

"And Cam."

"And Matt."

They enter my room and join the small circle. After ten more minutes of this agonizing waiting, Jack, Taylor, Nash, and Aaron had found their ways to my room. I stand and begin pacing the room. Sara stands and makes me sit on my bed, facing her.

"He's going to be okay, Kat."


"Carter is still not here yet, they are probably together."

I nod my head and begin to bite at my nails-another nervous habit. We sit in silence for what seems like forever when another knock is at the door.

I frantically get up and run to the door. I open it slowly.

"It's Carter! Hurry! Open up!" He whisper-yells.

I let Carter in and lock the door behind him. I drop to the floor. Shawn's the only one left out there.

Carter sits beside me, "He's out there, isn't he?"

I nod. Carter sighs and joins the others. I watch them talk quietly amongst themselves before I silently make my way out of the room, phone in hand.

Yes, I'm doing the stupid horror movie thing, but I don't care about anything but him right now.

I hear a few steps creak behind me and, even though I shouldn't, I can't help but to look behind me.

I see nothing, which makes me pick up my pace. I had one thing to do: find Shawn.

Creaks continue down the stairs. "Shawn." I whisper.

No answer. Crap.

I walk a little faster, trying to out speed my stalker. My arm is grabbed and I am pulled into a closet, a hand covering my mouth, muffling my screams.

"Shh!" The voice hisses, "It's me."

My breath releases and I snuggle into Shawn's chest, embracing him tightly.

"I thought I'd lost you." I whisper.

"Never." He kisses my forehead and then we just stay there.

After a while of sitting in silence my phone buzzes.

From: Nashbrown
-Where are you?!

To: Nashbrown
-with Shawn. don't worry I'm ok!

From: Nashbrown
-okay..next time don't just leave!

To: Nashbrown
-will do(: we are coming upstairs.

I lock my phone and stand up, grabbing Shawn's, and helping him up.


My eyes open slowly and travel around the dimly lit room. Everyone was still there, sprawled out across my floor.

Shawn and I had made our way upstairs last night and quickly entered my room. After a few hours of us all just siting in a circle hoping not to be attacked, we all decided to just sleep.

Shawn and I took my bed, and the boys all slept on the floor(I had quickly gotten them some sleeping bags and pillows that were in the closet across from my room). Anna and Hayes, however, slept on the window bed.

Usually I would've gone all 'over protective sister' on that, but there was someone in the house, and I trust Hayes.

I sit up and rub my eyes. I kiss Shawn's temple before getting untangled from Shawn. I get out of the bed and step over the sleeping boys going toward the door.

The lock twists and I quietly exit the room. My feet make a soft tapping against the floor, a creak sounding off every now and then.

I make my way to my father's and then Daniel's room. They are both sound asleep.

Next, I go downstairs to check out the house. As soon as I make my way down my eyes fly open.

"Go To Hell Kat" was put everywhere. On papers, on walls..

The tears start to come out as I rip down all the posters and papers. Who would've done this?!

I drop to my knees and let all the sobs out. They did this. Of course they did. When I lived in New York, there was a group that always trashed the outside of my house or even break inside to do the same. Everybody seemed to know I woke up early and could take it down.

But my question was why the hell are they in North Carolina?!

My phone buzzes.

You thought you got away? Not so fast, Katrina Marie-Renee Wilmont. Not so fast.

My tears come faster and I work harder to put everything back together.

They're back.

My sobs turn into a panic attack, and everything blurs and all I can feel are a pair of arms trying to pull me off the floor.


Wow. That was short and not on time at all. Wow. Sorry guys!! So I will try to update once a week or whatever✖️

Anyway I get off next Friday for Christmas break so there will be more updates then🙌😍


So question of the day:
What do you think about Connor Franta's coming out??

Have a great day!!:)

-Shawn's Bae😘

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