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"It's a big, big world... It's easy to get lost in it..."

Up//Justin Bieber


My palms grow sweaty as I grip the wheel. This was our first official date and there's so much pressure. I hope she'll like it, I hope she likes surprises. I really hope she likes the food... What if she's allergic to it??

"Shawn, babe, don't worry." Kat's beautiful voice breaks me out of my daze.

"How'd you know?" I chuckle.

"Your mannerisms. The way you keep tapping the steering wheel and pressing your eyebrows together."

"Wow." I marvel.

"I really like to study body language in my free time..." She giggles.

"That's actually really cool."

She shrugs and I look toward her.


"It's just like people always made fun of me for it."

"I don't see why.. It makes it easier to read people."

"Yeah I guess.. but enough about me. How's your music going??"

"Really well actually!"


Shawn and I converse about his career and I am mesmerized at his passion.

When I was getting into guys, like past the cooties stage, I noticed there were certain things that would make a guy more attractive.

For instance, eyes. They say eyes are the windows into one's soul. It's so true. They tell so much. Eyes show a story. They show emotions. They show so much in a person and if you look close enough, you can get to know a person by the dimness or light in their eyes.

A boy's passion-like Shawn's for music-always has drawn me in. I love to see him get so excited about music. When his eyes light up, and that huge smile breaks out. Like it seems like he's glowing. And that makes me so intrigued. I love seeing people love what they do.

"We're here, Kat." Shawn breaks the comfortable silence.

"Okay." I smile.

He parks the car and quickly rushes over to my side. My small hand intertwines with his and he locks the car with the keys as we make our way to the small building.

"So where are we?" I ask.

"You'll see.." He grins.

It was a small cabin like building and it was dead in the middle of a forest.

Our hands are still connected as he pulls me into the building and walks up to the counter.


They nod and lead us into a larger room.

They begin to put on these halter like things on Shawn and I and I get really confused.

I look at Shawn and he just winks at me. My cheeks redden and I look away as the teenage boy who worked here strapped me into my suit thing.

He looks at me and smiles. I whisper a thank you as he leaves before the other worker leads us out to a tall truck.

Shawn and I are handed helmets and then the vehicle starts off into the woods.

"So you confused yet?"

I nod, "What are we doing?!"

"Just waitttt." he grins.

I chuckle and shake my head at him.

The workers help us down from the tall truck and tell us they will be our guides for the day.

They walk Shawn and I up a platform and ask, "So who's going first?

Shawn points at me and soon I find out what Shawn had in store for me.

A zip line course.

A smile breaks through my confused facade and I am told to jump when I am ready.

I leap off the platform and feel the breeze blow against my body as I close my eyes.

Shawn really does know what he's doing. Soon I'm told to break and land. I giggle as I watch Shawn come down the line, spinning in circles.

He soon breaks and the workers-Anna and Jacob-unhook is and we continue down the trail to the next line.


"That was so much fun!" I squeal as Shawn and I walk back to the car.

"I'm glad you had fun!"

I push him against the car and crash my lips onto his. Our lips move in sync and Shawn's hand make their way to my waist.

I pull apart from him after a few seconds and he pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you." I mumble into his chest.

He kisses the top of my head and we stay silent before Shawn checks the time.

"Shit! Get in the car, we are going to be late!"

I laugh and we both quickly get into the car and Shawn speeds down the dirt road.

"That was really cool, Shawn."

"Wasn't it?"

Shawn's eyes stay on the road but his hand finds my hand and his fingers slowly intertwine with mine.

After maybe a half hour of driving Shawn pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant.

We get out of the car and walk into the building.

"Reservation for Mendes?"

The waitress nods and leads us to our table.

"Can I get you guys some drinks to start you off?" She asks, eyeing Shawn.

"I'll have a water." Shawn orders, "What do you want, babe?"

"Can I have a diet Pepsi?"

The waitress nods and leaves the table.

"So looks like you have another girls eyes on you." I scoff.

Shawn chuckles, "That doesn't matter because I already have you. And you're all I want, Katrina."

I blush and looks down at my hands.

"Thanks.." I whisper.

He grabs my hand and kisses it, "Anytime, princess."

Soon the waitress returns with our drinks.

"You guys ready to order?"


Wow don't hate me. That was like a span of a month.... Holy crap. I'll try to be updating more often I just had writers block and I have tons of ideas for a lot of the upcoming chapters I just needed to finish this chapter so I could start her birthday and blah blah blah...so much to rant...

Anyways I love you all!

Don't forget to press the little star that makes me smile😉

-Shawn's Bae😘

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