Mystery Boy

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The bell rings as I run through the hallway dodging bodies as I try and make it across campus, backpack bouncing and swaying as I run. Bumping into people, throwing out quick 'sorry's and 'excuse me's as I try to make it to the front office, I have to show a new student around and was running late. "Yunho, no running in the halls!" Mr Kim yells, as I jump around a group of girls giggling in the hall, a slight sheen of sweat on my brow. "Sorry Mr Kim, be mad later I have to get to the office to show the new transfer around!" I giggle, shooting him my quick toothy smile as I raced around the corner out of sight. I honestly hope he forgets about it, I would hate to have a lecture about it all later.

I may be on the dance team but running across campus, dodging everyone was becoming exhausting by time I got to the front office. I stop outside the office door catching my breath, pushing the door open, instantly being greeted by the office assistant a small junior named Jisoo. "Good morning Yunho" she chirps, her face dropping a little when she sees me.

"Good morning Jisoo, the new transfer in?" I ask, sending her a quick smile walking towards the office. "Yes, he's here, you might want to straighten up a bit though. You're the school representative and you are looking a bit frazzled." She laughs, pulling out a pocket mirror and handing it to me once she sees my confusion. I take it quickly taking in my appearance, my steel blue hair is sticking up in different directions, my tie is askew, cheeks slightly red with sweat decorating my forehead.

"Good looking out, that would have been embarrassing, thank you Nari." I chuckle as I set the mirror propped up fixing myself before handing it back with a wink. Blush dusting her cheeks lightly as she slips her mirror back into her bag, "You're welcome" she says smiling shyly fixing her hair behind her ear, I'm used to getting this reaction from girls after I came to this high school. I was quickly known for my height, charming personality, puppy like behavior and how caring I am, quickly becoming known as the schools Prince Charming/husband. I laugh lightly turning to the door, grabbing the handle and walking in. I'm greeted by Mr Lee and a boy with Oreo hair who lock onto me as soon as I walk in. I quickly take in his appearance, though he's in the school uniform like everyone else, he fills it out well and looks attractive even with the slightly intimidating aura around him. I bow quickly taking the seat next to him, bowing my head when we make eye contact.

"Hi, I'm Jeong Yunho school representative, you can call me Yunho." I quickly send him a smile, he sends me a quick bread smile, looking back to Mr Lee, "Yunho, this is Song Mingi, he's the one you will be showing around campus." Mr Lee says gesturing to the boy next to me before looking to him. "Yunho is the one who will be helping you around the school, if you need anything please let him know, he'll be more than happy to help. You boys should get going, so you aren't too late." Mingi looks over to me as we make our way to our feet. I smile to Mr Lee, bowing and quickly sending him a smile as I look to Mingi, "Follow me, I'll show you the cafeteria and the library before we head to class together." Mingi bows slightly to Mr Lee throwing his bag over his shoulder, following behind obediently.

As we make it down the hall I explain where the science and fine arts halls are as we pass them. Showing him the cafeteria and lastly the library, only receiving nods and 'mhm's in understanding as we go. Turning down the hall towards our first class I take in his appearance more, he's tall, a few inches shorter than I. He's got strong defined features, his eyes are sharp, and his looks are all around captivating. His ears, fingers, wrist, and neck are decorated in jewelry, making his appearance even more intense, in a good way to me at least. "Not much for words are you, Song Mingi?" I ask tipping my upper body forward to get a better look at him as we walk side by side, he turns his head towards me slightly. "Not really, and just Mingi is fine." His voice is deep and sultry, soothing even, it definitely matches his appearance. This kid might be a little dangerous when it comes to my mental honestly. "Understandable, I'll try my best to not take offense to it then. I hope we can become friends after all this." I laugh lightly, smiling down at him as I straighten back up.

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