The Long Wait(unedited)

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"Yah! One more time but faster!" I yell giddily, giggles and heavy breathing filling the room as we run through choreo practice one more time. Everyone hitting the floor as soon as the song ends, my mind racing as I look over to see Woo looking at me. A smile creeping into our faces as we bust out laughing, wiping sweat from my brow as I sit up. "Alright we should be good for the performance coming up." I say making my way to my feet helping San up who waves his hand in the air half heartedly.

"Thank god, just to get a new choreo soon since Joongie doesn't sleep and wants us dead too." Woo says grabbing his water while throwing San his. "It's not that bad, I just made a few beats and reached out to a friend. We'll all be auditioning for our parts once I get word back from the producer." Hongjoong says running his hands through his hair as he makes his way to the door.

"When did we decide to make a new song? I'm so confused why I didn't know." I whine looking between everyone, Jongho throwing a rag at me as he follows behind Hongjoong. "That's because you decided to go home instead of coming out with us, so you were left out of the loop." Jongho says shrugging as he walks out, rolling my eyes I look to Wooyoung and San as they gather their things. "Hey don't look at us, we completely forgot you didn't know. We had other things to worry about." San says winking at Wooyoung who laughs loudly smacking his chest, cursing him under his breath.

"It's not even confirmed though so there's no worries Yun, we don't even know if the producer wants to work with us." Wooyoung says holding his hand out to me, curiosity getting the best of me as I stare at them. "Why wouldn't they? We've been steadily climbing on the billboards and are one of the top groups at this point." I say raising my eyebrow as I take Wooyoungs hand as they stare at one another.

"We should go, why don't you go home and get cleaned up Yun." Wooyoung says hastily dropping my hand, grabbing his things along with Sans. "Whatever you guys aren't gonna tell me anything it seems." Rolling my eyes as I grab my things waving to them as we go our separate ways.  My irritation evident as I walk towards my apartment, everyone evasiveness getting under my skin. Slipping my earbuds in, putting my mask and hat as I walk down the sidewalk. The disguise not really working in my favor as a crowd starts to gather around me, 'maybe I should have rode with someone or drove today.' I thought turning into a store I quickly text Hongjoong, slipping it back into my pocket as I grab a snack and drink making my way to the counter.

"It's got its good and bad side, huh?" A boy around my age asks from behind the register, raising my eyebrow at him I pull my mask down to my chin. Camera flashes blinding us slightly as I look to him, as he guards his eyes from the light. "It's all good, though can be overwhelming when they don't understand I'm just a person." I laugh lightly sending him a smile, as he looks to me. His mouth falling agape as he stares for a second, shaking his head as he gets back to work "I guess that's true, it's exciting meeting you guys though. The amount of talent you guys hold is amazing, I'm actually a fan myself though not as big as them." He laughs pointing to the crowd outside and the few that have come inside as well. Nodding I look over waving and sending a wink causing them to erupt into screams and the flashing lights increase. My phone buzzing in my pocket grabbing my attention, grabbing my phone I pay turning towards the door.

"Thanks for the chat Jay, take care of yourself." I say as I stop at the door, looking to him as his mouth hangs open slightly with confusion written on his face. Pointing to where his name tag sits laugh as I bow a bit making my way outside. My muscles relaxing a bit as I realize Hongjoong brought security so my exit was easy compared to what it was going to be. Slipping inside the vehicle I send a quick wave, melting into the seat with a sigh as soon as the door shuts. "Welp use your brain next time Yunho, could have been worse. What if you got hurt!?" Hongjoong asks irritatedly as he pulls off from the curb heading towards my apartment.

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