From Eight To Seven(unedited)

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3 years later

"This never gets old." Hongjoong says looking through the drapes out at the venue, a smile on his face as he turns to me. Eyes shining brightly as he giggles giddily , patting my shoulder as he walks back to get ready. Peering through the drapes of the stage looking out at the sold out stadium my anxiety rises a bit as I reach for my ring. Everyone cheering and singing along with the music as they get ready for us to preform. Inhaling deeply I quickly make my way to the dressing room where the rest of the boys are. "Woo, stop! You are gonna mess up my makeup before we even make it on stage." San whines swatting Wooyoungs hands that are around his neck as he tries to kiss Sans cheek. Wooyoung giggling and running over to Yeosang as San chases him, Wooyoung throwing himself at Yeosang screaming for help. A filling of happiness enveloping me watching them as a pang of loneliness hits me slightly.

Plastering a smile on my face as a stylist calls me over to get ready for the performance, sitting down quickly holding casual conversation and messaging friends before going out to preform. It's not long before I'm lost in thought, thinking about how quickly things took off for us after graduation. Our visuals, vocals and stage presence sending us straight to the top, our long hours of practice and training paying off. It's not long before I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Seonghwa, who shakes my shoulder slightly pulling me from the fog. "Yunho come on, we gotta get into position under the stage." He says turning to leave and head for the stage, Woo looking at me weirdly as I get up and start heading out.

"You okay Yun?" He asks questioningly looking me up and down, confusion taking over as I look at him arching my eyebrow. "Yeah I'm fine, I was just day dreaming is all." I say stepping by him. "Well in the last three years I haven't seen you without your ring you got from your mom, so I'm surprised you let them switch it out." He says shrugging walking by me, as I freeze in place looking to my hand. "Wait Woo, where is it? Where'd they put it?" I ask frantically, turning back to the stylist table. My anxiety peaking as I move all the jewelry around the tables in search of my ring, a giggle behind me pulling my attention. Turning I see Wooyoung with the ring around his finger as he wiggles them at me, motioning for us to go to the stage.

"Hurry up, we are gonna be late." Wooyoung says as we jog down the hall, him dropping the ring in my palm as we make our way under the stage. In an instant I've rearranged my rings as I sit on the platform. "Took you long enough, we almost had to go up without you." Jongho jokes as he dumps his shoulder with mine, laughing lightly I look away. "It's fine Woo and I would have had our own grand entrance after the confusion." I joke, taking a deep breath to shake off the anticipation and anxiety as the platform begins to rise.


"Things are going good besides the in ear hiccups and Sans mic not working so he took Seonghwas." Hongjoong says as he moves the wires to his ears around as he gets ready for the next stage. "Could be worse though, the crowd is amazing, the energy is great." San says as his hair is fixed, the stylist repeatedly asking him to sit still as he hops around. "Plus everything's been fixed now, Yunhos in ears finally work and no one noticed because the man's a dance genius. Who else could have gone half the concert with no queues." Wooyoung says as he sips from his drink, heat rising to my face at the sudden compliment. "No, I'm sure you all could do it, it was extremely hard either way." I laugh nervously, Yeosang poking his head into the room tapping Woos shoulder. "Time to go back up." Everyone quickly grabs their mics and situates their in ears as they make their way to the stage.

Greeting the fans as we run around stage, tears spring to my eyes as we sing, watching as they sing along to every word. The look of happiness and joy on their face as they sway with us to the music. San coming and hugging me as tears fall down my face, quickly wiping them away as I turn to him. "You ready? We are about to finish up with the last performance." San says lightly squishing my cheek as I nod. Eternal sunshine's track starts playing as we get into position, the music naturally taking over as my body flows. My eyes wondering to the empty spot next to me, my gaze falling to floor as a feeling of anxiety washes over me once again. The spot that will never be filled again, the reality is tough but it's one I'll have to accept one day. After 3 years you'd figure I would have accepted it but it's still a harsh reality that feels ever so present. The song that started it all, the song that set my career and dreams in motion. A smile making its way to my face as I think back on the time preforming it in school, all of us together, Mingi along side us. The empty spot feeling less lonely now as I spin the ring around my finger ever so slightly. The crowd freaking out as I comeback to reality, fans freaking out as they take my gaze as something more. Smiling I wave as I jump to my next position, finishing the last bit. A smile plastered on my face as we come together on the platform bowing to the crowd.

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