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2 months later

"We get to work with Min?!" Wooyoung yells jumping around, my heart rate skyrocketing as I sit in shock listening to them.Would he even want to see me? Has he moved on? Is he happy? I've avoided looking into him until recently because I didn't want to obsess or constantly worry about him. All he knew was that he was a pretty successful producer now and it was hard to get time with him, aside from his relationship status that is. That could all be fake as well though, no one in this industry is honest about their relationships nowadays. "This is so exciting, I can't believe we get to work with him. How'd you do it Joong? I'm surprised he didn't tell me, we were literally talking last night." San asks excitedly as leans up from the couch. They are still in touch? If San is in touch Woo definitely is too, how many of the other members are still close with Mingi?

"It was actually kind of easy, the issue was our schedules truly." Hongjoong says leaning back in his chair as he looks to the members, my heart now aching from the rate it was beating in my chest. How was I gonna play this? Calm and collected? My normal bubbly self and act like nothing ever happened? A throat clearing snaps me from my thoughts as I relax my furrowed brows, looking around confused as everyone stares at me. "So?" Seonghwa asks placing his hand on my knee, looking at it I raise my eyebrow questioningly. "So what?" I ask severely confused at this point, what's even going on right now? "Will you be okay working with him?" Jongho asks smirking as he lays back crossing his arms over his chest. I nod lightly looking as everyone stares, clearing my throat as I sit up. "Yeah I'll be completely fine, why would it matter to me?" Calm and collected seems to the only route I can pick at this point since I've backed myself into a corner by zoning out.

"Good because we start working with him tomorrow, he's got a rough draft of what we are going for so there's about to be a lot of work for this single." Hongjoong says clapping his hands together loudly as he makes his way to his feet. Wooyoung and San bouncing around on the couch as they giggle shaking each other in celebration. As everyone started conversing about how excited they are and couldn't wait because they miss the boy from before. "I take it everyone is still close with Mingi then?" Raising my eyebrow, causing everyone to slowly turn towards me.

"We all are still pretty close with Min, some more than others." Yeosang says point over to woosan who sit staring at me, not sure how to navigate the situation. Knowing they are my best friends and have kept something like this from me leaves a sinking feeling in my chest. The feeling expanding as I take a deep breath to control it, running my hands through my hair as I give my ring a spin at the end letting my hand drop. "I'm sorry Yun, we just didn't wanna upset you is all." San says lightly as he drops Wooyoung hand, as he scratches his nape letting his gaze fall. "Yeah we know it was tough for both of you, so we didn't wanna be a constant reminder." Wooyoung says nervously as everyone shuffles awkwardly, the tension in the room palpable as theirs gazes shift around the room to each other and around again.

"Guys it's not that serious, I was just curious." I laugh, now playing the bubbly self like nothing happened route. The tension in the room dissipates immediately, as they all sigh of relief. "See guys, nothing to worry about this is why I said that we should have told him sooner!" Wooyoung yells as he giggles jumping on San, quickly wrapping his arms around his neck. This might be more difficult than I originally thought, the sinking feeling increasing as I sit there. "I'm gonna head out though, night guys." I say heading out the door, an echo of 'goodnight's being heard as I'm closing the door, the last thing said catching my attention but not stopping me in the least. I just can't be here any longer.

"It's literally 4pm, why would he go to sleep."


"Yah! Yun let us in! We are on a schedule!" Wooyoung yells beating on my door, seems like he's already made himself at home inside my apartment. Putting the code in and slipping inside without knocking I'm sure, only to be greeted by my locked bedroom door. Rubbing my eyes I sit up, the cold air nipping at my warm skin as the blanket bunches up around my waist. "How does he go to sleep at 4pm and still doesn't wake up on time?" San says slightly irritated as a tap begins on the door again. Great, so he's not alone either. "Guys I'm up, give me a second." Grabbing the shirt that was tossed on the floor next to the bed, slipping it on over my head as I made my way to the door.

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