Bonded [M](unedited)

315 11 2

*thank you for 1k reads honestly this is so exciting to me, thank you so much. I know it's not a lot to some but I never imagined getting this many. I was so excited when I had only 14 views. There's smut in this chapter so tread carefully*

Grabbing my phone from the bathroom sink I take in my appearance in the mirror, sighing as I see just how I feel. Exhausted. Things haven't been the best the last few weeks, Mingi has been moody and distant with me. Shoving my phone into my pocket I skip downstairs to the loud knocking and giggles on the other side, swinging the door open. "Hey Hwa, Joong, come in." I say turning on my heel as I make my way to the living room, dropping down onto Mingi who is sprawled out on the couch, texting away on his phone. A puff of air escaping him as I cuddle into him, his hand quickly making its way to pat my head. "Hey baby, you okay?" He asks raising an eyebrow to me, I nod slightly as my head rests on his chest. The pet name and the beat of his heart warming me as I take it in, am I wrong to be exhausted?

It's not long before Hongjoong and Seonghwa make their way in and get comfortable on the couch, which doesn't last long for me at least as Mingi gets a phone call. Instantly answering it, pressing it to his ear as he leans back away from me a bit. "Hey San-ah. Yeah, that's fine. Alright I'll be right out." Mingi says hanging up as he taps me lightly, sitting up I let the once trapped boy up. Watching as he adjust his clothes and jewelry, leaning down and pecking my lips quickly. "Sans here, we are gonna go get food and go shopping. You guys have fun." He says quickly making his way out, my irritation getting the best of me as I sigh deeply leaning back into the couch with my eyes closed as my head rest on the back. "You seriously okay Yun? What was that?" Seonghwa asks shock on his face as he looks between me and the door, I laugh lightly. "He's been acting off since the dance team tryouts a few days ago, he's mad Yeonjun and I are friends and he made it. Saying he doesn't like how close we've become." Opening my eyes as I let my head fall towards them, confusion on their face as they take in the information.

"Is it serious?" Hongjoong asks nervously as he looks to Seonghwa and I, I shake my head looking back to the ceiling. "He'll get over it eventually, he knows I'm social and friendly with everyone. Plus he's all those things, he's funny, tall, handsome and friendly." Seonghwa laughing at my words, pulling my attention back to the duo. Hongjoong running his hands on his face as he looks at me, disapproval evident as they look at me. "Yunho, that's the issue, he's not used to it. He's still so new to you and you guys are complete opposites, he's very closed off. Seeing you give and receive all this attention is scary to him, because he doesn't give and receive like you do. You just confuse it because he's so open with you and San, with us he's even closed off." My shoulders slump as let my eyes fall to my lap, playing with my fingers. "That's just who I am, I can change who I am just like he can't change who he is." Tears slightly brimming my eyes as my voice cracks, reality hitting me as I think about it all. "Is this really how things will play out? I love him so much, but I don't think either of us should have to change." I quickly cover my face as tears start to fall, the weight of everything coming to fruition.

"Yunho, it doesn't have to go that far, you two can figure this out, I promise." Seonghwa says as he moves next to me, his hand finding its way to my back as he rubs small circles. The warmth of his hand on my back being all I need to breakdown completely, quiet sobs slip from my lips as it takes everything in me to pull myself together. "That's the thing, I don't think he should change or I should. I don't want to walk on egg shells and neither should he, I want him to be happy and I can't give him that." I choke out, wiping the fallen tears from my face as they sit there staring at me. Not sure what I'm gonna do or say next I'm sure, a sad smile on my face a laugh slips from my lips. "It's okay guys, we'll figure it out. I'll talk to him when he gets home, it'll be okay. We'll figure it out." At this point I'm sure I'm just trying to reassure myself, but change is coming either way.

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