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*Smut warning, I'll put a note for when it's over so you can read from there*



I wake to the sunbeams hitting me directly in the face, a weight still ever present on my chest and a sense of panic setting in. Mingi is sleeping soundly on my chest, and I have a problem that's also awaken with me with his thigh still present pushing into me making it even more difficult for me. Trying to stay as still as possible hoping it'll go away and he won't move and make it worse. My hearts racing at this point, as I raise my hand blocking the sun from hitting his face. It'd be terrible timing if he woke up now, I lay my head back into the pillow as I look at the ceiling trying to think of anything to get my problem to go away. It doesn't seem like lucks on my side though as I feel Mingi stirring, his thigh digging into me as he shifts.

A groan slips from my lips before I can stop it, Mingi sitting up quickly, the blankets uncovering me and my problem. I quickly look to him, his shocked eyes darkening as he's now locked in on the situation I'm in. Heat instantly rising to my face as his eyes slowly pan up to my face, I sit frozen not sure what to do, just waiting for him to say anything at all. His sharp eyes boring into mine, only thing being heard is my erratic breathing. Looking away, the tension being more than I could handle as I reach to cover myself, my wrist being caught before I can do so. Snapping my attention back as lips smack onto mine, I sit shocked for a second. The feeling of his plump slightly chapped lips on mine, it takes me a second to register what's happening.

I start to feel him pull back, I pull my wrist from his now lax grasp, grabbing to back of his neck not allowing him to move further. Our lips move in sync after a few seconds, swiping my tongue across his bottom lip, he quickly opens up as we fight for dominance. One hand on the back of his neck and the other now on his waist, pulling him closer to me as he grinds down onto me. Groaning into his mouth as I pull back, biting my now swollen lips as he sits up on my thighs. "Min." My voice thick with lust, his eyes heavy as I feel his hand start to palm me. Biting my bottom lip to stifle the moan the threats to pool out, anticipation and excitement having me completely wired. I quickly sit up flipping him onto his back, pinning his hand above his head as I start grinding down onto him. My head in the crook of his neck as he gasps at the contact, trailing my lips from his neck to his lips.

He quickly reacts as I let my hands roam down his body and underneath his shirt, taking in the warm soft skin. Pulling away he yanks off his shirt quickly pulling mine off as we take each other in, my eyes following his gaze as it rakes down my body until it lands on my now painful bulge. My sweats not leaving anything to the imagination at this point, turning my attention to his, "Min, are you-"

"Shut up and take my clothes off." Whatever control I had, now long gone. Ripping his underwear and sweats down in one go throwing them across the room as I take him into a lip bruising kiss. I release his wrist as I reach down grabbing ahold of his hard member, pre cum leaking as I trace my fingers over his sensitive head. He bucks his hips as a low moan slips from his lips. "Shhh you'll have to keep quiet if you want this to go further princess, the doors unlocked and I don't have it in me to leave you to lock it." He nods slightly, as I tighten my grip, starting to pump him slowly. Biting his lip, he throws his head back into the couch trying to stifle his moans. I tighten my grip more, quickening my pace as I watch him melt in my hands. His breathing labored as he looks at me through hooded eyes, kissing down his neck leaving small love bites and trailing to his chest as I take his nipple into my mouth. Swirling my tongue across the sensitive area as he bucks his hips even more now. Grabbing his waist and pushing him into the couch to keep him still, I look up as I trail further down. Stopping at his hip as he stares at me, eyes completely black and lip bright red and swollen.

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