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*extra long chapter to make up for the fact I was gone and for the fact there's only a few chapters left to this story*

"Again!" Mr. Kim yelled across the dance room, sweat pouring down the side of my face as I use the collar of my shirt to wipe my brow and side of my face. Panting and heavy breathing being heard echoing around the room, as I take everyone in through the mirror. I don't see us going again, looking to Mr. Kim I shake my head slightly. "They'll be no good in this state, everyone take 5." I say walking over to him as I stand looking at the others who are now in puddles on the floor, Mingi leaned again the mirror, head back as he sits with his water in his lap, eyes closed. "They need breaks, they aren't like us." I laugh lightly looking at Mr. Kim, who just nods taking everyone in.

"You ever thought about what you'll do if you don't make it as an idol?" He asks turning to me, smiling I look away. "I never plan for failure, because then I'd be doubting myself later. So no I've never thought about it and hopefully never will. I don't want a backup plan because then I'll feel like it's okay to give up." Smiling I look to him as he stares at me, shaking his head as he looks back to everyone else. "Wish I would have thought like that at your age, maybe then I would have gone further." He laughs sadly, a look of longing as he looks at all his exhausted students. "I think it was fate, without you I wouldn't have been so driven. I wouldn't be who I am now, my love for dancing wouldn't be as strong because I wouldn't have been taught with as much passion." Patting his shoulder as I walk over to Mingi, dropping down to grab his water taking a swig as I look at him. His chest rising and falling with his rapid breathing from dancing at a high pace and still being fairly new, his hair a mess as he ran his hand through it and the sweat made it stand up. "Mmm, seeing you like this reminds me of a lot of things." I say lightly as I check the mirror to make sure no one else was close enough to hear. Mingi's breath hitches as he opens one eye peaking at me, a smile making its way to his lips. "Alright you little perv, maybe roles be reversed so I can get your stamina." He laughs, as he lifts his head.

"My stamina comes from this, same with my movements love, better get to practicing." I wink making my way to my feet as I clap turning to the others. "Alright guys, let's get started again."


"Is he always this hard on everyone?" Yeonjun asks turning to me as we both lean against the practice room wall. Opening one eye I peer over to him, nodding slightly as I take a deep breath making my way to my feet. "Yeah he's always this tough, he used to train to be an idol but didn't make it so he pushes us hard so we can have a taste of what it's like. Don't take offense to it, trust he's only doing it for your own good. I know your other dance coach isn't this intense, trust Wooyoung has talked about it." I laugh looking over to the cackling boy who is with San and Mingi laid out on the couch. "Yeah he warned me, but I didn't think it'd be this intense." He whines sipping from his drink, before putting the lid back on and tossing it aside.

"Yeah, most the people in this room will be gone in a few weeks. They will weed themselves out, so if you truly want this future I hope you will stick it out." Crouching down I tap his knee encouragingly as he looks to me a bit nervously. "I'm worried I won't make it honestly, I love dance it's my passion but I'm scared for what else is to come." He says running his hand through his hair, as he looks to me. A dry laugh being heard across the room pulling our attention, mingi laughing as he stares at us. Wooyoung and San awkwardly shifting their gaze between us and Mingi, as Mingi stands walking over leaving him towering over us as we remind crouched/sitting on the floor.

"Can we talk Yunho?" The mention of my full first name making my heart sink more than I'd like to admit, standing I follow Mingi out of the practice room stopping when I almost run into him. "What was that?" Mingi asks, his tone stern and angered as he stares daggers at me. "Min, it was nothing I was literally just talk to him about sticking it all out. He doesn't think he'll make it." Taking a deep breath after to keep calm knowing that if I get angry it'll escalate things further. "That's for him to worry about, I don't understand why he's always going to you with his issues. He's got other friends who can relate, why is it ALWAYS YOU?" He asks sternly, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares at me. "He looks up to me Min, it's not that serious. We talk about you all the time, and he's happy we are together, I have nothing to hide. I'm sure you two could easily become friends as well." Keeping my tone and voice as level as possible as I feel Mingis frustration and anger radiating off him in waves.

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