Take Me Home (unedited)

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*I haven't been writing Mingis but at the end so it's going to be purely from Yunhos POV unless stated otherwise. Thank you so much for reading! :)*


Two months later

Things have gotten better since everything happened, break is going well, Seonghwa and Hongjoong have applied to colleges with scholarships earned for their fine arts. Mainly the music and dance programs, talk of Mingi and I has died down because they realize talking about something that's true is all too boring. Too scared that what happened at school could happen again, this time with no buffer. My parents are well aware of our relationship and have given up on keeping Mingi out of my room after catching him sneak in to sleep my room multiple times. My mom giving us the talk and protection and begging us to lock the door if we did anything because she didn't wanna be scarred. I remember my face burning at the conversation especially when Mingi asked if it was fine if stuff did happen, my mom's face was also dusted in a blush. It's hard to catch my mom off guard but even Mingi seems to fluster her too with his bluntness, but nonetheless she said yes as long as she couldn't hear.

I can definitely say that Mingi's bluntness though a gift is also I curse when it comes to him telling our friend group too much. His mouth being acquainted with my hand in more ways than one, and he made sure they knew about it as well. Mingi and San have become extremely close whereas Wooyoung and I have, you can say that double dates happen a lot with us. Seonghwa is still stagnant with Hongjoong and Hongjoong still is refusing to acknowledge Seonghwas feelings in general. Saying it's purely friendship, though there's times when I find it extremely doubtful as I catch him staring and smiling when Seonghwas not looking.

A sigh is heard next to me pulling me out of my deep train of thought, looking over I see Mingi waking. Hair sticking up, face slightly swollen, as he stretches out. "Good morning sleepy head, how'd you sleep?" I laugh reaching over soothing his hair the best I could as he cuddles into my chest, him whining as the vibration from my laugh bobs his head a bit. "I don't wanna get up" he groans as he grips onto my shirt tugging on it as he rubs his face into my chest. "Come on Min, we have to get ready, I have some stuff I need to get before the school year starts tomorrow." The mention of school making him snap up, looking down to me before getting up and running out of the room. "I completely forgot I have to get some stuff too, let me change." He yells as I shake my head, heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.


"I forgot how hard it is to wake up early, I can't believe you are so lively, can you chill out?" Mingi grumbles as he's a few paces behind me as I skip my bag bouncing with me, spinning on my heel I look to him. "I told you to stay and leave at the normal time but you wanted to come with me, don't blame me for that." I giggle walking towards him, stopping in front of him causing him to come to a halt. Putting my finger under his chin, tilting his head up so I can look directly into his eyes causing his breath to hitch in his throat. His eyes, the eyes that put me in a trance like state making me lose track of time, their sharp appearance being so alluring and warming. Leaning down I capture his lips, a heat radiating throughout my body as he returns the kiss immediately.

"Ah, I'll never get tired of that feeling. Figured I'd get one more in before I have to wait until the end of the day." I huff my giddy feeling slightly dampening at the realization, as Mingi now matches my pace as we arrive at the school gates. "Well now you know why I came, because I knew I'd want one before I had to wait until we were home. Why are we here so early though, Mr. School Rep." he teases looking at empty school which will be lively and bustling in about half an hour. "Im glad you came because that already made my day way better after that. I have to get the iPad that's got all the new student information, so I can help them around the school if they need it. Let's head inside before everyone gets here." I say grabbing his hand and dragging him to the door, stopping just before we go inside. I turn to him quickly pecking his lips leaving him in shock as I pull the door open, holding it open for him. "You coming or you gonna sit there stunned until school starts?" I laugh, shaking his head as he walks through, hitting me in the stomach as he walks through. "You said no couple contact at school." He said flustered as he walks towards the office, a blush on his cheeks as he turns away from me. Cute.

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