i hated you but now i can't

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"Fuck I'm late" I say putting on my clothes it was a Tuesday morning and I was late for school I bearly even saw the clothes I was wearing so when I looked in the mirror I was surprised with the outfit it was a black crop top and some leggings

I grabbed my shoes and tied them and grabbed my bag and phone "you heading to school finally?" My best friend said "yep see ya" I said walking out of the house locking the door behind me getting in my car and heading to school

My phone went off and I looked and saw my best friend Kaley was calling me Kaley was my best friend since birth she wasn't that much younger then me only a year I was 16 and she was 15 we live together as her parents kicked her out and mine did the same to me so we live in a house and we both have 2 jobs to help with the bills "what's up batman" I say answering the phone "Hey so I can't come to school today I got called into work can you please tell the teacher I'm out sick" she said I snorted "yea don't worry boo I got your back" I said "thanks bestie love ya" she said I smiled "love you to bitch" I said and she hung up

I made it to school and rushed into class and saw everyone staring at me "what like yall haven't been late before" I said and sat down "yea but we don't come to school as late as you do though" I heard someone say I turned around and saw the person I hate the most Micheal, I rolled my eyes and turned back around "come on Mikey leave her be" his friend lorenzo said he was sitting next to me so I looked at him "thank you" I said he nodded

Class is taking forever and I hear my phone go off I reach down to grab it I see a 911 message from Kaley I raise my hand "yes y/n" the teacher says "can I go to the bathroom" I ask she nods and I walk put and call her "y/n..." she says "yeah??" I say "I uhm I got fired from work" she said I stayed silent "what happened?" I asked I could hear hew softly crying "a customer put her hands on me and my coworker saw me do it back but I got in trouble" she said I felt angry "I'm really sorry Kaley..look when I get done with school and work we can watch a movie and eat junk food" I say knowing she loves doing that "thanks y/n I'll talk to you later" she said and hung up a few seconds later I hear a loud bang I freeze up and hear another one I ran into the bathroom and of course it's the boys one I saw Micheal washing his hands "what the hell are you doing? The is the boys room" He says but soon stops when he hears the gun go off "was that a gun?" He asks I shake my head and grab his hand pulling him into a stall and locked the door sitting on the mini trash can he did the same just from across me we heard five more loud pops and alot of screaming I started sobbing and he was panicking to the gun shots soon stopped and the door opened I slaped my hand over my mouth and we heard a familiar voice it was Shakes "who is it?" I say "Caleb Williams..and Tommy was shot to" he said and crawled under the stall into mine and Micheals Shakes had blood on his shirt "fuck are you shot?" I asked he shook his head yes "yea I'm fine tho but Tommy isn't" he said and we heard cop sirens and we heard the guy get arrested when we realized it was over Micheal pushed past Shakes to the sink and threw up I started sobbing again and Shakes sat down on the toilet from dizziness "hey its over your gonna be ok" he says to me and a cop walks in getting us out and getting Shakes to the hospital

Tommy Shakes and John were ok 1 student died Marcus Wilson who was shot 5 times in a row I felt numb and then i hear a beep and its my phone I check and it's a random number

The text messages
Y/n: who's this?
Micheal: Micheal Sullivan from school
Y/n: oh hey..how did you get my number??
Micheal: well your friends with Shakes and he gave it to me
Y/n: oh..are you ok?
Micheal: I'm trying to be but it's not really working..you?
Y/n: eh I've been better but rn I just feel numb
Micheal: oh well wanna hang out sometime tomorrow? I know we don't really get along but ig we can hang out
Y/n: sure ig I'll see you tomorrow

I set my phone down and tried to close my eyes but I couldn't sleep everytime I closed my eyes I felt like I was dying...

I woke up the next morning and 11 and checked my phone Micheal texted me to meet him and the park I got up and took a shower and got dressed putting on leggings and a hoodie I walked down stairs and see Kaley "heyy look whos up I made us breakfast you want some?" She asked "uh not right now I'm heading to the park" I said she nodded "who are you going with" she asked and I took a minute to answer "uh Micheal Sullivan from school" I said she looked shocked "wow that's surprising" she said I nodded "well see you later" she said and I walked out the door

I made it to the park and saw Mike sitting on the grass and I sat next to him "hey" I said he looked at me "hey" he said "you ok?" I asked "been better, you?" He said I just shrugged it was awkward as hell but after awhile it got better we talked for hours and realized I  shouldn't have hated him that much

We spent more time together and became pretty close he was dating Carol and I was seeing Shakes I liked Shakes but there was something about Micheal that I really liked I knew it was wrong to like him since I'm already with someone but it's hard when the person you like is sitting right across from you the only other person who new I liked him was Kaley, Shakes had pretty much known but didn't leave me because of how he felt for me I cared about Shakes so much and I do wanna be with him but i can't get myself over Micheal and Carol knows I can tell because whenever she's around she makes it known that Micheal is hers

One day me and Carol had gotten into a argument when she thought I was trying to get with Micheal I wasn't though but she still thought I was. She told a different story to Micheal she said I called her a stupid bitch who only wanted attention so when Micheal saw me he was pissed "Mikey wait! Let me explain" I said walking after him "what's there to explain? You called my girlfriend a stupid bitch what else is there to explain y/n" He said I didn't know what to say he wouldn't even let me finish talking "why do you even care y/n? You hated me not even 2 weeks ago and now it's like your addicted or in love with me" he said and I finally told him "because maybe I do have feelings for you Mike! Maybe I do ok yes I hated you but I can't anymore you're not who I thought you were you're not an asshole who only cares about himself you're a nice, funny, smart handsome person sorry I feel that way for you it won't happen ever again!" I yelled and turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm "y/n I wish you told me before me and Carol were together and you and Shakes i liked you to but you do know we can't I love Carol" he said of course I understood because I felt the same about Shakes "I know and I love Shakes" I said he smiled a little bit "let's promise never to fight again and I'll talk to Carol about this" he said and I nodded he hugged me and I didn't want to let go but I did he walked away and I turned to see Shakes "Shakes I-I'm sorry I hope you know I do still lov-" "I know you do and I love you to and I'll be with you for as long as you want me to" he said I smiled and hugged him..me and Mikey are still friends and me and Carol made amends we became close friends and me and Shakes are still together and happy I'll always have some sort of feelings for Micheal but honestly we are better off as just friends....

Me: welllllll this was fun I might do another version with the other characters
1576 words

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