what he did

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"It's nice to see you hun" my mom said as I walked inside. I hadn't been to her house in 6 years as I left at 18. "Yea I missed you" I said and hugged her.

"I missed you to. I feel like we never see each other. You've grown up so much" she said as we sat down on the couch "well it's been six years" I said taking a drink if my water.

"yea it's been quite a while. Do you still talk to the boys? I heard John and Tommy are in jail. They killed some guard" she said "oh yea I still talk to them mostly Shakes. But I also talk to Carol. But yea they did kill the guard" I said leaning back and sighing.

"why though? I mean all the guard was doing was sitting there. Why kill a man who hasn't done anything to you?" She asked, all I could think of is what the guard had done to my friends and I, my mom knew nothing about it "maybe he deserved it" I said quietly but she heard.

"what do you mean?" She asked "maybe he did something to them that made them want to kill him. Maybe he hurt them in some way that was unforgivable" I said while getting small flashbacks to the things I tried so hard to burry in my head.

"what could that guard have done that was so unforgivable that they had to take his life away? He probably had a wife and kids who are devastated that they'll never be able to see him again" she said and I felt my eyes stinging but I held it in.

"If you only knew" I whispered closing my eyes causing a tear to fall into my hand "would you like something to eat?" She asked, thankfully she didn't hear what I said "no thank you" I said trying my hardest not to cry.

"Y/n what's wrong?" She asked and I shook my head "nothing mom" I said refusing to look at her "no something is wrong. What is it about that guard that makes everyone so upset?" She asked.

I finally turned to face her and sighed as I was about to tell her what happend to me and my friends "he was a...he was a guard at wilkinsons" I said wiping my face.

"What happened at that place that messed you guys up? What did the guard do?" She asked "well remember Sean Nokes? The guard who escorted us out on our release day?" I asked and she nodded "well he was the one they killed. He hurt us at that place mom" I said.

"What did he do to you guys?" She asked moving closer to me "he uh, he and his guard buddy's would beat on us" I said "what else?" She asked "they" I paused and sighed "they raped us mom" I said finally crying.

She put her hand over her mouth and I could tell he was about to cry "why didn't you tell me?" She asked and I wiped my face "I was scared. We all were" I said and she hugged me.

"That's why they killed him" I said and she pulled away "I'm proud of them and you for being strong" she said and I smiled a little "I wasn't strong there mom you should've seen us. We were scared shitless. I mean Jesus Christ John and Tommy had it the worst. The guards would beat on John the most and make fun of Tommy" I said "and each of the guards picked one of us as there personal target" I said leaning forward.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked "I mean like each if the guards would choose one of us. Henry Addison picked Shakes. He tortured the fuck out of him. Ralph Ferguson picked John. He would go into his sell at night and make him do things for him. Adam Styler picked Tommy. He'd mostly abuse him verbally calling him fat and that kind of shit. And Sean Nokes picked Mikey and me since there were only four guards and five of us. He would go into my sell and drag me around each of the boy's sells, making us do stuff infront of them. And he'd beat on Micheal so much he gave him a broken leg once" I said letting everything out.

My mom was crying "what do you mean make you do stuff with the boys?" She asked. She sort of knew what I meant but she wanted to know everything that happened. "Well...on our first day there the guards brought us down to this basement thing and wanted to do stuff to us. When I said no Nokes said "either I do stuff to you or you fuck each of the boys right here" I didn't want to get hurt but I also knew that we were just kids I mean Jesus we were fourteen. So I did it with the boys thinking it would get us out of a beating but he lied. We still got a beating from them" I said slightly sobbing into me sleeve.

Mom cried a bit more "so is that why you didn't want anyone to hug you or kiss you?" She asked and I nodded "yeah..I didn't want to be touched by anyone I just wanted to be left alone" I said leaning back.

"Well you are strong sweetie" mom said "I wasn't then...non of us were..they made us think that we weren't. That's why John and Tommy ended up like this, they wanted to take control of there own body" I said "it wasn't them who actually killed him" I whispered so softly but she heard "then who did?" She asked leaning closer and I leaned forward and looked at her "I did" I said.

Mom looked in shock "what do you mean?" She asked and I sighed "I was there when they killed him. When they were shooting him I grabbed one of the guns and shot him straight in the head and killed him" I said crying "how did you not end up where they are?" She asked "well I was wearing gloves with my outfit so my DNA isn't on the gun so John and Tommy took the blame" I said hugging my knees "I tried to get them not to but they wouldn't listen" I said.

"We'll find a way to get them out" she said and wrapped her arms around me "Mikey already has a plan" I said...

Me: Ok so this is sort of a part 2 to 'shoot him'. This is pretty much what happened afterwards..
1127 words

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