Crushing on you

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Me: for Izzyautumn13 hope you enjoy😁😁

You shot awake from your sleep thanks to your alarm going off you looked at the clock and saw the time 5:00 a.m. school didn't start until 8:00 but you wanted time to get ready you groaned and pushed yourself from the comfy state of your bed and made your way to the bathroom getting in the shower

After a 10 minute shower you walked out brushing your teeth and putting your hair in a ponytail you made your way to the closest grabbing your school uniform *why did my mother have to put me in a Catholic School* you thought to yourself you didn't really believe in God but you didn't complain much to make your mom happy you put on your school uniform and put on a little bit of makeup and made your way down stairs.

You came to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and you saw your mom come down "morning mom" you said shoveling the food into your mouth she came up behind you giving you a kiss on the top of your head "morning sweetie" she said grabbing a cup of coffee "excited for you first day back?" She asked you looked up and shrugged "not really I mean it's no longer spring break so I can't really do much in the day time" you said "well you'll see your friends" she said you shrugged again bringing your bowl to the sink and washing it and your mom was right you would get to see your friends the same friends you've had since kindergarten. You grabbed your backpack and hugged your mom "have a good first day and school y/n" she said you smiled "thanks" you said and got on the bus.

You made it to school and when you got off the bus you saw one of your friends Micheal "hey y/n" He said as you walked over "hey Mikey" you said giving him a side hug "ready for school?" He asked as you both walked inside "not really I'm tired as hell" you said he laughed a little "yea same" he said. You walked over to your locker and saw John "hey John" you said he smiled "heyy you look nice" he said opening his locker he had always had a crush and you but you never knew he never told anybody. you smiled a bit "it's the same uniform I wore last year but thank you I appreciate it" you said grabbing your stuff "whats your first class?" He asked you looked at your schedule "math" you said "dang I have history" he said "is it the same teacher who Shakes hit in the back if the head with the snowball last winter?" You asked leaning against the locker "I think..Man I still can't believe Shakes did that" he said and yku laughed "right and then the teacher smaked Shakes with the belt until he was tired" you say and John smiles "yea I felt bad for Shakes" he said and you nodded "well I gotta head to class see ya later John" you said walking away "see ya" he said smiling and contemplating on whether he should tell you he likes you or not.

After a few classes it was lunch time as you walked outside to a lunch table and sat down to eat and you saw the guys heading over to you "hey guys" you said as they all sat down "hey" they said "you ready for school?" Shakes said "if someone asks that one more time I'm gonna lose my shit" you say and they laugh. A few minutes later you feel John sit something on your leg you look and see a peice of paper you looked at him and he smiled and went back to his food you looked at it 'meet me at the basketball court after school' it read you folded the paper and finished eating wondering what he wanted to tell you.

School end and you walk to the basketball court and see John throwing the basketball in the hoop you walk up and catch the ball "hey" you say he smiles "hey" he says and looks at you for a second "Wanna play?" He asks and you nod bouncing the ball and shooting in it the hoop "your good" he says grabbing the ball "thanks father Bobby helps me sometimes" you say and look at him "so what did you need?" You ask and he goes quiet for a second "well uhm I wanted to tell you something that I've been wanting to tell you but have never had the courage to tell you" he said you looked confused wondering what it is "look y/n I like you I really do and I understand if you don't like me back it's fine but I was wondering if you'd wanna go out with me?" He says and your speechless which never happens you then smile "I'm glad you said that because honestly I like you to" you said and he smiled "and yes I'll go out with you" you said and he hugged you, you smiled and hugged him back "I'll pick you up at 6:30" he said "ok see ya" you said as he walked away.

You came home and saw your mom "mom guess what" you said and she turned to you "whats up?" She asked and you sat down next to him "I have a date!" You said and she smiled "with John he asked me out" you say "oh so you finally told him you like him" she said and you looked confused "how'd you know I liked him" you asked "a mother always knows now when's he picking you up" she asked "uh 6:30" you said she stood up "ok well let's get you ready because he's picking you up in a hours he said and you stood heading to your room.

After 45 minutes you were finally ready you had on a cute black dress and short heels your hair was curled and you re-did your makeup. A little bit later you heard a knock at the door your mom went to answer it "hello John" she said and he smiled "hello miss L/n" you stood up and walked over to him and his eyes lit up "you look beautiful" he said and you smiled "this is for you" he said handing you a flower "thanks" you say "alright have her home by 8" your mom said "will do" he said and grabbed your hand leading you outside "bye mom" you said "bye have fun" she said. "So where are we going?" You asked he smiled "you'll see" he said.

You guys made it to the movie theater and walked in sitting down "have you ever seen this?" He asked "nope" you said eating the popcorn "your makeup looks nice" he said and you smiled "thanks" you said. After the movie you both walked to get some ice cream "that movie was amazing I love the part where the killer stabbed the girl in the neck" you say licking your ice cream "yea it was good. Hey wanna go for a walk through the park?" He asked "sure" you said.

You guys made it back to your place "well that was fun" you said and he smiled "so y/n would you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked you smiled "yes" you said and he smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek "see you at school tomorrow" he said "see ya" you said but before he walked away you heard noise "well how was your date guys?" You both flinch and look to see Micheal Tommy and shakes "how'd you guys find out?" You asked "we came by to ask you something and your mom told us" Tommy said "oh" you said and they smiled "well as long as you both are happy we are to" shakes said and you smiled "thanks but I gotta get to bed goodnight guys" you said "goodnight" they said. You walked in "did you have fun" you mom said popping out of nowhere "yea let me tell you everything" you said walking over to the couch you were happy knowing he liked you back and you were happy to be with him..

Me: thanks for the idea😁
1413 words

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