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Me: this takes place in 1967. Sorry for being gone again I'll be explaining why at the end. Enjoyyy😁😁😁

"Y/n, if you won't wake up I'm gonna tell Micheal you like him" I heard my brother, Tommy, say as he shakes my shoulder "if you tell him I'll tell Casey about your wet dreams" I say from under the blanket. That was the unfortunate thing about sharing a room with my brother. I. Hear. Everything. And I mean absolutely everything.

I pushed myself on my elbows and looked around the room and saw Tommy putting his shoes on "what are you doing?" I ask sitting up completely "I'm gonna go hang out with the guys. Wanna come?" He says, I stood up and turned to face him "no thanks, I'm gonna hang out with Miley, Aria, and Casey" I say, Tommy looks at me and glares "not Casey please" he pleads, I laugh and walk over to him "don't worry I'm not gonna tell her about your gross crush on her" I say, Tommy has liked Casey for 6 years but doesn't have the guts to tell her. "Thank you" he says, he stands up and heads for the door "I'll be back by six" he says, "ok have fun" I say, he smirks and leans against the door "want me to give Mikey a kiss for you?" He asks, in response I threw my shoe at him. He doged it laughing "bye sis" he says walking out of the door "bye Tommy!" I yell.

I get dressed and walk out the door and head to the park and see my friends "hey, Y/n" Miley says, I smile and sit down next to them "hey" I say "so does your brother still like Casey?" Aria asks, "it's been six years of course he still does" I say, as much as Tommy tried to hide how he felt for Casey he really sucked at not showing it. So in conclusion she ended up figuring out. "Y/n, you have to tell Micheal you like him" Casey says, I look away for a second. I've liked Micheal for as long as I can remember. He's always been super sweet and really cute "hell no" I say grabbing my soda "hell yes, Y/n, he likes you back I promise" Aria says, she smiles "No, Aria" I say leaning against the tree and she sighs "guys smile" Miley says, holding up her camera. Miley loved taking pictures of people. She always said it's better to have something to remember these moments by, instead of just a memory. We all leaned next to her and she took the picture 4 times so each of us had one. "Y/n, please tell Micheal you like him" Casey said, I sighed even more "do you want me to tell Tommy you like him to?" I ask, she looks at me like she's shooting daggers at me "exactly" I said, she rolled her eyes. We spent the rest of the time eating snacks and taking pictures and of course them telling me to tell Mikey I like him..

Me, Miley, Aria and Casey walked back to my place and saw my brother and his friends on the couch reading some random comic books "hey, dingus's" I say, the guys look up "hey, girls" John says, Aria sits down infront of Shakes, him being her older brother, while Miley starts looking through the pictures. "Hey, Casey, can I uh, talk to you for a minute?" Tommy asks, she nods and they go up to Tommy's room "ten bucks says Tommy won't be a virgin" John says, everyone starts laughing "he's fourteen" I say, smiling
"Y/n, can you help me with something in the kitchen" Micheal says, "yeah, sure" I say, and walk to the kitchen "ten bucks says she won't be a virgin" John says, "shut up John" Shakes, Aria, and Miley say at the same time.

Me and Micheal are standing in the kitchen but he's not saying anything "Mike, what did you need help with?" I ask, he doesn't answer at first "Mikey?" I call, he steps forward until I'm against the wall "y/n, uhm, can I do something?" He asks, I don't know whether to say yes or not say anything at all. I think for a second before answering "yeah" I say, it's quiet for a second before he leans in to kiss me. I pause for a second before kissing him back. I'm confused on why he's kissing me. I know Aria, said he likes me but I never believed it. He pulled away and I didn't know what to say "probably should have done that a long time ago" he said, half smiling "yeah, probably" I said, partially laughing "so you like me?" He asks, smirking "I assuming Aria, told you?" I asked, he chuckles a little "yeah, and you suck at hiding it. Just like your brother" he says, laughing "well we are twins" I say, smiling "but yeah I do like you" I say, finally. He smiles and kisses me again, grabbing ahold of my waist "y/n, Micheal, come on the movies gonna start!" Shakes, yells from the living room. Micheal sighs and I smile "I guess we'll have to do this later" he says, moving out of my way so I can grab some chips.

We walk back into the living room and notice that Tommy and Casey still aren't back yet "are they still upstairs?" I ask, Micheal sits down and I sit next to him "yeah, ten bucks says he no longer a vir-" John gets cut off by everyone "shut up John!" John goes quiet and we all laugh "so, what took you guys so long?" Miley asks, me and Micheal. Me and mike just look at each other. The realization kicks in and everyone has a disgusted look on there face "eww, on the kitchen? Really?" Aria asks, making a grossed out face "you guys are nasty" Shakes says, handing Aria a peice of his candy "never felt more grossed out" John says, drinking his soda "I'm never going in that kitchen again" Miley says, looking away "ok, enough with the comments" I say, leaning back "so are you guys a couple now?" Shakes asks, me and Mike look at each other before looking back "yeah" I say, they all smile. Casey and Tommy walk downstairs "what took yall so long?" Me and Aria ask, in sync. We can read it in there faces. They are now dating "are you guys still virgins?" John asks, we all groan in response "yes, Johnathan we are!" Tommy says, Casey laughs and they sit down "oh, Tommy, Micheal made out with your sister" Aria said, eating more a Shakes's candy. Tommy looks over at me and Micheal "run" Tommy says, Micheal jumps up and books it out of the house and Tommy runs after him leaving us all laughing. Not surprised that Tommy and Casey are together. They're ment for each other. I'm just happy he finally told her. And having Micheal as my first boyfriend and first kiss is just the cherry on top. Long story short I'm really happy with today....

Me: OK guys I am so sorry I disappeared again. Turns out I have severe ADD and I can't concentrate for evey long. I also haven't been feeling the best and I've been super caught up with school and a few personal issues with 2 of my friends. I promise I'll be making more chapters I just don't know when they'll be out. But I promise I'll try to be more active. Love yall -Chlo💜💜

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