in love with my brothers best friend

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Me: warning this one is a little suggestive there's no smut just kissing

I layed on my bed watching tv while mine and John's parents were out for the week John had spent most of the time with his friends while I stayed at the house I wasn't that close to any of them except Shakes we were close and I had always had a crush on them since we were little kids I never told anyone not knowing if it would ruin our friendship or if John would get upset we were 13 and shakes was 14 John was my twin brother we looked identical but had to very different personalities John's the sibling who is bright and funny and is a extrovert while I'm sort of an introvert I don't really like being around people much unless it's necessary but on this day John was going to the library with Tommy and Micheal "hey miss goth I'll be back by seven" he said walking by my room "yea yea have fun" I said he then smirked "want me to say hi to Shakes for ya? And give him a hug and a kiss all over-Oww you bitch" I cut him off by throwing my shoe at him he would constantly make jokes about me liking Shakes I never told him but if I did he might not care but I don't know "just go to the library shorty" I said and he rolled his eyes "yea yea bye sis" he said walking downstairs "Bye!!" I yelled and turned my movie back on

I hear the house phone go off and I roll my eyes groaning from annoyance walking downstairs I answer the phone "hello?" I say leaning against the wall "hey y/n" I hear Shakes say over the phone instantly I get nervous "oh hey Shakes what up?" I say "well I was wondering if I could come over my parents are fighting again and I was hoping I could get out of there for awhile if that's ok" he says and I smile "yea come over and I'm sorry about your parents" I say "it's ok I'll be over in ten minutes" he says "k see ya" I say hanging up I smile to myself going back up to my room laying down

About 10 minutes later I hear a knock at the door I almost ran down the stairs falling at the last 3 steps "AHHH-" I yell hitting my back on the hard wood I get back up and open the door my hair slightly in my face "hey!" I say catching my breath Shakes looks confused "uhh what happened I heard you scream and then I heard a thud" he said moving the strands of hair from my face "oh uhm that..heh yea uhm I fell down the stairs" I said he chuckled a bit "only you would fall down the stairs" he said walking inside I smiled a little and shut the door "soo what do you wanna do?" I asked he turned to me "well let's watch a movie maybe a scary one?" He says in his mix of New York and Italian accent that always made me smile "oh yea we can watch a scary one" I said he smiled and walked upstairs I followed and he went to my room "I'm gonna go make food" I said he nodded and I walked into the kitchen and put some popcorn in the microwave two minutes later I put it in a bowl and went back up stairs and walked into my room Shakes was laying down on his back and had his eyes closed I didn't know if he was sleeping so I quietly sat down on the bed and felt him grab the bowl "oh your awake" I said and he smiled "yep never went to sleep" he said shoveling popcorn in his mouth I laughed a little and layed down next to him

We had been laying there in silence for twenty minutes it wasn't awkward though "hey uhm y/n" He said adjusting himself to rest on his elbow "yea?" I say turning to look at him "can I try something?" He asks I look at him confused "uhhh sure" I say he looks around for a minute "close your eyes" he says "you better not moon me Lorenzo Carcaterra" I say slowly my eyes "I'm not gonna moon ya" he says it was quiet for a few seconds before I felt him kiss me I froze for a second before I kissed him back he adjusted more so his upper torso was slightly hovering over me he pulled away after a minute and looked down at me "it's kinda embarrassing how long I've wanted to do that" he said I laughed a little "same" I said "soo does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asked I smiled "yea but just warning John's gonna kill us both" I say and he smiles "actually I had this coming" I hear John say I flinch and shakes looks up "oh uh hey John" I say slightly embarrassed "hello y/n hello lorenzo" he said crossing his arms "hey John" shakes said "soooo when the fuck did this happen" John said walking in me and shakes both look at each other "just now" I said sitting cross legged "oh well ok then I'm fine with this but you get her pregnant I kick your ass" John said pointing at shakes "John really" I said and he looked at me "don't worry nothings gonna happen" I said and he nodded and walked out "well that was interesting" shakes said looking at me "yea that's one word for it" I say laying on my back he lays down next to me "just saying your brothers gonna be watching our every move" he said and I laughed and nodded I felt happy for once and even tho John was gonna spy on us I didn't really care I'm just glad that me and shakes are together...

Me: another lame one but I was bored and didn't know what else to write

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