I barley know him

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Me: this takes place in 2024😁

Your pov:
"Wake up girl" I hear my best friend say shaking my shoulder. I groan and pull the blanket over my face "bitch get up" I hear Ariana say "No" I whine. She sighs and jumps on me "Ariana what do you want?" I ask annoyed "y/n let's go out. Is called a summer vacation for a reason. We didn't come to hells kitchen to lay in bed. Now get your ass up and get dressed" She says and slaps my butt "ugh fine" I say and stand up.

My family and I had just came to yells kitchen for the summer. We brought my all time best friend Ariana with us. Me and Ariana had known each other our whole lives. She wasn't that much younger then me, only 3 months. We were only 14.

I got up and put on some shorts and a long sleeve crop top "girl it's like 95 degrees outside" Ari says putting on her tank top "so? I'll be ok" I say putting on my shoes and walking to the bathroom and brushing my hair. I put on a little bit of makeup and walked out "bathrooms all yours" I say to Ari and sit on the bed and grab my phone and watch tiktok for a few minutes.

"Come on let's go" Ariana says and grabs her purse and phone. I do the same. We walk down stairs and see my parents "hey girls" my dad says "hey" me and Ari both say "where yall heading to?" My mom asked "were just gonna walk around hells kitchen for awhile. Maybe go into a Walmart or something" I say "ok well be back by seven for dinner" dad says "ok love yall bye" I say and me and Ari walk out.

We've been walking around hells kitchen for the past 5 hours going into different stores and we were getting hungry "let's find a Walmart and get some food" Ari says and I nod "imagine what this place looked like back in the sixties or fifties" I say looking around "it was probably alot nicer back then" she says. As were walking down the sidewalk cars were beeping at us with creepy old guys and weird ass 19 year olds cat-calling us "these guys are fuckin weird" Ari says and I nod another car drives by and some 19 year old dude leans out the window "looking good girls" he says "shut the fuck up were fuckimg minors asshole!!" Ari yells. I stood there in shock because she never cusses "holy shit Aria" I say and she laughs.

We made it to Walmart and walked inside and was greeted by a tall girl with brown hair and greet eyes "hello" she says "hi" me and Ariana say and start walking around the store with a shopping cart "where the hell is the apple sauce?" I ask and she shrugs "let's ask someone" Ari says "lets ask him" she says pointing to a tall dark haired boy stocking shelves "ok" I say and we walk over to him "ask him" she whispers "fine" I say and tap his shoulder "excuse me sir" I say and he turns around. *wow this boy is cute* I thought to myself "do you need any help?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts "oh, right, uhm, where is the apple sauce?" I ask. I can feel Ari staring at me "oh that's on isle nine. Want me to show you?" He asks before I could answer Ariana spoke "yes please" she said and grabbed the cart "ok follow me" he says and we start walking.

As were walking I get lost in thought again. The boy was really cute. He had dark hair and brown eyes. I shouldn't like him. I barley know him. "Looks like someone's in love" Ariana says and I slap her arm "no I'm not" I say turning down the isle "are you kidding? When he turned around you looked like you had hearts coming out of your eyes" she said  "shut up" I said "alright girls here is the apple sauce" he says "thank you" I say and grab the jar "do you need help with anything else?" He asks "no but thank you for the help....Lorenzo" Ari said looking at his name tag "alright have a good one girls" he said and smiled "you to" I said "hmm his names Lorenzo, y/n" Ariana says smirking "shut up Ariana" I say.

We check out and walked back home "so are we gonna talk about your little Walmart sweet heart?" She asked I sighed "your not gonna let this go are you?" I ask annoyed "nope" she says "I don't even like him like that. He's just cute I guess" I say "he's just cute I guess" she says mimicking me "y/n you looked like you were gonna faint when you saw his face" she said "your annoying" I say "i know" she says.

We walked inside the house and see my parents watching tv "hey girls how was your day?" Mom asked as me and ari started taking the snacks out of the bags "it was good, we went to a bunch of different stores and then Walmart for some snacks" I said "sounds like a fun day" mom said a got up to start making dinner "y/n has a crush" Ariana said and I slapped her arm "oh really? Who is it?" Mom asked "nobod-" "a guy at Walmart named Lorenzo" Ariana said cutting me off "Oh how old is he?" Dad asked "I don't know" I said "what does he look like?" Mom asked poring some water in a pot "tall, dark hair, brown eyes, an accent" I say sitting down "I think he's Italian" Ariana says.

"Ooo an Italian boy. Nice" mom said and I sighed "well go wash up for dinner" dad says and me and Ari walked upstairs "I'm gonna smother you in your sleep" I say and she laughs "and if you try I'll tell him you like him" she says "I hate you" I say putting on some sweatpants "love you to bitch" she says and I smile a bit

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