Chapter 1- Introductions

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Jess's point of view-

Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Jess pierce, and I'm a Werewolf. I'm 17 years old, and I still haven't found my mate yet. Oh, yeah and my Father is the alpha of the dark moon pack in the out-skirts of Savannah, Georgia.

To be completely honest with you, my life is pretty much perfect; I was spoiled as a child (I still am), but not to the point of being rotten, I have no enemies and a ton of friends, and I've been prom queen two years in a row, and every boy in our Pack wants to be with me.

The only thing that I have to complain about is my lack of a mother. You see, when I was seven my mother was kidnapped by vampires and I haven't seen her since; my father looked for her for three whole years before finally admitting defeat and giving up on his search for his mate.

Ok enough of the depressing stuff. Well, I have thick blond hair that is almost to my hipbone it's so long. I'm relatively short for a werewolf, only about 5foot 4inches, and I'm fairly thin. I have big green eyes that are said to be mesmerizing, which come in helpful, since my wolf talent is persuasion. That means that when I want someone to do something all I have to do is get them to look into my eyes and they will do what I want them to, without even thinking about it. It can be a gift and a curse. Sometimes when I get really angry ( which I rarely do) I don't even have to look someone in the eyes for them to do what I want, I just have to will them to do it, and they do. Okay, I think you know enough about me that I can start to tell the story.





My alarm clock went off at seven o'clock on the dot, just as it had every morning since the day I turned six and started school.

I slammed my hand down on the snooze button when I had finally lost my patience with the beeping noise. I reluctantly got out of my bed and let out a gasp when my feet hit my bedrooms freezing cold, hardwood flooring.

I slipped into the bathroom that is attached to my bedroom and took a quick shower to wake me up for the long school day ahead.

Once I had dried myself off so that I wasn't dripping water everywhere anymore, I walked out into my bedroom in only my towel covering me. I noticed something on my bed move and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Holy crap! Live!" I exclaimed. "You just scared me half to death!"

"Well, it's nice seeing you too Jess." My best friend replied rolling her big blue eyes at me.

Live and I have been best friends since we were pups. I can't remember a time when Live and I weren't close. I have known her forever, since her dad is my Fathers best friend, and the pack beta that is second in command under my Father. Live has hip length brown hair and blue eyes, she's extremely skinny. People who don't know her would be surprised to find out that she eats more than a grown human man does.

"Sorry Live. You scared me." I said apologetically at her frowning face.

"Ha, it's fine. Oh, I brought us breakfast by the way!" she said excitedly holding a brown paper bag in her hands. Live always gets excited when she thinks about food.

"Thanks, I'm going to get dressed first, then we can eat, alright?" I say, and Lives face turns into a frown.

"Fine." She says in a sad voice.

I ignore her sour mood and walk into my huge walk in closet. I quickly close the door and throw on a pair of denim skinny jeans and a tight T-shirt. I find a pair of black 'Ugg' boots and pull them onto my feet, since it's the middle of September and it's starting to get cold outside. I pulled my hair into a messy bun on top of my head and walk out of my closet ready for the day.

"Finally!" Live exclaimed when I exited the closet and walked over to her sitting on my bed. " I was starting to think that I would have to eat without you, and I brought your favorite....." She paused for a dramatic effect. I knew what she was going to say, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin her 'Big moment'. Finally, she couldn't contain her excitement. She really does love food. "Boston crème donuts!"

Yes I love Boston crème donuts! She knows me so well!I know it's weird, but I guess they have a special place in my heart. When I was younger my dad would tell me stories about him and my mom eating Boston crème donuts every morning because they were her favorite food, and they made her smile. My dad would have done anything to make her smile.

"Have I ever told you that you are the bestest friend ever? Because, you are!" I say grabbing a donut from the bag. "Come on. We don't want to be late for school."

With that she got up holding a donut in her mouth and we made our way to her big grey jeep. Once I had made my way to the passenger's seat, and she was in the drivers spot, we sped away at the speed of at least 80 miles an hour. Live had a habit of driving unbelievably fast, just because she could, and she never gets any tickets, because her mate is the town sheriff. His name is Jackson, and he is 19 years old. I know that sounds a bit young, but in this town, since almost everyone is a wolf here, age is only a number, what really counts, is how well you do your job.


We were at school in less than ten minutes even though my house is approximately 30 miles away from the school.

The high school that we attend is called Lincoln memorial High school, but we just call it Lincoln high. A majority of the students who attend Lincoln are wolves, and the few who are humans, know that we are werewolves, and accept us for what we are. No one really talks about it much though, so it's not really a big deal.

When we reached the student parking, Live pulled into her usual parking spot right in the front and hopped out of her seat.

Half way to the entrance to the main building, where I have all of my classes, I realized that I had left my notebook in Live's.

"I'll be right back I forgot something in your car I'll be right back." I say to Live before turning around and accidently walking into someone, knocking all of their belongings to the ground.

"I am so sorry!" I apologize to the person I had walked into. I don't even bother to look to see who the person is, due to the embarrassment I felt for being such a klutz. We both bent down to retrieve the books that littered the ground, when our hands touch.

We feel the connection immediately, and before either of us know what we are doing we let out the word, "Mate."


Well I hope you like it! I Know that its not perfect but please if you liked it, vote!

Its only the first chapter and already a ciff hanger. WOW!

also I would ike to say that if anything that I write offends anyone, I am so sorry. I am not intentionally trying to offend anyone or hurt feeing, so please don't feel bad.

Also, check out my other story, the Alpha's Son!

Ok bye for now.


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