Chapter 17- Caught in a lie

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Picture of Draven To the right ----------------->

Jess's point of view-

Five days. Five whole days. That's how long Live and Jackson have been missing for. Seven out of one hundred wolves have died searching for them, due to rogue vampires and werewolves starting pointless fights with them. Seven live lost for nothing. It's all my fault.i should have reported them missing sooner, or not have forced live to take me to nick. I never expected this search to turn into the huge deal that it has. The amount of pressure that is on everyone is almost too overwhelming to handle. I hope we find them soon.    


    Lives point of view-    

I was sitting on the floor in the corner of the dark room, when I hear muffled voices from outside. I went to stand, so I could move closer to the door, but my legs gave out and I fell back to the hard concrete ground that I was just on.

It's been five days since I have last seen my mate, and it was really taking its tole on my strength.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Draven. We looked for them at every known safe house between here and Nebraska,, but they are nowhere to be found." Says an unfamiliar, nervous voice.

"What the hell do you mean they aren't there?!" I hear Draven's deep voice boom from outside of my room.

"Exactly that sir, they weren't there. I think the girl may have been lying about their location sir." The nervous voice said.

"That dirty bitch!" Draven spat. He then quickly swung the door that was between us open.

The room was empty, so he had a direct path to me. Draven came up to me and kicked me straight in the ribs. The pain was so intense I knew that some of them were broken. I didn't know what to expect him to do, but I did not expect him to come up and kick me. Before I could comprehend what was going on around me once again, he was slamming the door shut behind him.


Jackson's point of view-  

I was sitting in the middle of the floor in the dimly lit room that I had been placed in the first day that I was taken here. No one has entered this room other than to bring me food and water, and no one would answer a single one of my questions.

"That dirty bitch!"  I hear someone yell from somewhere nearby.

 I then felt a excruciating pain in my chest, and immediately knew that Live was in trouble.  I haven't seen her in five days, and it was taking a tole on my strength, but the rage and worry that was filing my body made a huge improvement in my strength.

I quickly got up from the ground and kicked the door to the dark room open. It was almost too easy.  I could smell her sweet scent of Roses and brown sugar from down the hall. I sprinted to the room where her scent was the strongest, and saw a middle aged vampire, with dark brown hair, slamming the door with a disgusted look on his face, and knew he was the one who had caused my Live pain.

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