Chapter 11- fears are realized

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Nicks Point of view-

“Alright. It all started when…” I started my story.

“I was five years old when my family realized that I have the talent of telekinesis, and my father thought it would be for the best if I didn’t know about it. He thought I would be too dangerous and strong to handle if I ever got out of hand. When I learned about my powers, I used to practice in the forest right outside of my packs territory, so I didn’t risk anyone finding out that I knew about my talents. I didn’t realize that by practicing, I would put my whole pack at risk.” I paused, and let that information sink in.

“You see, the woods where I practiced, was also a camp for rogue vampires. I wasn’t aware of the fact that every day when I would practice, I was being watched by vampires. Once they realized that I may be a threat to their kind, they attacked my pack. Their leader, Draven Grey, didn’t know that wolves could have talents, so when one of the rogues that saw me, reported back to him, he vowed to kill every wolf that possesses more power than him.” She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“What two things do we have that they need, though?” she asked. “I’m assuming that one of the things is you, but what’s the other?”

I look her strait in the eyes hoping she would catch on so I don’t have to say it, but she doesn’t.

“You.” I say flatly, still staring into her big green eyes, which are now wide with fear.

I decide to wait for the fear fade from her eyes before I said anything else to her about the subject.

“W-what do they want from us?” She asked before I had the opportunity to say anything.

“I’m not completely sure, but your father has a theory that they want to use us as weapons. They aren’t strong enough to, so they want to use us to help them kill anyone like us.”

“Wow… I don’t even know where to being with the questions I h-..” She was cut off by the song ‘Here’s to never growing up’ by Avril Lavigne, Blasting from her cell phone.

“Hello?” She asks into the speaker of her phone after pulling it out of her pocket.

“Where the hell are you!” I can hear Liv’s annoying voice through Jess’s cell phone. “You haven’t been in school, and when I go to your house, your dad answers the door and tells me that you’re ‘away for a while’. What the hell!”

“I’m sorry Liv… I want to tell you but I can’t right now. As soon as I can explain I’ll call you.” She ends the call before she could even completely finish her sentence. When she looked up at me from her phone her eyes were filling with tears.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her, shifting to a seat closer to hers.

“Liv has a talent too. She isn’t safe at home.”

“Oh, Crap! What can she do?” I ask out of curiously. I mean No offence to those of you who like Liv, but I find her really annoying. What kind of power could she have? Talk people to sleep?

“She-she can t-turn things invisible, and s-she can make herself invisible t-too.” She said between sniffles.

What?! She of all people got a cool talent! WTF!      

“She is in danger, Nick!” She says pulling herself together. “It’s my job to keep her safe, shes my best friend! We need to go get her!”

“Well…..” I really don’t want her here..

“Please, Baby.” She says seductively biting her lip trying to get me to give her what she wants.

“Alright.. We can go and get her tomorrow.” I say reluctantly, with a sigh.

Jess squeals, than moves, to pull me into a tight hug that set my skin on fire.

“Thank you!  Have I ever told you that I LOVE you?!”

She looks at me puzzled then starts giggling.

“What?” I ask Jess, curious about what was so funny.

“When I said I love you, you purred.” She paused laughing, “I think that, that’s adorable!” She says now laughing loudly.

I frowned and looked at the ground in embarrassment.

“Come on grumpy pants. Let’s go to bed.” She says with a yawn.


Jess’s point of view-

I hadn’t realized how much time had gone by until I looked at my phone when Liv called me. It was already one I the morning and I was starting to get tired so I lead Nick up the stairs into the master bedroom. I know my way around the house decently well. My father had every one of our pack safe houses designed the same way, and when I was younger we would stay in one of the safe houses in Florida, so I had a general idea of the lay out from what I remember.

When I open the door I froze in my tracks at the awe-striking sight that is the master bedroom. The bed was the size of two king beds put together and the room it’s self was three times the size of my bedroom at home. There was a master bathroom attached to it, and two large walk-in closets.

I guess that Nick was thinking the same thing as me, because I hear him breathe the word, “Wow.” Before walking up to the bed and hopping under the covers.

“Come on! I thought you were tired.” He jokes, gesturing for me to join him in the gigantic bed.

“One second I just want to change out of these dirty clothes.” I say walking into the closet that I assumed was mine.

When I walked in I let out an audible gasp, and I could hear Nick laughing at my girly-ness. The closet was  filled to the top with clothes and shoes that were all my size and favorite colors. I swear, my dad is the BEST!

I quickly stripped off the clothes that I had been wearing and changed into a pair of black sweat pants, and a tank top. When I was done, I ran and jumped into the bed landing right on top of Nick.

“You are so lucky that you are light!” He says removing my body from on top of his.

“Good night Nicky!” I say innocently, before lying with my head on Nick’s chest, and falling into the first dreamless sleep I’ve had since I was seven years old. 


I know, I know you all hate me for this boring filer chapter! I hate myself fot it too!

Well now you know that Liv has a power!

Whoop! Who's really shipping ness right now?! **Raises hand** I am!! lol Ness is Nick and Jess's ship name!

Well I hope you liked it! 

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I love you all!


~ Singergirl55

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