Chapter 19- ah ha

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Jess's Point of View-


I haven't seen my mother since I was seven years old, and to be completely honest, I didn't expect to ever see her again. I know that might sound pretty awful, but she's been gone for ten years. What was I supposed to think?

"Where have you been?

Are you alright?

How are you?

How did you get here?


My questioning was cut off by my mother, who was seemingly in shock.

"Jessie! I'm so sorry, I'm obviously interrupting... I'll just go."

"No!" I said a bit too quickly, and loud for my liking. "I mean... No. It's fine. I just need to find myself a shirt and I'll be right out. Alright?" I say trying not to make the situation anymore awkward than it already is.

"Oh... Of course. I'll be in the kitchen with Live." With that she walked out of our bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

I let out a long sigh of relief, and flop down on to our bed. There were a million questions circulating around in my head, and it felt good to lie down.

"I don't even think the word awkward would be able to cover what just happened here, Babydoll." Nick says plopping down onto the bed next to me.

"I know. I am so, so, so sorry that, that happened. Although, I'm not exactly sure what my mother, who has been missing for ten fricken years, was doing, walking straight into our room the way she had."

"Yeah... Wait! She's been missing for ten years, and that's all the reaction that we had gotten out of her? I mean she hasn't seen you in ten years, but she's still your mother. If I walked in on my daughter half naked with a guy, I would have flipped a shit!"

"Well, we have to go out there and find out what's been going on. I have an Idea" I say.

"What's your 'Idea'?" Nick asks me, sitting up on the bed tentatively.

"Go out there and make nice with my mother. Oh and send Live in here! Tell her it's a B.A.C!"

"B.A.C?? What the hell does that stand for?"

"Bad ass Crises." I say matter-of-factly.

Pushing myself up from the bed, I headed straight for my closet the second Nick walked out of the door.

Okay, I think I might be confusing you, so please let me explain. I haven't seen my mother in over ten years. TEN YEARS! When I saw her I thought that she would be mad, or ask who Nick was, or something, but instead she said... "Jessie! I'm so sorry, I'm obviously interrupting... I'll just go." ... what kind of a maternal person would say that?!

Knowing the thinks that my father had told me about her, she's not the same. So what I've decided to do is wear inappropriate clothes, and some dark makeup, and see what kind of a reaction I get out of her.

I heard the door to my room open.

"Hey! I have been waiting for you to have a B.A.C. for years!" Live says slamming my door shut. Well this should be fun


Nick's point of view-

  "So... Nick... How do you know my daughter?" Asked Jess's mother.

"Oh... Um.. I'm her mate." I say awkwardly.

"We'll Jess must have done something really go to get a mate as hot as you." She said licking her lips.

"Excuse me?" I say not completely sure if I had heard her correctly.

"You heard m-..." She was cut off by a door opening and then slamming closed.

We turn around, and I see one of the most surprising and attractive person I have ever seen.

Jess came out wearing black combat boots over a pair net leggings which are covered by the shortest pair of shorts I have ever seen her wear. Her top probably couldn't even be considered a shirt. It was cut off just above her stomach, and was straight black. The neck line was lower than I would have preferred to have other people see. Her makeup was thick and dark. Her lips were ruby red.

"Sup babe." She said walking over to me and sitting on my lap.

"Who would have thought that my daughter would turn out" She paused while looking Jess up and down. "So beautiful!" She squealed out.

"Ah ha!" Jess said jumping off of my lap.

"Ah ha what?" Mrs. Pierce asked almost in a mocking tone.

"Ah ha, you... Are not my mother!"


Please check out my other story The Alphas Son!!

It's a completed story, so you won't have to wait for me to update!  

Well I'm sorry that it took me so long to post.

I'm also sorry that this chapter is so short!

Well, please VOTE or COMMENT your opinions!







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