Chapter 20- What the hell just happened?

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Chapter 20- What the hell just happened?

Jess’s Point of view-

“What do you mean I’m not your mother?” Says my supposed mother.

“Exactly that!” I say matter of factly. I then turn my attention to Nick. “Babe, can you call my dad? Tell him I need him ASAP!”

“Okay.” He says pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, and walking out of the front door.

He came back into the house about ten minutes with a much more relaxed look on his face.

“He’s on his way now. It should only take him an hour or so.”

“Oh thank goodness!” I say with a huge sigh of relief.


An hour and a half passed decently quickly. While we were waiting for my father to arrive, Jackson awoke from the deep sleep that he had fallen into after they had returned from where ever they had been( I didn’t know where since no one has told me yet.) He had the genius idea of locking my ‘mother’ in one of the cells kept under the house for emergencies, at least until my father came.

To be completely honest here, I have no idea as to what I expect my father to say or do, when we tell him that the woman who has been the love of his life since he was 18, might be back, or there is someone impersonating her.

Yeah, this should go well.


“Hey, You alright there Babydoll, you seem spaced?”

We were sitting on the love seat in the living room together. I was pretty much in his lap, but he wasn’t complaining.

“Yeah, Nick I’m fine…” I say in a monotone voice.

Nick doesn’t respond. He knows me well enough that I didn’t need a response to know that he knew I was lying. The truth is I’m not okay.

My mother may or may not be back from what I had assumed to be the dead…

How the hell would anyone think that I’m Okay!?

Nick pulled my back into his chest, and rubs his hand gently up and down my arm, “Don’t worry babydoll, It’ll be alright. I promise.” he tried to comfort me.

“I know.”

Do I really believe that?


Soon enough my father walked straight into the house with at least ten other werewolves following closely behind him.

 “Daddy!” I exclaim jumping off of the love seat, Much to Nicks displeasure, and running to greet my father.

“Hello sweetheart.” My father says with a small, half hearted smile.

I could tell that he was pained by the thought that my mother has been alive all of this time, and he could have been searching for her.

If she is really my mother he might never forgive himself.

“Now, why don’t we go so I can do what I came here to do?”

“Sure. Come on.” I say. Then I walk out of the house, and to the cells.

My stomach feels like its tied in knots, and as I walk closer to the cell that she’s in they seem to get tighter.

Before I can make it to the cell, my father pushes in front of me to get to her cell before I do.

When I get there she is talking in hushed tones to my father, and I can’t see how he’s reacting, because his back is to me.

I then see something that confused the crap out of me.

I see my dad lean in for what looked like a kiss, than before their lips could touch, my father pulls away and moves her hair off of the side of her face that it had been covering.

He then removes his hand, and turns to face me. He didn’t have any specific emotion on his face, and needless to say I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

I almost peed myself when right before he walked out of the door he turned to one of the guards and said,

“She is not who she says she is… Kill her.” Then he walked out of the prison, leaving me standing there like an idiot.

What just happened?

Is everything alright? Your dad just walked inside through the back door, and then went straight out of the front door.” Nick mind linked me, worry filling his voice.

“No. I don’t think I am.”

I simply state before walking out of the prison without a second glance at my supposed mother.

How the hell did my life get so messed up?


Well... how did you like chapter 20?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I'm so sorry that it took me so long to post this chpter, I've had a lot going on, but i'm now off for summer vacation, so I should be able to post more often. 

Please VOTE or COMMENT your opinion!

also, I would just like to thank anyone who read my other story, The Alpha's Son, for helping me get to 10,000 reads! Thank you so much! 








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