Chapter 3- Love me or Love me not?

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Jess's Point of View-

Live saw me freeze and I guess I got pretty pale, since Live said

"Damn, girl you just got like six shades lighter. What happened?"

"He's here."

"What? Jess, who's here?"

"My Mate...." I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Live pulling me inside the Yogurt shop.

"What the hell, Live?" I hiss through clenched teeth. I was pretty pissed at the fact that she would pull me into a place that she knew I didn't want to go into anymore.

"I want you to show me this guy so I can kick his sorry ass." She was very nonchalant about it. For the second time today I couldn't hold in my giggles at the image of her drop kicking him. My wolf whimpered at the thought of someone harming him, but I just ignored her.

I looked around the small shop and I couldn't see him anywhere, so I made one of the most important decisions in my life, (Note the sarcasm) I decided to not worry about my mate for a while and get myself a humongous bowl of frozen yogurt!


By the time Live and I had finished paying for and eating our yogurt, I had completely forgotten about my mate. My wolf hadn't, but with all of the recent practice I've been getting, I have become pretty good at tuning her out.

I heard a door close and I turned around. I ended up looking at the back side of a tall, muscular teenage boy, probably around my age. I didn't see his face, but I'm assuming he was pretty attractive considering that the girl working at the cash register couldn't stop staring at him while he mopped the floors. I decided to just ignore it and I didn't say anything about her awkward staring.

I got up to leave and Live followed close behind me.

"Crap! I forgot my cell phone on the table! I'll be right back." I said to Live before turning back to the table.

Right before I reach the table I slip backwards on the slipper floor where the guy had just mopped. I braced myself for impact, but instead of landing hard on the floor I land on something softer and stronger.

"I gotcha!"

I look up into the face of my mate. He was the guy who was mopping the floors. I have to tell Live to remind me to get back at the cashier for staring at my mate like that. Wait, What!?

'He caught me!'

'He didn't let me fall!'


'I thought he was rejecting me?'

A million thoughts went through my mind at once. I had so many things to say to him, but instead of saying any of them I just say,

"Thanks for catching me."

"It was No problem."

"Actually..." I had no Idea what I was saying, but it just sort of flowed out of my mouth, like word vomit. "It's not ok! First you reject me then you catch me? What? I can't keep up."

"I-I..." He stuttered. "You thought I... rejected you?"


"Yeah, I thought you rejected me! You got up and walked away from me, before I could even find out my mates name! What was I suppose to think?! " I was starting to raise my voice, and people were starting to look.

Realized that I was still in his arms, so I wiggled out of his arms and stood up.

"It's Nick by the way." He said once I had stood myself up.

"What?" I asked forgetting that I had mentioned it.

"You said that I ran away before you out find out my name. It's Nick."

"Oh... well, I'm Jess." I said, "Wait, you sounded confused that I thought you rejected me. Why?" I asked. I felt bad asking this question, because it got my wolf excited, and I didn't want to get her hopes up if he did end up rejecting us. Oh well, too late now.

"I'm not confused, but I am upset. I am so sorry..... I would never be able you reject you..... Your wolf must be driving you crazy. Damn it! I'm so sorry..."

I was tired of trying to fight my wolf and the relief that I felt knowing that my mate accepts me is almost over whelming. I walked up to Nick and hugged him. The moment our skin touched there were sparks shooting through my whole body. Nick leaned down to my ear and whispered, so only I could hear him,

"I would kiss you right now, but I'm at work, and people are starting to stare." He didn't let go of my waist, but he moved so that he could reach the table, and he grabbed my Iphone 4. He unlocked it and typed something in.

"There's my number. I get off at seven. You should call me. Then we can finish what we started."

I blushed, of course, and he let go of me. I couldn't help but steal a second glance at my mate before I walked out, and to my surprise he was staring right back at me. I smiled and turned back around to face Live who was making a stupid face and giving me the thumbs up sign.

"So saved by a hottie ha? I bet you don't even want your mate now." Live still had a stupid smirk on her face.

"Umm. That hottie is my mate. His name is Nick."

"What? Damn it now I can't kick his ass! ...... Wait, No offence, I love you to death, but didn't he reject you?" I laughed at her reaction. I know that what she said may have seemed rude, but anyone who has known Live as long as I have would know that, that's just how she reacts to things.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you on the ride home. But you may want to drive a little slower than usual so I can fit the whole story in."

I stick my tongue out at her, and Live lightly punches my shoulder jokingly, since she knew the story isn't that long, and I'm making fun of her fast driving.

Once I was seated in the car I pull out my phone and check the time. 5:45. Perfect! I have time to go home and get changed before Nick gets off of work. My wolf was howling still, just this time it was out of happiness.

My mate accepts me!


Chapter 3 is compete! I fee so accomplished! I added a little cute romancey things in this chapter for those of you who like stuff like that, I know I do!

I have only posted 3 chapters over the course of two days, and I have over 50 reads and like 10 votes already! Thank you guys so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!

If you like One Direction, you should totally check out the fanfic, Well that's embarrassing, by NiallsBubblyPrincess, It's Hilarious and cute and romantic!


I love you all for reading this! TTYL. Type To You Later!


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