Chapter 16- An important lie

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Chapter 16-

Jess’s Point of view-

Last night Nick and I had fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room, while watching the movie The Lion King. It wasn’t Nick’s first choice, but I love Mufasa, so I convinced him to watch it with me.

The moment I wake up I realize the lack of Nicks presents next to me.

“Nick?” I say in my raspy morning voice.

“Sorry, if I worried you.” He said walking back into the living room.

“No, its fine, what’s wrong you look worried?” I ask noticing that Nicks face seemed twisted up in worry.

“Well, I woke up and felt that we were still alone. Do you know where Live and Jackson are?”

“What?!” I say immediately jumping to my feet from the sofa.

“I’ll take that as an ‘I don’t know where they are.’” Nick says sarcastically, but his face was still twisted with worry.

“That’s exactly what I was trying to say with my ‘what!?’” I say slightly panicking over the disappearance of my best friend and her boyfriend.

 “It’s alright, just calm down.” He says placing his arm around my waist; instantly calming me down. “We should call your father and make him aware of their disappearance.”


Nick then led me out of the living room and into the kitchen, which is where we had left our cell phones charging last night. Instead of reaching for his Iphone, he reached out and grabbed my phone instead. He unlocked it and typed something in, he then held the phone to his ear and I realized he was calling someone.

“Jessie! What’s wrong?!” I could hear my father’s worried voice on the other side of the phone call.

“Nothing sir, it’s Nick.”

“Nick? Why are you calling on Jess’s cell phone? Is she alright!?” He asks quickly and worried.

“No, Jess is safe, but Live and Jackson are missing.”

“When was the last time that you saw them?” My dad asked worriedly.

“Two days ago. We had assumed that they were out together in the forest, but they haven’t come back yet, and Jess is starting to get worried.”

“Alright, I’ll send someone out to search for them. In the mean time, stay in the safe house, and keep the doors and windows locked.” With that he hung up the phone.

“Don’t worry Baby doll, they’ll find them. I know they will.” He said puling me into his arms.

I said “I know.” But in all honesty I wasn’t so sure about that.


Live’s point of view-

(Two days earlier)

Nick and Jess were chasing each other around the woods, and Jackson and I were standing there holding hand. We just stood and watched them play together, until I had the genius idea of letting them be, and going off so we can be alone.

“Where are we going?” Jackson laughs as I pull him by his hand to a different part of the wood. I didn’t tell him where we were going, I just sort of pulled him to a clearing without a word.

Once we had made it to the middle of the clearing, I smashed my lips onto Jackson’s with such force, and need that it surprised even me.

Our embrace lasted a long time only removing our lips from each other’s when we needed air.

Before we could bring it any further, I was knocked to the ground with such immense force, that I was knocked unconscious.



I awoke with an almost unbearable amount of pain in my head, and left leg. I tried to stand up from the floor that I was sitting on, but failed, falling back down due to the pain in my leg, with a yelp from pain. I bring one of my hands down to grab my leg and feel something warm, and sticky. My leg was oozing with fresh blood, from what looked to be a bullet hole.

Shit! I think to myself looking away from the wound.

“Ah! You’re finally awake.” Says an unfamiliar male voice.

I can smell a vampire, in the room with me.

“Who the hell are you?” I ask seeing a middle aged guy step out from the shadows of the square, dimly lit room that I was currently in.

“I am, Draven Grey, and you my dear, are going to help me find your little friends, Jess Pierce, and Nick Evans.”

“I would never!”

“Yes you will. Unless you want something to happen to your precious mate.” Draven threatened

“No! you wouldn’t dare!” I say, now only worried for my mates safety, opposed to my own.

“Then tell me where they are!”  

“Fine.” I say defeated. “I’ll tell you where they are, just promise that Jackson will be safe.”

“As you wish, my dear.” He says holding a hand out, to help me get up.

“Now, where are they?” He asks cocking an eyebrow.

“Fremont, Nebraska. They are hiding in Fremont, Nebraska. In one of the safe houses.”

“Ah. I should have suspected that the Alpha would be smart enough to send his daughter over hundreds of miles away.” With that, he left me alone in the dark room, to think about the fact that I just sent the world most powerful, rogue vampire on a wild goose chase.

This should be interesting.


Sorry that it took me so long to post this chapter, I have been super busy! 


did you like chapter 16!!!

Live just lied to the most powerfu rogue vampire in the world! How do you think thats going to turn out?!?!?!?!

Please VOTE or COMMENT your opinions!

I love you all for sticking with me through 16 whole chapters!! 


you guys are amazing!

I wonder how many people are actually reading this authors note??


Well, I will stop waisting your time now.







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