Chapter 2- My mystery man

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Jess's point of view-


I look up and see the most incredibly blue eyes I have ever seen staring back at me. My mate has light brown hair, and as I said before, blue eyes. He's a wolf, I could smell it. I don't know how long we were crouched down on the floor just staring at each other, but by the time the bell had rung, we were the only people around as far as I could tell. Neither one of us wanted to be the first to leave but eventually my mate got up and walked away without stealing a second glance back at me.


It's been almost two whole days since I last saw my mate, and my wolf is going to drive me insane! She hasn't stopped howling since he walked away from us.

I skipped school the day my mate walked away and yesterday (which was the day after that), because my damn wolf wouldn't shut up, so it was hard to get any sleep or concentrate.

Anyway, school was over by now and I was sitting alone in my bedroom, not wanting to have to face my Dad.

I felt a vibration come from my cell phone and I looked at the brightly lit screen, showing that I had received a new text message from Live. It read

'Up In three.'

That was our code for,

'I'm coming into your house whether you like it or not so you have three seconds to finish whatever it is that you're doing and unlock your door.'

I walk over to my door to unlock it, and I pull it open.

"Okay, so what's going on?" Live asked me barging into my room.

"Nothing's going on. Why would you think that?" I still wasn't one hundred percent sure that I was ready to tell her about my possible rejection.

"Oh, yes there is! I know you Jessie Pierce, and it takes something serious for you to miss school. You NEVER miss school. So, spill it 'cause I know there's something going on." I hated it when she called me Jessie, because I knew that it meant she was upset with me.

"Well, Um... I-I Um.." I stuttered, not having the guts to tell her.

"Well, um what?"

"I found my mate, and he um, might have rejected me." I said that last part as quiet as a whisper, but I knew she could hear me.

"Aww. Come here." She said pulling me into a hug. "Who is he by the way?" She asked after hugging each other in silence for a while.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I bumped into him and then he walked away." I didn't even think about the face that I had found my mate and I had no idea who he was.

"Well, I'm sure you'll see him again and when you do, tell me. I want to kick his ass for doing this to you." And that is why I love Live so much! She is always there for me no matter what.

I didn't say anything back to her because I was too busy laughing at the image in my head of Live drop kicking my mate all the way to Florida. The thought of anyone hurting my mate made my wolf howl a little louder, but that didn't stop me from dying out laughing in Live's arms.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

I didn't say anything back to her. I was laughing to hard for that.

"I'm hungry." Live said, once my laughing fit was finally over. "We should go and get some frozen yogurt." I jumped up out of the bed with an ear to ear smile on my face. I absolutely love frozen yogurt, almost as much as I love Boston Crème Donuts. Which is a lot of love.

Live laughed at my excitement.

"Well, come on then let's go drown your sorrows in Yogurt!" I couldn't help but giggle at the way she reacted to the thought of food. I swear she could be related to Niall Horan or something.

We walked down stairs to Lives jeep and got in. I didn't bother trying to tell my father where I was going, since he was in Tallahassee on Pack business.

Once we were buckled up in our seats, Live put the keys in the ignition and drove away at 80 miles an hour.


Ten minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of the frozen yogurt shop. I was pretty much deserted since it was a Wednesday. People in our pack don't really go out on school nights. The only reason there are some people go out is to go for a run.

We got out of the car and slid our sun glasses on at the same time. It wasn't extremely bright out, but we do this every time we get out of the car in public. Live thinks it makes us look cooler, but I do it because the jealous look that we get from the human girls who see us is priceless.

I went to open the door when I smell something. The scent is familiar, and my feet are frozen in place when I realize that my wolf has stopped howling that could only mean one thing.

My mate is here.


Chapter 2 is complete! I hope you all liked it. I know that i did. Pease VOTE!

If you haven't read it already you should totally go and check out my other story, The Apha's Son! Okay, ttyl. Type To You Later.


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