Chapter 15- What we did

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Chapter 15-

Jess’s Point of view-

“Good morning beautiful.” I smile looking up into Nick’s perfect, bright blue eyes.

“Morning...” I say in an extremely unattractive morning voice.

He laughed, “Someone sounds happy to be awake this morning.”

“No. Not at all.” I was so tired I wasn’t even going to try to lie about it.

“You know…” He used his index finger to move the hair that was covering my chest, “My mark looks amazing on you.” His smile was wide, and I couldn’t help but smile to.

Ok, so last night when we got home, I have to admit that I wasn’t the most ‘appropriate’, if you know what I mean. But, now Nick and I are fully mated and I have the mark to prove it.

No, I’m not going to tell you details that would just be weird. Besides I don’t mate and tell. *Winky face*


While Nick admirers the mark, where my neck and shoulders meet.

I attempted to fall back to sleep, but my stomach makes an obnoxiously loud grumbling sound that wakes me up more.

“Err...” I groan in frustration at my lack of sleep, and my hunger

Nick laughed at me. Again.

“Sounds like someone’s hungry.”

“Just a bit.” I say with in a humorous tone.

“Come on baby doll, I’ll make you breakfast.”

“Yay!” I say, happily, in a childish voice.

We get out of the bed, and to my surprise, Nick picks me up and carries me down the stairs and into the kitchen bridal style.

Nick placed me down on the kitchen counter near the stove, and begins to take out the pan and ingredients for French toast. (My favorite!)

I sat there silently, watching my attractive mate cook us breakfast. The fact that he was shirtless made the experience all the better.

“Like what you see, baby doll?” Nick says smirking when he realizes that I’m staring at his toned, shirtless body.

“Yes, actually, I do” I say getting down from the counter. “Holy…” I say having a spazz attach when my bare feet hit the freezing cold tile flooring.

“You are honestly the only person who I know that can make spazzing attractive.” Nick laughs. He pulls me into his arms before I can respond.

I blushed so thank god that my face was in his chest, because I don’t want to give him another reason to laugh at me. I can feel how happy my being in his arms makes me, which only make my blush darken. Live would be laughing her ass off right now if she could see my face.

“Where’s Live and Jackson?” I ask realizing that I can’t hear anyone else in the house. “I don’t remember anyone coming home last night.”

“Um… I have no idea.” He says into the top of my head where is face was pressed, smelling my hair.

“Are you smelling me?” I ask looking up at an embarrassed Nick.

“Uh..Um… Yeah.. You smell….really good”


Nick’s point of View-

Her scent is intoxicating!

Vanilla and cinnamon.

So, not only is her body irresistible, but her scent is to.

“Are you smelling me?” asks my little mate, looking up at me with her eyes wide with humor.

“Uh..Um… Yeah.. You smell….really good” Why the hell would I say that?! Way to be smooth Nick!

“I wonder where Live and Jackson are.” Jess says, thankfully changing the subject.

“They probably had an eventful night like us. They might have fallen asleep in the woods.”

She blushed at the mention of last night. How adorable.

You are so whipped, dude.” Says a voice in my head, that belongs to my wolf, who has been pretty quiet since I met Jess.

“Yeah… I know.” I accidently say out loud.

“What?” Jess asks confused since she didn’t hear what my wolf had just said.

“Nothing.” I say, not wanting to explain my conversation with my wolf. “Oh shit!” I say realizing that I had burnt the French toast that I had been making.

Jess didn’t look upset, like I had thought she would, when I looked at her. She actually looked amused.

“What’s so funny, baby doll?’ I ask while moving the burnt food from the stove top to the sink.

“Your reactions to things.” She takes her index finger and pokes the tip of my nose. “You’re so pouty.”

“Oh you are so going to get it for that one!” I say wrapping my arms around her before she could escape my grasp.

“Noo!” She yelps as I trail kisses over her neck and arms jokingly.

“You are so weird.” I say placing my lips on her soft ones and I inhale her scent again.

Yet again I realize how absolutely intoxicating her scent is.

I love her so much.


Yay for a cheese-ball filler chapter! 

Where are live and Jackson??

Jess and Nick are so cute together I can't even describe it!

Well, Please VOTE or COMMENT your opinions or thoughts!

Sorry it took me so long to update 

Sorry that this chapter is so short!

I'm so bad with updating recently.

I love all of you for sticking with me through 15 chapters! 


Type to you later!

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