Chapter 24- a lie to remember

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Jess's Point of View-

I had passed out in a strange building, and awoke in my bedroom. what the hell?!

i was sitting in my bed basically hypervenilating.

"woah! jessie, its alright." nick said comming into the room and sitting next to me.

"what happened? Why arent i still trapped? Did you save me?"

"what are you talking about? you were just having a nightmare."

"what? how did this happen? i thought that i was... what?" i was unbelieveably confused now.

Had i really dreamt all of that? how long had i been asleep for? wow! I have so many questions!

"Jess, youve been sleeping since live walked in on us together. you fell and hit your head. Youv'e been in a coma for a long time. I was starting to get worried."

what! That cannot be true! A COMA!!

"wh..what.?" was all that I could manage to say.

I think Im in shock!

"It's alright Jess. You're alright. You were just having a nightmare."

"alright." Was all I was able to say before i passed out, most likely from shock.


Nicks Point of View-

"It's alright Jess. You're alright. You were just having a nightmare."

I knew from the moment that i had said that, that it was a lie.

She really was captured, but there is no way that She would be able to handle the truth emotionally.

so I did the only thing that I thought would help her. I told her it never happened.

"alright." was all she managed to' say, before she passed out.

I feel like such an asswipe.

If she ever found out she would never forgive me!


well this is an extremely short chapter, and i hate to tell you this, but yes! this is the last chapter!

but..... i will be writing an epilogue!

also, there will NOT be a sequel!

I love this story, but I am not as into it as i was in the beginning! I'm so sorry for that!

also, fheck out my favorite story of mine, called Everyone leaves. it is a teen fiction, and a romance.

I hope that you all were plesantly surprised by the twist that I added in the end!

i love you all so so so much!







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