Chapter 23- come on! We dont have much time!

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Jess's Point of View-

I fell asleep in my bed, and awoke on the cold hard floor of an unfamiliar place.

"So I see your up. Finally!" I hear a female voice that I do not recognize speak from the other side of a door.

"Where am I?" I ask, reminding myself of one of those girls in horror film, who ask who's there, as if someone is going to answer them.

"You my dear..." the door opened to reveil the woman posing as my mother. "Are home."

"What kind of a sick game are you playing?!" I ask, and

the person who once looked like my mother shifted into another form. Me.

"I am not playing a game anymore darling. I won this before it even started."

"What's your goal here? Why am I here?"

"Will you SHUT UP! You ask far too many questions!"

"Well, would you just tell me why I'm here? Someone's going to notice that I'm gone, and come looking for me." I say in a duh tone

"That is where you are very wrong. No one will miss you, I will be just as good of a Jess, Maybe even better." Her previous smirk grew to a pure smile.

"You are insane!"

"No, You are insane. I wonder if anyone would be able to tell the difference?"


Nick's Point of View-

"Where is she Live!?" Live called me about an hour ago, and since I got home fourty minutes ago, we have been continuously arguing.

"I.... Umm.. Well..."

"You have been umm-ing and well-ing for almost an hour! Where is she?"

"I... don't... know....."

I sprinted into our room, and I immediately felt the lack of her presents kick in, and my sences went into over time.

I eventually picked up a small hint of her scent, and I took off running. Anyone who was even the slightest but friends with Jess, followed me.

After three minutes of running in human form I shifted, and when Jess's scent went away, I stopped, and ended up facing an old abandoned looking house.

"Woah, man this is the place where Live and I were taken by that Draven dude. " Jackson Mind linked me, walking up behind me in his wolf form.

"I need some people to surround the exits and the doors from outside, and I want some people to come in with me. I don't know what to expect, so we need to be prepared for anything." I mind linked to the people in the pack that had followed me, which was a decent amount of people. Maybe thirty to thirty five wolves. "Come on. We don't have much time!"

With that I led Half of the wolves into the building, in search of my mate.


I would like to tell you that there will only me about two or three more chapters in this story! I know it is short notice, an I'm telling you after I took a three week long break, (which I am so so so sorry for!) but...

I was wondering If you could tell me if you would like me to end the story in present time, or if you would like an epilogue?

Please leave a comment of which you want!







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