Chapter 18- Mom?!

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Jackson's point of view-

It was almost too dark for me to see where I was running, even with my super natural seeing abilities. With the extra weight I had from carrying Live, I knew that I would have to stop somewhere for the night, soon.

"I don't know how much longer my legs will be able to carry me." Mrs. Pierce, who's first name I had discovered was Anna, said slowing her pace down slightly.

I knew we were in the same boat, so I stopped when I found a small clearing in the woods.

I gently laid Live next to me, and made sure she was comfortable before I sat down beside her.

I fell into a peaceful slumber with my mate next to me, and the missing Luna twenty feet away.


Jess's point of view-

"We've found them ma'am. They were in a clearing in the woods. They are bruised up, but all in all they should be perfectly fine." Said Nicks uncle. He is one of our most trusted soldiers.

"Thank you." I said happily, "Please make sure that they make it home safely."

"Of course I will."

With that I hung up the phone and walked into the living room.

Nick was say on the sofa, where he was playing COD on the Xbox.

"Who's better than me?! No one! That's who! I am the Call of Duty masta!" He yells stupidly at the screen.

I don't think he had noticed me enter the room quite yet, so I took advantage of this embarrassing moment.

I cleared my throat.

Nicks eyes immediately shoot up from the screen to look at me.

"Hey, how long have you been there?" He asked embarrassed.

" Long enough, Call Of Duty Masta!" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"Oh, you're going to get it!" He said laughing, and placing his controller down.

I wiggled my but at him. "Come and get me!"

With that little threat, Nick shot up off of the sofa and ran towards me. I ran in the opposite direction, but I didn't get very far due to the fact that Nick could beat a cheetah in a race.

He wrapped one of his arms around my waist as I slowed down slightly to open the door to  the  bedroom that Nick and I now shared. He turned me around and slammed his lips to mine before I could even recover from the running that I had just done.

I (being the horny she-wolf I am) kissed back immediately. I turned in, closing any space that was In between us,wanting to get as close to my mate as possible.

With one hand, Nick picked me up, and I swung my legs up, and around his waist. With his free hand, Nick swiftly opened the door to our bedroom. Which, (If I weren't so distracted by my mates lips) woud have normally made me stick my tongue out at him, because it was what I had failed to do before our make-out began. 

We entered the room, and he slammed the door shut behind us.

I was laid on my back on our humongous bed, with nick pressed on top of me; our kiss deepened, we both seemed to have become more and more desperate to feel each other. 

Without removing his lips from mine, Nick easily took hold of the top of my old crew neck t-shirt and ripped it clean down the middle, exposing my toned stomach and my Victoria Secret black lace bra.  

Our make out session was getting pretty heated, and I wasn't sure how far we were going to go this evening.

"He's your mate, we can go how ever far we want to!" My wolf says in my head, reminding me she's here too.

"Yes, he is. Which means that he's all mine!" I say mentally to my wolf.

"Ours!" My wolf corrects me.

"Shut the hell up, and let me kiss my mate damn it!" I say back to my Wolf, not wanting to lose focus on my amazing mate who was currently hovering over me, while i'm laid back on the bed.

Nick and I were deep into our steamy make out session, When I hear a voice, and the door to our room flies open. I realize that we had forgotten to lock it, and I mentally slapped myself. I have got to make sure we lock that next time!

"Oh!" I hear someone gasp from the door way. "I'm sorry I'm interrupting!" says a woman's voice.

I look up and see an extremely familiar face.  

I take a moment to think about how I could possibly know this woman, when I have the realization of who she is.



Sorry that it took me so long to post this! My computer crashed, and wattpad on my iPod keeps deleting everything that I write! But I'm back now and that's all that matters!

I had no idea how I should write their make out session, so I B.S.'ed my way through it. So I'm really sorry if it sucks!

Sorry that the chapter is so short! I promise I'll try to update soon to make up for it!

Well I'll stop waisting your valuable time with my babbling







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