Chapter 7- Not everything good stays

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Jess's Point of view-

We stayed frozen in time for almost two whole hours. I changed into my clothes, and got ready for the day, but that only took me about two minutes, the rest of the time I spent sitting on the sofa snuggled up with Nick. We talked the whole time, about random things that no one knew about us.

After two hours, we decided that it would probably be best for him to unfreeze time.

"...Butt!" Live finishes her sentence, "What just happened? H-how did you change; you weren't wearing that before?" she seemed so confused.

Nick and I had decided not to tell anybody about his talents. To be honest, Live still has no idea that I have powers. She was there the day of the accident, but I made her forget what happened. She was so scared of me, I couldn't take it, and I made her forget. I have been ashamed of it since the moment it happened, but it was the only way to get my best friend back.

"We should start making our way to school; we don't want to be late, do we?" He says with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I guess we should make our way over there. I have math first, and you guys know how Mrs. Hawkins gets when people are late to her class." Live said acting like nothing had happened, and walking towards the front door.

"Okay, I'll meet you there Live," I say, "I'm riding with Nick."

"Grrr!" she sighs, "Ditch your best friend for your mate, right. Well, two can pay at this game." She said walking out, slamming the door behind her.

"Well, she's very.... Theatrical." Says my mate, who was smiling at me.

"Don't mind her, she's just jealous."

"Of all this sexy!" He says lifting his shirt, to show off his perfect eight-pack.

"Yeah." I scoff. "That's it." I say sarcastically, as to not make it obvious that I was checking him out. I couldn't keep the smile from forming on my face though.

"I can't stop time whenever you're late you know?" Nick says jokingly, "So, we should probably go." He says, then leads me out the door.

"I'm driving!" He says, jumping into the drivers side.

"Ha, Okay, then!" I say with a giggle

Nick takes a light hold onto my hand and pulls out of his driveway, steering with his one free hand.


Oh my lord!

That was absolutely THE MOST boring day of school ever!

I was in Nick's mind every time I got bored, which was a lot. I knew he couldn't block me out so I took advantage of that.

"I hope you don't hate me for being so annoying today." I say as I hop into my car once the final bell had rung.

He laughs, "I may have failed my math test due to lack of concentration, but I love being able to hear your voice throughout the day."

"I'm so sorry!" I say to him, "I didn't mean to make you fail!"

"Don't worry about it. I would have failed any way; I just wanted to blame my stupidity on someone else." He was laughing.

I punch him in the shoulder fairly hard, "what was that for!?" He asks me rubbing his arm.

"For making me feel bad!" I say trying hard to hide my smile from him.

"I can make it up to you!" He says making kissy faces at me.

I laugh at his lame attempt to get me to forgive him, "Yeah, how 'bout you don't" I stick my tongue out at him, and then I turned the car on. I quickly pull out of the lot and I turn down the long road that leads to my street.

"Where are we going?" asks Nick.

"To my place." I say shrugging my shoulders. "We need to talk, and my dad is coming home tonight, so we can tell him about us."

"oh. Um meet your dad already....I-I don't know Jess..."

I cut him off, "He's the alpha; you're going to have to meet him sooner or later."

"Your Father is the Alpha!?" He asks in surprise. Crap! I totally forgot to tell him that little detail!

"Um... Yeah... I probably should have started with that when we met... Sorry... Again." Why am I constantly apologizing to him!? "We're here!" I say changing the subject and pulling into my long driveway.

He is out of the car and opening my door for me before I could even undo my seat belt.

"May I?" He asks before pulling me out of the car and carrying me bridal style, up to my front door.

We were both laughing until we reached the front door, where he dropped me to my feet; his smile dropping into a frown.

"Jess... Look." He says pointing to a white piece of paper nailed to my wooden front door.

In the center of the paper, there were only two words written, in bright red blood.

She's Alive.

The paper was signed with the insignia of the rogue vampires.

Okay, I know that I mentioned vampires earlier, but just to clarify; Yes there are such a thing as vampires. There are also witches, and trolls; dragons, and wizards. All of it is real.

"Oh my g-go ..." I wasn't able to finish what I was about to say, because I blacked out and I knew I was about to pass out.

"Jess!" I hear someone call my name before the world goes completely black, and I can't feel anything.


YA! Chapter 7!

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I really want feed back on my writing!

If you haven't already, you should check out my other story, the Alpha's Son. Yes it is a completed story. I also might be writing a sequel to it!

Well, I think that I've waisted enough of your time with this unnecessary Authors note!

I love you all!


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