Chapter 9- Return

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Picture of Nick and Jess posted to the right!



Chapter 9- Return

Jess's point of view-

"What the hell!?" I hear nick say, at the sound of shattering glass. 

I jump from fright at the noise, and Nick holds me close to him, protectively. 

"I'll be right back." My father states nonchalantly; removing his body from the sofa an moving into the kitchen gracefully. He seemed un-phased by the noise.

That was one of the things that puzzled me about my family. My father is graceful and powerful. I'm clumsy and nervous. 

I hear the sound of glass crunching beneath his shoes, and then it stopped. A moment later there came a loud growl. 

"Daddy!" I scream. Jumping out of Nicks grasp and sprinting towards the kitchen, to make sure my father was alright.

He was sitting on the ground; his knees were pulled to his chest and he was holding his head in his hands. 

"Daddy? What's wrong?" I ask in a whispered voice to my father. 

At the sound of my voice he jumped in fear. He looked up to face me. His hands were shaking violently and his eyes were blood shot, and wide with fear.  But as quickly as he had looked up at me, my father returned his face to the palm of his hands and sat shaking with fear. 

I look around the kitchen for a sign of what was wrong, and my eyes are drawn to an Iphone sized rock that was sitting a few feet from my huddled mass of a father. Attached to the rock is another piece of white paper. It reads, 

"You have the two things that we need most, and we have what you desire most." 

They have what we want? We have what they need? What do we have that could benefit them?

 Then it hit me. He wasn’t afraid. He is the Alpha of our pack for crying out loud! He’s never scared!  No, he was in shock. when I realized the truth, it hit me with an immense amount of force.

They have my Mother.

What it was that we have that would benefit them, I’m still not sure.

“Daddy… I-I..” I stutter in surprise of what I had just realized.

I felt like I was going to pass out again. I was completely and totally over whelmed by my realization.

“Nick!” I call just before I black out.


Nicks point of view-

When Jess got up and ran, I started to follow her, but my legs wouldn’t let me walk past the kitchen door. I’m pretty sure jess was using her persuasion powers on me, but I don’t think she realized it. I know how much she hates using it. I decided to go and sit back down on the couch, I knew she would be safe with her father in there, and I’m sure Jess will let me go in when she was ready.

“Nick!” I hear Jess shout from the kitchen.

I shoot out of my position on the sofa and sprint into the kitchen at speeds that would be impossible for a human to run at. I get there just in time to witness my mate falling to the floor, for the second time this week. The only difference about this time and the last is that this time I ran to her and caught her in my arms before she hit the cold, hard floor.

“Jess.” I say flustered, “Jessie, you need to wake up and tell me what happened.” I held her face in my hands.

When she didn’t respond to me, I looked around the room for a sign of anything that could possibly have caused her to pass out. I found the rock and note lying next to the spot where Jess had fell and immediately knew that, that was the reason I had been searching for. When I read the note everything made sense to me, but that didn’t keep me from being scared as hell.

They had found me.

“N-Nick.” I look to see a disoriented Alpha on the floor. “I need you to take my daughter and take her to this address. It’s the only place the two of you will be safe.” He pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper from his pocket. “Here, the place that you two are going has everything that you may need, so don’t worry about clothes or food. I need you to go by car, so they can’t follow your scent.” He paused, “Please, Protect my little girl.” His eyes were pleading with me.

“I will always protect her.”

“Good. Now I need you to leave, and whatever you do. Do not go outside into the open accept to go on runs, then go straight back inside. Do you understand me Nick” He was back to his old self by now, and was standing as tall as an Alpha possibly could. There was a fire in his eyes that wasn’t there before now, too. “Keep her safe.”

I reply “Yes. Sir, I will” Then sprint out the front door to my car carrying an unconscious Jess in my arms.


About an hour into the car ride Jess began to stir.

“Where are we going?” She asks me with wide eyes. “What’s going on?”

I couldn’t bear to tell her the complete story. I know that I’ll have to tell her eventually, but I would prefer not to tell her in a car. I’ll wait until I am one hundred percent sure she is safe before I revile anything to her.

The only response that I could think of without giving away too much was the word, “Safety.”

She could tell that I wasn’t going to tell her anything, so she rolls her eyes and says, “Wow! That clears so much up for me! Thank you!”

Even when she was being sarcastic, and rude she's cute. I think to myself.

NO! I have to focus on the task at hand. I decided it best to just ignore her for the moment and continue driving to ‘safety’. 

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