Author's Note

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Our adventures come to an end, but not before a short epilogue!

I hoped you enjoyed this book; I certainly enjoyed writing it. Jade was such an interesting character to develop, and I think (despite her natural instinct to be cautious) she learned a lot along the way; about herself, her situation, and just how much control she and others have. Now, I'd say she's compatible with the Bad Batch. A very stark contrast compared to their first meeting in chapter 3!

She may not have gotten what she wanted, but she will heal. It was really hard to write some of these scenes, but I couldn't exactly get them out of every mess. There are consequences in real life, and I believe good writing should reflect that.

So... about the epilogue. It does take place after the ending of season two, and I think it will be fairly obvious. I did mention something about the possibility of a second book, but we'll see how that goes. Until season three comes out, my hands are tied, unless I take an entirely different route. Yes, the final chapter is slightly open-ended, but it was not an accident. I tied up a lot of loose ends, but many readers will wonder about Vresha and where Jade's parents are... assuming they're alive. Since they're not extremely pressing matters, you can always use your imagination to fill in the blanks. For the most part, however, Jade has finished a journey.

I just want to thank all those who have supported this book in the early stages and want to mention them to acknowledge their support. I really didn't think the work would receive so much attention, and I am grateful for every read, vote, and follow.

To ChopSyndulla_457, Elizabeththebooknerd, sinfoni0, Kaysesoka, Salt-Trooper, and 84NightShade for their consistent votes and occasional comments. To defiantminstrel103 for a very supporting first comment. Finally, to the person reading this now. I am extremely grateful!

On another note, how would you like to see some Jade sketches? I'm working on them, but I may include them in the book soon!

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