Chapter 11 Out At Last

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*{System: This prince and your four other friends if you guys were on the run}

     Tang Xilong didn't reply the system anymore to put all focus on running and a few hours later, he finally saw sunshine but it was setting “System, how long do we have before the sun sets?”

*{System: Well two hours and there is a treehole one hour run from here and five meters above the ground which is safe for the night and can fit all five of you}

     Tang Xilong started running again after taking a breather, he dodged trees and evaded beasts on the way ‘What about the beast horde?”

*{System: Beasts around the first to third mountain are nocturnal so they only come at night so worry about that if it's nighttime but be careful not to alert any beasts on the way to the tree}

     Tang Xilong asked ‘Now specify this treehole. A hole or a cave or a tunnel again”

*{System: Its a cave this time, I promise}

     Tang Xilong sighed ‘Okay good’
     An hour later, Tang Xilong got to the tree and saw the cave then he jumped up into it
     But when he took a step forward, he and Ning Caiyu fell straight down ‘System! I thought you said this was a cave!’

*{System: (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Oh no no, this is payback, remember when you and your marten were teasing me and calling me grandpa! You think I forgot, didn't ya? You won't die so don't fret but enjoy your free fall haha oh reminds me of this song from another dimension free falling.. ohh free falling, up down lalala up in the air you're falling}

     Tang Xilong was frustrated ‘You damnable system, stop singing’
     When they landed on soft ground second later, Ning Caiyu was about to wake up so Tang Xilong knocked him out again
     Tang Xilong dusted his clothes and carried Ning Caiyu on his back again then he looked around to see a sleeping beast a few meters behind him “Yo, system, what kind of beast is this?”

*{System: A Crossed Devil Mole, it's only at the second level late stage. Nothing hard for you. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, since devil energy is somehow thin in the mortal realm. You need to find devil beasts and eat their demon core. Don't worry, it will just melt into your mouth and your dantian will absorb the energy. Unless you wanna spend money at the sect to buy devil energy stones}

     Tang Xilong rolled his eyes “Then why didn't you tell me earlier?”

*{System: I was waiting for a devil beast to appear in the area but they are truly rare in the mortal realm}

     Tang Xilong then placed Ning Caiyu on the ground gently so he wouldn't wake up and he prepared himself for a fight

*{System: What the heck are you doing?}

     Tang Xilong replied while stretching “Preparing myself for battle”

*{System: With a system like me, do you even need to fight? All you need is tactics but if there is no tactic that's where brute strength comes in now as for this one, it has weak resistance to poison so I suggest you sneak up to its face. Condense your poison element then infuse with a bit of its blood so you can control the poison to spread throughout the blood streams and destroy it from inside then absorb the demon core, easy peasy}

     Tang Xilong was surprised “Wow, system, you make it sound so easy but what if it wakes up when I draw a bit of its blood?”

*{System: That's cue for you to step back and control the poison to spread faster}

     Tang Xilong took a deep breath then looked back to make sure Ning Caiyu hadn't awoken yet and he started condensing his poison element in his hands as he stepped closer to the beast. He moved the poison to one hand and used the other hand to control Nana which had turned to Qiqi, the scythe form to cut a slash across the beast and Tang Xilong immediately merged the blood into the poison then sent it into the injury and hurriedly jumped backwards
     Tang Xilong was expecting the beast to at least move after being cut but it didn't even bulge so he just shrugged and controlled the poison to spread faster and the beast body started trembling then when it was about to reach the heart, the beast suddenly awoke and it's eyes were bulging which shocked Tang Xilong but before it could make a sound, the poison had already taken its life and it laid lifeless with its eyes still open

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