Part 3

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Implied self-harm. Poor Kid Ritz, my baby. I'll put a trigger warning when. 

Kid Ritz waited anxiously for Branch. Poppy was already there, rambling to Kid Ritz. He honestly didn't mind hearing her ramble. Her rambling about hosting a party for Veneer reminded him of the first time they met. He could tell that Velvet was stuck up but also cared for her brother. Kid Ritz was spacing out quite a bit. He couldn't stop thinking about Veneer. He was really worried for him. He heard about how he had a stroke a few weeks ago. He went to visit him for a short while until he woke up. He got extremely nervous and worried. He had to get a doctor for him. Veneer looked like he was about to get sick or something. A nurse told him that he should go because of how Veneer had a seizure. He left after a but when Veneer was conscious again. 

Branch finally got there with Floyd right beside him. Kid Ritz made sure they were all comfortable before he started the interview. The interview went smoothly. Poppy was really happy to officially meet him. They took a break for a bit after the first half of the interview. Floyd was pretty nervous the entire time. "So, Kid Ritz. Didn't you visit Veneer at the hospital when he had a stroke?" Floyd asked nervously. "Oh. Yeah. I was going to give him a letter, but I got too scared to do it," he replied with a small laugh. Floyd shook his head with a smile. "It's okay. You'll be able to give it to him when he gets out," Floyd replied with a smile. "I guess," he mumbled as his face grew pretty hot. Floyd smiled and went back to Poppy and Branch. 

The interview continued with no problems. Kid Ritz made sure not to them questions that were too personal. Poppy was laying her head on Branch's shoulder for most of the interview. The interview ended after a little while. Kid Ritz stayed back in the office to finish up on some work he had. He saw one of his first letters to Veneer and was very embarrassed by it. The letter was just him confessing his love for the ex-super star. It sounded super desperate and stalker-like. He wrote it almost a month ago. It was super embarrassing to read it. He wanted to throw it away but couldn't for some reason. He sighed and decided to bring it home with him instead. 

He got home after a while. He was lucky to get out before it started raining hard. He groaned and decided to take a quick shower. Once he got out, he wrapped himself in a light grey towel. He glanced at the mirror and sighed. He still had that stupid burn mark on his shoulder. He shook his head and quickly changed into a pair of sleep pants and a long-sleeved shirt. He didn't want to see it again that night. He would have to deal with it tomorrow. He was just drained from today. He couldn't help but be fidgety with his bedsheets as he laid in bed. His head started filling with awful memories that he wished that he could just erase. 

                                                                               (SLIGHT TW)

Kid Ritz barely got any sleep the past few days. He just hasn't been feeling himself lately. He didn't have any friends to talk to, so he just decided to deal with whatever he was going through alone. He talked to a lot of people but none of them truly liked him, and he knew it. It upset him at first, but he's not really bothered by it anymore. Maybe he could talk to Floyd, but wouldn't that be too much for him? He still has his days where he's really weak and exhausted. Branch? Not at all. Branch doesn't care about him at all. Maybe Poppy? She would just try to make him happy. He just wanted someone to talk to and maybe comfort him. Kid Ritz groaned and held his face into his hands. Tears already filled his eyes as he couldn't stop the thoughts anymore. 

He cleaned himself up with tears streaming down his face. He covered himself with his weighted blanket and sobbed. It usually helped but it just didn't tonight. A soft knock came from his window right beside his bed. He wiped the tears from his eyes quickly and peaked out the window. It was Floyd. Why was Floyd at his house? Shouldn't he be at home resting? He quickly opened his window and went back to where he sat before. "Are you okay?" Floyd asked and looked at him with concern in his eyes. "Y-Yeah. I-I-m fi-fine," Ritz replied, his voice breaking. Floyd sighed and sat down next to him. "I won't make you talk about what's wrong," Floyd said with a small, reassuring smile. Ritz nodded and laid his head back down on his knees. 

                                                                       (TW OVER!! POOR RITZ THOUGH)

The two sat in silence, besides the soft, quiet sobs from Ritz. Floyd wanted to comfort him but knew it wasn't time to do that yet. He decided to use his actions instead of his words. He put his hands on top of Ritz's and rubbed his hand. Ritz looked down at him confused. "It's alright. Just try to focus on my hand, okay?" Floyd whispered and Ritz nodded. Ritz slowly started to calm down while Floyd rubbed the back of his hand. Ritz lifted up his head and he wiped the tears away. He took a few deep breaths and looked down at Floyd. "Th-Thank you," he mumbled, and his voice broke again. Floyd smiled and hugged his arm. Ritz flinched slightly and tried not to show that it hurt. "I'm glad you're feeling better," Floyd said and let him go. Ritz nodded and slightly uncurled himself. Floyd stayed for a while until Ritz finally fell asleep. Floyd smiled and decided to leave. 

Poppy was so excited to see Floyd again. He seemed troubled about something. She decided to talk to him about it. Floyd decided to just tell her, his brothers, and Viva about what happened earlier. (Mentions of SH) "I'm pretty sure Kid Ritz is struggling with his mental health. I think he...I think he hurt himself," Floyd said and the rest were shocked. "A-Are you sure?" Poppy asked with tears starting to form in her eyes. "Yeah. His arm was bleeding through the bandages on his arm. I didn't want to upset him more, so I didn't mention it," he replied. Poppy couldn't help but cry. She hated seeing others hurt themselves. "Why didn't he come to one of us? I would've helped him," Poppy said with a sniffle. "I know. Maybe he just thought that we wouldn't care? I don't really know why," Floyd replied. Branch sighed and he looked away. "I think I know why," he mumbled. "What is it?" Floyd asked. "He probably didn't have friends, or he just didn't want to feel like a burden to us," Branch answered. "I'll talk to him about it tomorrow," Branch mumbled. "That makes sense. How would you know that though?" Floyd asked, almost dreading his answer. Branch took a deep breath in and sighed. "I felt the same way," he answered. Everyone was silent. Everyone froze and practically tackled him in a hug full of tears.

Anyways, have a great day/night you guys! This is an extra angsty chapter. Poor Kid Ritz. This hurt to write him doing that to himself. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!

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