Part 6

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Ritz's alarm clock rang until he turned it off. He groaned and laid there for a few minutes. He sat up and looked down. It took him a few moments to register what was on him. It was Veneer. Why was Veneer at his house? He couldn't remember anything from the night before. He nudged him and waited for a few seconds. "V-Veneer! Veneer! Wake up! I need to get ready for an interview!" he whisper-shouted and nudged him again. "Quit it. I'm comfortable," Veneer mumbled. Ritz laughed and oved him slightly. "No. Don't leave! Just stay with me!" Veneer whined and looked at him. "I-I ha-have to go. I'll be back in a bit, okay?" Ritz replied and gently moved him again. "Hmph. Fine," Veneer pouted and moved over enough for Ritz to get up. Ritz patted his head and got his things together to get ready for the day.

Ritz was about to go downstairs until he felt nauseous and dizzy. He stumbled but managed to sit down before he collapsed again. "Ritz? Are you okay?" Veneer asked as he peeked up the stairs. "Just dizzy," he replied as he held onto the rail tightly. Veneer went up and sat beside him. Ritz leaned on Veneer's shoulder while his eyes fluttered. Veneer gently touched his cheek and pulled it away. He was burning up. He snapped out of it and looked up at Veneer. "Are you okay? You look pretty sick," he asked and rubbed his shoulder. "I've been feeling like this for the past few weeks," he replied. Veneer let him lay on his shoulder for a bit until he slowly stood up. "Do you think you'll be okay today?" Veneer asked. "I should be okay," Ritz replied with a small smile. Veneer nodded and helped him to the table. "I made you some blueberry pancakes," he said with a nervous smile. "Pancakes?" Ritz asked and perked up. "I wish I could eat them," he mumbled. "I still feel nauseous," he said with a sad look. Veneer sat down next to him and hugged him. Ritz looked at him and blushed. He leaned his head on his shoulder with a smile.

Ritz went to work with a nervous look. He didn't know if he could do the interview but would try. He sat at his desk after the interview with his face in his hands. Tears fell onto his empty desk as he felt sicker. Orchid sat down and looked at him. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked and put a hand on his shoulder. He shook his head and started breathing slightly heavier. Suddenly, he fainted. Orchid shrieked and went to get someone. Their manager came over and checked on him. "I suggest bringing him to the hospital. This could be from when he hit his head yesterday," they said. Orchid called an ambulance as she made sure he was still breathing. An ambulance came after about 7 minutes. They got a stretcher and carefully put him inside of it. They took him to the ambulance and rushed to the hospital. Orchid decided to take over his work since she was technically a replacement for anyone that wasn't there for the day.

Veneer cleaned up the house a bit, since it was kind of messy. He noticed how tired and stressed Ritz looked. He grew worried as over 3 hours passed by. Interviews didn't last that long, right? Veneer decided to wait for him. Veneer decided to check on him at his workplace after a while of waiting for him. Veneer had a sinking feeling that something bad happened. He noticed Orchid and went up to her. "Isn't this Kid Ritz's desk?" he asked. Orchid looked at him and smiled a little. "Yeah, this is his desk. He's at the hospital right now. They found a cyst in his brain," Orchid explained. "Is he okay?" Veneer asked in a slightly panicked voice. "He's okay! They just called me a few minutes ago that the surgery was a success. They had to do immediate surgery. They said that he's conscious now and everything. I was going to visit him after this final interview," she answered with a small smile. "Do you know what room he's in? I need to visit him," Veneer said. "Of course! It was room A14 on the 6th floor," she answered. "Thank you so much! I might be back!" he exclaimed as he rushed to the hospital.

Ritz was sitting in his hospital bed with a nurse beside him. "So, you have Narcolepsy?" the nurse asked. "Y-Yeah," he answered. After a few more questions, Veneer slammed the door open. "Ritz!" he practically screamed and rushed over to him. Ritz flinched at the sudden loud sound but relaxed once he realized it was Veneer. "H-Hey," Ritz replied and hugged him back. The nurse smiled and left the room with his answers on the clipboard. "You scared me!" Veneer exclaimed and held Ritz's face. Ritz blushed and tried to turn away. Veneer stopped him and sighed. Ritz looked down as tears filled his eyes. "What's wrong?" Veneer asked softly. "I-I just feel bad for worrying you and for not being able to work," he replied while sniffling. "Aw, it's okay Ritz! You'll be able to work soon, okay?" Veneer said as he wiped the tears from Ritz's eyes. Veneer kissed his forehead and hugged him. Veneer rubbed his back and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. Ritz slowly calmed down and hugged him tighter.

The two pulled away and smiled at each other. "Uhm, a-are we t-together?" Ritz asked nervously. "Oh. I-I guess we are. W-We can make it official if you want to," he answered with a huge smile. "I-I kind of thought we were but j-just wanted to make sure," Ritz replied with a shy smile. "Well, Kid Ritz, will you be my cute interviewer boyfriend?" Veneer asked with a slightly playful voice. "Of course!" Ritz replied with a laugh. Veneer grinned and hugged him again. Ritz couldn't help but be giddy. He had always dreamed of being with Veneer. Even before he had all the fame. Ritz always had strong feelings for him. Unfortunately, Veneer never really knew he existed until he was famous. He was still happy though. He was so grateful to officially be Veneer's boyfriend. Veneer broke the hug after a few long moments and held his hand. "I love you my cute little interviewer," Veneer said with a hint of playfulness. Ritz laughed and looked down. "I-I love you too," he replied and squeezed his hand slightly. Veneer had to go after a few hours and promised to come back and visit him. Ritz just smiled and bid him farewell. Ritz felt empty without him but was glad to finally be Veneer's boyfriend.

AHHHH IT'S FINALLY TIME!!! I WANNA SQUISH THESE TWO SOOOO BAD!!! Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this! Have a great day/night everyone!

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