Part 26

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This will be pretty short because I didn't really have much motivation to write this lol. I really wanted to post something though! I also want to say that there will be 4 more parts, so this will be 30 parts! I feel bad that this book is coming to an end.

Velvet held the girl to her chest. The girl was having another panic attack. Velvet could feel the little girls heart racing. Her beathing was very fast and uneven. Orchid was at work with Kid Ritz. Velvet became a fashion designer while she practiced singing. She needed a job until she got her singing career back. She made clothes like Crimp used to. She really enjoyed what she did. Their daughter would watch her. She loved watching her mother make new clothes and design them. The girl had pretty bad amnesia. Nobody knows what happened to her. She was pretty talkative sometimes. Some days, she was completely silent. 

Their daughter finally calmed down as she buried her face into her chest. Velvet rubbed her back in small circles. She gently kissed her forehead and picked her up. "Do you want something to eat, honey?" Velvet asked as she gently pushed her hair out of her face. Their daughter, Octavia nodded. Velvet decided to take Orchid and Octavia out for lunch. Velvet was excited to take them out. She and Orchid hadn't been on a date in a little over a week since their honeymoon. The two have cuddled and kissed a lot though. Velvet just felt bad for not taking her out yet. Octavia was pretty excited for their family date. That's what she considered it as. Octavia decided to wear a new dress that Velvet got her. It wasn't over the top. It was a nice, somewhat fancy dress though. 

Velvet and Octavia went to The Bop on Top. Orchid was doing some paperwork with some guy standing over her. The two were talking about what they liked to do in their free time. He didn't seem too interested though. He kept staring at her while his hand creeped closer to her own. His hand finally held hers. She jumped and looked at him with a confused look. "I'm married, Eric," Orchid said. "Well. That doesn't matter. We could still get together. It'll make things even more exciting," he murmured as he leaned closer to her. She leaned away. "What the fuck are you doing to my wife?" Velvet asked as she glared at him. He rolled his eyes. "What? She'll be mine instead. You're not her wife you liar," he grumbled. "How stupid are you? We're married. We got married a little over 2 weeks ago. Our daughter was the flower girl," she replied as she clenched her teeth. Orchid sighed and pushed him. She went to Velvet and hugged her. Eric just rolled his eyes and walked away. 

Orchid's lunch break started. She was so glad. She felt so uncomfortable with Eric constantly staring at her. She was so grateful that Velvet was taking her out, alongside their daughter. They were still in the process of adopting her. They still needed her legal documents. They went to a fairly nice restaurant. Octavia was so excited. She loved eating with her parents. They got a table and waited for their waiter. They had an hour and 30 minutes before she had to go back to work. They noticed Kid Ritz walk in with one of Orchid's coworkers. The two were sat at the bar. She was a little younger than him, about 3 years younger. Orchid noticed how she seemed to ask him quite a few questions. She just seemed curious about his family. She was in awe when he talked about the twins he had.

Kid Ritz and the woman were eating as Veneer walked in. He hugged Ritz from behind and kissed his cheek. Orchid smiled and focused on their daughter. Velvet was busy admiring her beautiful wife. Octavia talked about how she wanted to be like Velvet. She loved watching her design new clothes. She also loved hearing her sing. She was much better than what she used to be. Velvet couldn't help but smile at her. Orchid was smiling at her wife and daughter. "Aw! That's so sweet honey!" Orchid exclaimed as she kissed her cheek. Octavia blankly stared at her. Octavia blushed severely as she looked away. Orchid giggled and pulled away. "Shouldn't I get a kiss too? I'm your wife after all," Velvet asked teasingly. Orchid smiled and let out a soft giggle. She held her hand and kissed it. Velvet looked at her and rolled her eyes with a soft laugh. 

Velvet grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto her lap. Orchid's face turned dark purple. Octavia was happily eating her meal. Ritz noticed them and grinned. "Hey Velvet, Orchid, and Octavia!" Ritz exclaimed excitedly. "H-Hi Mr. Ritz," Octavia squeaked out. Orchid turned to him and smiled. "Hey Ritz! Who's this?" she replied. "She's Alvin's younger half-sister. She wanted to know how I was after everything," he answered with a smile. "Oh. Is that bitch dead yet?" Velvet asked. Orchid turned to her with a somewhat shocked face. "He's not dead," the woman replied with a small smile. Velvet nodded and smiled at Orchid. She gently kissed her cheek and held her closer. Ritz nodded with a smile. The two left and went back to work.

Velvet took her wife back to work. Octavia held Velvet's hand pretty tightly. Velvet kissed her wife on the lips. Orchid hugged her tightly. "I'll miss you and our little angel," Orchid mumbled with a soft smile. "We'll miss you too baby," Velvet replied as she hugged her tightly. Octavia joined in on the hug. She was going to miss Orchid a lot. The two left and went back home. Orchid went back to work. She loved working under Ritz. He was a great boss. Velvet sat down with her daughter on the couch. Velvet was teaching her how to sew. She loved watching her daughter practice. She was already pretty good at sewing. Octavia was a great artist. She loved drawing more than anything. She just loved doing things with her parents. Octavia was pretty exhausted after a while. She ended up taking a nap on Velvet's shoulder. 

Velvet was cleaning the kitchen, since it was pretty messy. Orchid came back home after many long hours. It was almost 6pm when she came back home. She hugged Velvet from behind and kissed her. Velvet smiled and turned around to hug her. "I missed you so much!" Orchid exclaimed as she jumped up and down slightly. Velvet smiled and quickly washed her hands. She didn't want to touch her wife with dirty hands. She cupped her face and started kissing her face all over. Orchid kept her hands on Velvet's lower back. Velvet's kisses started becoming rougher as she slowly went down to her neck. "I missed you too, my love," she mumbled as she gently nibbled on her bottom lip. Orchid giggled as she hugged her a little tighter. Velvet put her hand up Orchid's shirt as she kissed her neck. Orchid just blushed as she gave her lot of neck kisses.

Octavia woke up and looked into the kitchen. She blankly stared at the two. She stuck her tongue out as she turned away. She didn't want to see them being all over each other. Octavia yawned and decided to go up to her room to draw in peace. She could hear Orchid giggling and kissing sounds. Octavia went up to her room so she wouldn't have to hear her parents make out. Velvet ran her hands all over her stomach and back. "B-Bedroom," Orchid mumbled as Velvet started unbuttoning her pants. Velvet pulled away from her neck and nodded. "What about Tavi?" she asked. Orchid's face turned dark purple as she turned to the living room. She wasn't on the couch. Orchid was nervous and kind of worried. "Go to the bedroom baby. I'll go check on her," Velvet murmured. Orchid nodded and went to the bedroom. Velvet checked on her and smiled. Octavia was alright. Velvet went back to their room with a smirk. 

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