Part 23

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The machine mentioned drains the excess blood, that's why it's connected to his lung. The twins are 5 and Lillian is 7 lol-

Lillian was playing with Remi. He had a small breathing tube connected to one of his lungs. He was such a happy baby. Vivian was lying on Velvet's lap. Ritz was home while Velvet was watching them. She didn't feel comfortable being alone with all three of them. Orchid was out with Veneer. They were out buying clothes for the babies. Remi started coughing and wheezing. Ritz peeked his head around the corner and smiled sadly. He went over and scooped him up. Ritz patted his back a little bit as he spluttered up a little bit of blood. "Uncle Baby? What's wrong with Remi?" Lillian asked with a sad look in her eyes. "He's still recovering from his surgery. He's fine. He just has an issue with his lung," Ritz answered with a smile. Vivian sat up and rubbed her eyes. She scooted even closer to Velvet. Vivian gave her the biggest smile she could.

Vivian hugged Remi tightly. Lillian went up to Ritz and looked at him confused. "Why does Remi cough up blood sometimes?" she asked. "Oh. He has a disease. It'll go away once he's a little older," Ritz replied with a smile. "Why does he have that tube thing though?" she asked. Ritz laughed a little and looked down at her. "He needs it because he has trouble breathing. It also drains the blood he coughs up sometimes," Ritz answered with a soft smile. Remi gently tugged on Velvet's pants. She looked down at him and smiled a little. "What do you need bubs?" she asked. He leaned his head on her knee and pointed to the hallway. "Uhm, what does he need?" Velvet asked Ritz. "Hm? Oh, he wants to play with you in their playroom," he replied with a smile. Remi nodded and started bouncing his knees. He had such a big smile on his face. Velvet smiled and decided to go play with him. Vivian was excited and went to join them.

Velvet ran out while screeching. Vivian ran after her. Remi was calm as he walked out. Ritz was about to ask before he saw it. He was so close to fainting. There was a scorpion on Remi's face. Ritz screamed and started panicking. "What the fuck do we do? We need Orchid to get the fucking scorpion! I'm not touching it!" Ritz screeched. "I'm not touching it either!" Velvet screamed. Remi was so confused. He was about to slap his face until Ritz stopped him. "D-Don't touch your face! It-It's going to be okay! Uhm, just stay strong my baby boy!" Ritz exclaimed. Remi started giggling. Ritz was terrified to touch it. He didn't want to risk getting stung. He couldn't understand how Remi was so calm. Vivian was terrified of the large scorpion on his face. It was just chilling on his face though. It didn't seem to want to harm him.

Veneer opened the door and screamed. The scorpion was now on Remi's head. Remi was very happy. Orchid came in and screeched. She quickly rushed over and carefully picked the scorpion up. Remi looked sad as Orchid took the scorpion away. She rushed outside and threw it. "Stay away you ugly scorpion! You'll never hurt little Remi!" Orchid yelled. She walked back in with a huge smile. "The scorpion is gone!" she exclaimed. Veneer was holding Remi with tears running down his face. "My baby boy almost died! How could you guys let this happen?" he asked while sniffling. "I-I was cleaning the kitchen!" Ritz exclaimed, somewhat quietly. "I-I was playing with Vivi! We were doing makeup! I don't know how the hell your son found a scorpion!" Velvet shrieked. Remi was just giggling as he wrapped his arms around Veneer's neck. Remi was in a whole other world.

Remi had to take his medicine again. It was never a fight though. He always took his medicine with no problems. Remi was having a rough day. He kept coughing and wheezing. His little machine was full of blood. Veneer changed it, since Ritz fell asleep with Remi in his lap. Remi tugged on Veneer's sleeve slightly. "Hm? What's up bubs?" Veneer asked. He pointed to the kitchen and pointed to his mouth. Veneer laughed slightly and scooped him up. "You're hungry?" Veneer asked playfully. Remi nodded and wrapped his arms around his neck. Remi started tilting his head left and right. Veneer couldn't help but laugh at him. He was just so adorable. His little machine was being rolled behind him. Remi started coughing and wheezing again. Veneer knelt down and sighed. Remi sniffled as his eyes watered. Veneer gently hugged him. "It'll be okay bubs. You'll be better soon, okay?" Veneer mumbled as he kissed his forehead. Remi giggled slightly until another coughing fit started.

Veneer made him a snack and put it on the table. Remi was excited. He happily ate his snacks as the door opened. Lillian came in with Vivian. "We found a kitty!" Vivian exclaimed as she shoved the cat into Remi's face. "Vivi, that's not a kitten. That's a raccoon," Veneer said as he stared at her with a blank expression. "It is? It doesn't look like it though! It's so cute!" Lillain replied with a giggle. Vivian hugged the raccoon somewhat tightly. "What the fuck is wrong with your kids?" Velvet asked. "Velvs! Don't cuss in front of the kids!" Veneer exclaimed. Vivian smiled and carried the raccoon into the living room. "Papa! Look! I found a kitty!" Vivian exclaimed excitedly. "A cat?" Ritz asked and he looked at her. "Holy shit! That's a baby raccoon!" he screeched. She pouted and huffed. "Can I keep it?" she asked. "You can't keep it Vivi. Maybe you could just keep it outside," Ritz answered. She beamed and giggled. She loved her new pet.

Ritz checked up on his other two children. They were in their cage. He took one out and hugged it. "Hi my little Mango! How are you today?" Ritz asked as he gave her a little kiss. The chinchilla just looked at him. "Aw! You're so adorable! I could just eat you up!" he cooed as he petted his little baby. "Hi my little Chewie! How are you doing?" Ritz asked as he put Mango back. He picked up Chewie and gave him lots of kisses. He fed them really quick and went to get more water for them. Vivian and Lillian came up to him. "Can we play outside again, please?" Vivan asked. Ritz smiled and let them go back outside. He knew they would be safe. Their yard had privacy fences up. Orchid was also outside playing with them. Orchid was a little kid at heart. She loved playing games with the girls. Velvet was helping out with cleaning up the house. She was vacuuming Remi's room. She found a hole full of scorpions. She froze and screeched. She quickly fetched Orchid and let her take care of it.

Remi wanted to play with Orchid, Vivian, and Lillian but couldn't. He couldn't do too much because of his heart deformity. One of the tubes in his heart was reversed, which caused too much blood to go into his right lung. His lung was still pretty damaged. His lung was also too small for his body. He was going back into surgery in a few months. Ritz was very scared for him. Veneer was grateful that they could fix it. Veneer put him down. Remi looked at Velvet and smiled at her. He leaned his head on her thigh. Velvet looked down at him and sighed. "Do you want to play again?" she asked. He nodded and bounced his knees. "Wait, isn't he nonverbal?" Orchid asked. "Yeah. He also might be a little autistic," Ritz replied. "Oh alright. I was just asking, since I tried to get him to talk to me," she said with a small laugh. "Yeah. I was the same way when I was about his age," Ritz replied. "Huh. So, are you also slightly autistic?" Orchid asked curiously. Veneer hugged him tightly. "Kind of," he replied. The three were talking about different things as Velvet played with Remi.

Velvet walked out with smudged makeup all over her face. She actually loved playing with Remi. She never really felt comfortable playing with them when they were babies. She liked them more now that they were a little older. She really liked kids but not babies. She could actually bond with kids instead of babies. She loved playing with Remi. He was just so cute and almost everything made him laugh. He was always entertained, even if he didn't have toys with him. Remi was kind of energetic. He loved being read to. Velvet read him part of a book until he had a coughing fit. Veneer taught her how to help him if they were alone before his next surgery. She checked his little machine, and it didn't have much blood in it. Remi crawled up and sat on Velvet's lap. He laid his head on her chest. He started drifting off to sleep. Velvet smiled and kissed his forehead as she drifted off to sleep.

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