Part 2

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Poppy waited patiently for everyone in the large court room. The judge was getting their things situated for the meeting. Branch and Bruce got there and seemed nervous. "I hope the judge lets him out soon," Poppy whispered to the two. "Yeah," Branch replied with a smile. "You know, I still like Veneer a lot because he only used us once. I mean, he only did it because Velvet was with him," Bruce said with a huge smile. "Isn't Floyd coming too?" Poppy asked. "If he can. He fainted. He's okay now but still kind of out of it," Bruce replied with a small smile. "Oh. Poor Floyd," Poppy replied sadly. "He'll be alright honey," Branch said with a small smile while holding her hand. She smiled a little and laid her head on Branch's shoulder. Branch slowly wrapped his arms around her in a somewhat tight hug. 

Floyd and Clay got there about 20 minutes later. Floyd felt much better than how he did earlier. He was so excited to see Veneer again. It had been 4 months since he's visited Veneer. He felt pretty bad, but the prison wouldn't let anyone visit him or Velvet. He knew it wasn't his fault but still felt bad for not visiting Veneer. He visited Velvet once which was short and awful. Velvet was extremely violent and had to be restrained. She was put into solitary confinement for others safety. Floyd found out a few weeks ago that Velvet hurt Veneer. She threw a chair at him and beat him with the chair leg. He was hospitalized for a few days because of it. Floyd was extremely upset when he found out about the ordeal. He wanted to visit Veneer at the hospital but didn't know about it when it happened.

Veneer came into the room with 2 guards with him. The two guards were secretly excited for the hearing. Veneer was pretty tired and nervous to see everyone. There were quite a few people there. He scanned the room for a familiar face. He felt sad when he didn't see that familiar face. He sat down full of anxiety. He was fidgeting with his hands the entire time. The judge listened to what everyone had to say about the two did. Veneer felt more dreadful than he had before. None of them said anything bad about him. It only made him feel worse when none of them talked bad about him. They should all hate him and try to keep him in prison even longer. He was sure that he would spend about 10 years in prison for the awful things he did to Floyd. He should've listened to Floyd and put an end to their fake fame way before Floyd almost died. 

The hearing lasted for about an hour and a half. Veneer would be released next year. Veneer was more than shocked that he would be released so soon. Even his guards expressed how they believed that he was truly remorseful for what he did. Veneer didn't expect any of them to stick up for him like that. He expected them to hate him for what he did. He felt much more guilty now that they were all so kind to him even after the horrible things he did to them. He didn't deserve to be released yet. He knew that he didn't though. He deserved to be in prison. He was happy to go to prison since he knew that he needed to pay for his crimes. 

The next day at lunch was kind of interesting. A guy came up to Veneer and invited him to sit with them. He obliged and went with him. The group that he usually sat with glared at who was taking Veneer away from them. "So, I'm Lance. You're the famous fraud, right?" the guy said in a joking manner. "It's nice to meet you. Unfortunately, I'm the ex-fraud, Veneer," he responded with a small smile. "What did you do?" Veneer inquired. "Oh. I beat a little kids dad almost to death. He was extremely abusive towards them and stuff," he replied. "Oh," Veneer mumbled. Lance smiled at him and draped an arm around him. "You're my best friend now," he said with a cheeky smile. Veneer just laughed and smiled. They got to their table and sat down.

Veneer had a pretty good time with his new friends during their lunch period. The food wasn't great but that's just how it was. His new friends did bad things for a good cause, just like he did. He only wanted to be with his sister. He knew that he would've lost her if he didn't follow her. She wouldn't let him visit their parents when they were still alive. He didn't understand why she hated them so much. She almost always got what she wanted from their father. Their father spoiled her a lot. Veneer always spent most of his time with their mother. She was somewhat strict but overall great. She taught Veneer how to cook and take care of plants. He wished that he had a chance to tell her that he loved her one more time. He couldn't believe that he let Velvet prevent him from seeing their own parents. 

He wished that he could see his sister without her becoming violent. She's always had extreme anger issues their whole life. Veneer hates what his sister did but still loves her. He couldn't ever hate his sister. She was pretty much the golden child growing up. Of course, his mother tried to discipline her, but their father hated it. They would always fight about how Velvet acted. Their mother still loved Velvet, but it was hard to be around her at times. Velvet always knew how to make Veneer feel guilty and obligated to help her, no matter what it was.

Lance was a pretty hyper guy. Veneer would always sit with him and his other friends. They were all really interesting to be around. They always had new stories to tell. Lance always had his arm draped around Veneer's shoulder, which never bothered him. "Aren't you getting released next year?" Diana asked. "Yeah. I don't know why though," Veneer replied. "They probably know that you just wanted to be with your sister and stuff," she replied. "I mean, I felt awful for what we were doing, but I still loved and wanted the fame," he said with a sigh. "Well, you're still not an awful person though," she replied with a small, reassuring smile. Veneer smiled a little. They talked for a while about their lives before prison. 

Veneer went back to his cell and there was another guy there. He was one of the only ones not to have a cellmate. His cellmate turned to him and smiled. "Hey cutie. Aren't you the famous fraud Veneer?" he asked with a teasing smile. Veneer gave him an unimpressed look. "Yes. That's me," he replied. He suddenly felt really weird and hot. His head hurt extremely bad and got dizzy. He sat down on his bed while holding his head. "You okay man?" the guy asked. Veneer shrugged and rubbed his eyes. "Wait, do you feel high?" he asked. "High? I've never been high before," Veneer mumbled. "Holy crap. You're having a stroke," the guy said and went to the small button. He got an officer a few moments later. 

The officer was aggravated but still helped him. He had to be transferred to a nearby hospital once again. Veneer started convulsing pretty bad. An ambulance came and got him to a hospital. The officer asked the newbie a couple of questions about why the stroke could've started. It took the nurses and doctor a while to help Veneer with the stroke. Veneer was conscious again after a while. He was pretty weak and exhausted. He thought that he saw someone that he recognized in his hospital room. The person rushed out once he opened his eyes. A doctor came in and checked him. Eventually, Veneer was released with strict bedrest for the next few weeks until he could get his bearings. 

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