Part 27

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Octavia was playing with the twins as their parents talked. Veneer and Kid Ritz were going to meet his parents. Veneer didn't feel comfortable with him going to visit his parents alone. He wanted to be there with his husband. Orchid and Velvet were going to watch the twins for them. Ritz's mother invited him to dinner.  Ritz was very nervous about the meeting. Veneer did his best to comfort him. He knew this would be rough for him. At least his brother and sister would also be there. Ritz really didn't want to see him. He just wanted closure from his parents. He was considering cutting contact with his parents after the dinner was over. Vivian was playing with Velvet and Octavia. Remi was playing with Orchid. She was teaching him how to play with dangerous creatures like spiders and scorpions. There was one in Remi's hair. He liked taking naps with Orchid's tarantula that she found. She was excited to train Remi to be a spider collector like herself. Vivian was playing dress up with her favorite aunt and Octavia. She loved playing and reading with Octavia.

Veneer had his hand on Ritz's thigh as he drove to the restaurant. Ritz was fidgeting with his hand. Veneer noticed and moved his hand to where he was holding his. Ritz looked at him and smiled. "It'll be alright, baby," Veneer said as he gently squeezed his hand. Ritz sighed and looked down. "I-I hope," he replied. Veneer kept his hand where it was. He kept his eyes on the road as he rubbed his hand with his thumb. They finally got to the restaurant. Veneer parked the car and looked at him with a soft, reassuring smile. "Do you want to wait for a minute?" Veneer asked softly. Ritz nodded and leaned his head on Veneer's shoulder. He smiled and kissed his head. Veneer couldn't help but worry about him. He knew this was something that needed to be done. Ritz didn't want to speak to them though. He was really upset at what they did to him. Ritz felt a little better with Veneer by his side. 

The two walked in after a little bit. Ritz was holding Veneer's hand pretty tightly. There weren't many people in the restaurant. Ritz's family was already there. They had a fairly big table. The two sat down across from Eliza. Ritz's mother gave Veneer a confused look. She didn't really like Veneer that much. She hated that Ritz got married to him. Ritz deserved much better in her opinion. "You married my son, right?" his father asked. "Yeah. We've been married for 5 years I think," Veneer replied. "How do you not remember how long you've been married?" his mother asked with a harsh look. "Mom, don't," Ezra grumbled as he glared at her. "Listen, I'm just looking out for my son," she replied. Another man came to their table in a nice outfit. "Oh! Hello dear! This is my son Kid Ritz! I'm excited for you two to get along!" she exclaimed with a smile. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Aaron," the guy said and extended his hand out to him. "You're his friend, right?" Aaron asked, turning to Veneer. "He's my husband," Ritz answered with a harsh glare. "What? Your mother said you were single," Aaron replied with a shocked look. There was an uncomfortable silence for a while. 

Ritz's father couldn't help but glare at his wife. "What the hell is wrong with you? You never said anything about this guy showing up!" he yelled. "I want my son to marry a rich man! He needs a rich man! He should've married him instead of that disgusting lowlife!" his mother yelled back. Aaron looked at Ritz with a nervous look. "I-I'm so sorry. I thought you were single. I'll take my leave now," Aaron mumbled and walked off. Ritz stood up and slammed his hands on the table. His parents were still fighting as they always did. "Both of you. Shut the hell up!" Ritz yelled. The two froze and looked at him. "You don't get to fucking insult my husband! He's the best thing that's ever happened to me! You don't get to act like you care about me! You've never been my fucking parents! You acted like it was a chore to raise me! I did everything I could to make you love me! Neither of you fucking care about me! All you care about is yourselves! Neither of you love me! You fucking abused me and caused me to almost kill my fucking self! You should've just aborted me or given me up for adoption," he yelled as tears fell from his eyes. Veneer stood up and hugged him from behind. 

Ritz and Veneer left before they could order anything to eat. Veneer didn't want him in a place that made him uncomfortable. Kid Ritz was still crying. His father wanted to say something but couldn't get it out. His father felt horrible for how he treated him. Eliza was pissed at her parents. "You promised you wouldn't do this shit! How could you? You promised you wouldn't do something like this!" she asked. "Honey, we did it because we love him! We want him to have a better life! I should've objected to that stupid wedding! This is my way of making it up to him. I offered my boss Ritz for his son. His son will become a millionaire soon! He should be Ritz's husband instead of that stupid brat," she replied, shaking slightly. "You stupid bitch. He already has a loving husband. You don't get to act like you love him. We can't be his parents anymore. We've already failed. He just needed closure. I wanted to talk to him about Alvin. You fucking ruined it though," he grumbled. She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I knew I should've divorced you," he grumbled. She stared at him and started screaming at him. The twins left before their food came. They just needed to get away from them until their useless fight was over.

Veneer was pushed against their bedroom door. Ritz wrapped his arms around his neck and roughly kissed him. Veneer smirked into the kiss. Veneer had his hand on Ritz's lower back. Veneer slowly broke the kiss. "Baby, you're so feisty now," Veneer said with a chuckle. "I'm still pissed at my parents, especially my mom," he murmured as he started nipping and biting Veneer's neck. A slight moan escaped Veneer's throat as Ritz pressed his knee against him. "B-Baby! Fuck. D-Don't bite so hard," Veneer slightly whined as Ritz started sucking and biting his neck and collarbone. Veneer's fingers twitched slightly as Ritz lifted up his head. Ritz looked him up and down with a flushed face. "D-Do you want to do this?" he nervously asked. "Aw, baby. Where did all that aggression go? I already miss it," Veneer teasingly asked. Ritz became flustered as he looked away. "I-I just wanted to know if you wanted to do this," he mumbled. "I-I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he mumbled and looked back at Veneer. "Really? Baby, you should know that I'm up for intimacy anytime and anywhere," Veneer replied with a smile. Ritz smiled and hugged him tightly. Veneer grinned and scooped him up. He sat him on the bed and smirked at him. 

Veneer gently kissed Ritz's cheek. He was still pretty excited. Ritz was panting as he laid his head on Veneer's chest. "Heh. I didn't know you could do that. I guess I need to get you angry more often, huh?" Veneer chuckled as he kissed his forehead. "I don't know about that, now," Ritz replied in a soft, joking manner. Ritz hugged him as he slowly calmed down from his high. Veneer murmured sweet nothings into his ear as Ritz started calming down. Ritz was still panting pretty heavily. "Do you want a bath tonight? You'll be pretty sore in the morning, baby," Veneer asked as he gently twirled Ritz's hair around his finger. Ritz nodded and looked at him with a flushed face. Veneer smiled at him as he trailed his finger down his neck to his chest. "Fuck, baby. You're just so pretty. I could just fuck you all night," he murmured as he kissed his collarbone. Ritz laughed softly and rolled his eyes playfully. "We have children now. You can't do it all night, you know?" Ritz replied in a joking, loving manner. "I know. Well, maybe we could actually. You would need to be quieter though. We both know how loud you get," Veneer said with a laugh. Ritz shook his eyes and laughed. Ritz hugged him pretty tight as he started drifting off to sleep. 

Veneer finished cleaning himself off. He smiled at the bundle of blankets on the bed. His husband loved taking the covers. Veneer managed to get a few covers and snuggle up to him. He already bathed his cute husband and put him in a pair of boxers. He kissed him on the cheek and hugged him tightly. "Baby? Are you awake?" Ritz asked in a sleepy voice. Veneer smiled and laughed softly. "I'm awake, love. Do you need something?" Veneer replied softly. "My lower back already hurts. I-I was going to get something for it," Ritz murmured and rolled over to face Veneer. "I can get it for you. I need to take care of my little prince after all," Veneer replied with a soft laugh. Ritz nodded and rubbed his eyes. Veneer slowly got up and stretched. Ritz sat up and smiled at him. Veneer got him a painkiller with water. Ritz laid his head on his shoulder. "You were pretty wild during our fun time," Veneer said with a soft laugh. Ritz laughed and took the medicine. "Yeah. It was so fun how fast you rode me," Veneer mumbled as he kissed his neck. Ritz couldn't help but moan softly. Veneer smiled and hugged him. The two laid back down and cuddled until they fell back asleep.

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