Part 13

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Eliza is a nickname lol. Her real name is Elizabeth. Also, a tiny bit of cussing in the end.

Veneer put on his suit and adjusted the collar a little. Ritz smiled at him nervously. Veneer turned to him with a grin. "Do you like it?" Veneer asked in a teasing manner. Ritz nodded fast and fidgeted with the drawstring of his sweatpants. Veneer stood in front of him and put his hands on each side of him. Ritz flinched and looked at him nervously. Veneer smiled and brought one hand and cupped his face. "You're so cute. My sweet little interviewer," Veneer mumbled and kissed his forehead. Ritz blushed and scooted a little closer to him. He hugged him tightly. Ritz started rubbing Veneer's back. Veneer hummed softly and started swaying. "Are you ready for the wedding?" Veneer whispered. "Y-Yeah," Ritz mumbled back while burying his face into Veneer's shoulder. Veneer couldn't help but hold him. He knew that he was nervous for the wedding. He had a major part in it since he was the ring bearer.

Ritz got changed into his suit shakily. He was extremely nervous. He was so afraid to fall asleep during the wedding. He was also nervous because his parents would be there. His father still hated him. Ezra told him how their mother wanted to talk to him. Ritz didn't want any contact with either of them. Ritz was bringing Veneer as his plus one. He was excited that his sister was getting married. He was there in the hospital when their baby girl was born. Ritz wanted to hold her since she was his niece. He was so excited to hold her. They weren't letting anyone hold her yet because of all the germs around. Eliza really wanted Ritz to be the first person to hold their baby girl. Jonathan has held her a lot of course. Veneer drove them to the venue. Ritz was a nervous wreck. His hair was down like it usually was, unless he was baking. He usually had his hair up when he baked. Veneer put his hand on Ritz's and gently squeezed it. He smiled over at Ritz once they parked. Veneer kissed his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. Ritz smiled and ran his hand through his hair. He blushed and leaned his head on his shoulder. He was still shaking little.

They got out the car and went inside. Veneer was holding Ritz's hand tightly, yet comfortably. The trolls were also there for the wedding. Floyd and Bruce were talking until they noticed the two. "Veneer! Kid Ritz! It's so great to see you two!" Floyd exclaimed excitedly. "Wow! You both look amazing!" Bruce added with a smile. Ritz couldn't help but blush and look away. "It's nice to see you guys too! Thanks Bruce! You also look great!" Veneer replied. Ritz felt Veneer's arms wrap around him. Veneer was very touchy. "So, are you two ready?" Floyd asked. "Kind of," Ritz mumbled. Veneer kissed his cheek with a smile. "Man, I miss my wife now," Bruce mumbled, sniffling. "I-I didn't ask for this," Ritz mumbled. "Hey! You like my kisses!" Veneer whined and kissed him a few more times. Ritz couldn't help but laugh. They all went inside for the venue. Veneer was so excited to see Ritz up on the stage. Ritz had the small box in his left pocket. He was still shaking. Veneer hugged him tightly and kept reassuring him that everything would be fine.

The wedding was starting. Jonathan was standing at the alter. He had a soft smile on his face. Ritz was standing near him. He was shaking slightly. Elizabeth walked down the aisle with her veil covering her face. She was walked down the aisle with Ezra. She was standing in front of her soon-to-be husband. She had happy tears in her eyes. Ritz glanced at the somewhat large group of people. Orchid was here with Velvet. Veneer gave him a soft, reassuring smile. The marriage officiant talked and then Jonathan did his vows. The marriage officiant turned to Elizabeth and she did her vows. Ritz was frozen for a moment but brought the rings to the two of them. He was trying his hardest not to cry. He was so happy for them. He still couldn't believe that they were getting married. "I do," the two said while holding hands. "You may now kiss the bride," the marriage officiant said. They finally kissed and everyone started clapping. Poppy, Viva, and Ritz were crying happy tears. They were all so glad the ceremony went well.

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