Part 25

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Veneer decided to bring the young girl home, since nobody would pick her up. Whoever called wasn't picking up. He decided to take care of her for a while. He decided to talk to Velvet about the situation. Her and Orchid have been talking about adoption. They were going to get married in a couple of months. Velvet didn't feel comfortable trying to raise a baby. Neither of them wanted to get pregnant either. Orchid was super excited to have a baby. They both decided they wanted a little girl. Veneer knew they would love the little girl he had. He knew she had a lot of trauma. that much was easy to tell. There were some moments where she would just freeze for long periods of time. She was very distant but sweet at the same time. She would shrink down any time Veneer got close to her.

Ritz came back home at around 7pm. He noticed the little girl staring blankly at the wall. He walked over to Veneer with a soft, worried expression. Ritz felt like he knew what happened. Veneer hugged him tightly while he explained everything. Ritz couldn't help but feel awful for the girl. He decided to sit down in front of her. He wanted to help her any way he could. He sat down in front of her with a soft smile. The girl didn't react. She was still in her own little world. He snapped his fingers in front of her face until she finally reacted. She sniffled and curled up on the couch. She started mumbling out apologies. Ritz sighed and gently took one of her hands. He started doing a few calming methods he learned from the old man. 

She calmed down after a bit and hugged him tightly. She wouldn't let him go after that. Ritz didn't mind. She just needed the comfort and closeness. He understood since she was very traumatized. He didn't know what she went through. He was happy that she was a little better. Vivian and Remi really wanted her to play with them. Veneer explained to them why she couldn't yet. The twins understood. They smiled at the girl in Ritz's arms. Remi hugged his leg and smiled up at the girl. She had her face buried in Ritz's shoulder. The girl stayed in his arms, even during their last meal of the day. The girl didn't want to eat anything. Ritz decided to bathe her, since it seemed that she hadn't had a shower in weeks. 

The young girl was covered in bruises. The girl just stared at the wall in front of her as Ritz bathed her. Her eyes were blank and expressionless. Ritz finished up and brought her to the couch. "Do you want me to sleep with you?" he asked quietly and softly. The girl sniffled and nodded in response. Ritz put her on the couch and knelt down in front of her. "I have to take a shower, okay? I'll be right back," Ritz said and the little girl nodded. She looked so upset. Ritz went to quickly take a shower as Veneer stayed with her. Veneer sat down next to her. He wanted there to be distance because he knew she wasn't comfortable. She was very fidgety. She kept glancing at Veneer. She scooted a little closer to Veneer. She started to realize that neither of them was going to harm her. 

Velvet and Orchid came to visit them for a while. Velvet instantly fell in love with the little girl. She was just so precious. She hid behind Ritz's leg with Remi hiding behind the other. Velvet knelt down and smiled at her. "Hey sweetie. I'm Velvet," she said. The girl smiled shyly and buried her face into the back of his knee. Ritz didn't mind, since she was still adjusting. "I-I don't know my name," the girl mumbled, looking at Velvet nervously. "It's okay honey," Velvet replied in a somewhat comforting voice. The girl smiled and hesitantly went to hug her. She smiled and hugged her tightly. 

The girl felt more comfortable with Velvet and Orchid. "Can we take care of her for a while? I think she's more comfortable with us," Orchid asked with a soft smile. "Do you want them to take care of you?" Ritz asked the little girl. She looked at him with a nervous look. "S-Sort of," the girl mumbled, preparing to get yelled at. Ritz smiled. "Alright. She wants to go with you. It's okay sweetheart. I'm not upset at you," Ritz answered and looked down at her with a soft, reassuring smile. The girl nodded and hugged Velvet a little tighter. 

Velvet and Orchid left with the girl. They decided to bring her to a doctor. The girl wasn't thrilled but obliged. She could tell that she was going to have a better life with them. She could tell they truly loved her. Orchid was holding the girl as they took her to a children's hospital. The girl had some broken bones. They were almost healed. They were healing wrong. The doctor had to rebreak her bones to actually fix them. The process wasn't pleasant but was needed. The girl had a cast on her arm. They had to monitor her healing process. Velvet helped her a lot. She just knew that she could easily bond with the young girl.

Vivian ran to Veneer and his behind his leg. He laughed softly and looked at her in confusion. She was nervously glaring at Remi. Veneer looked at him confused until he noticed it. "Oh, my mother fucking crap! Remi! Get that stupid tarantula off your head!" Veneer screeched. Remi sighed and grabbed the tarantula with a sad look. "That's right. Th-Throw it out," Veneer said with a soft sigh of relief. Remi stared at his father with a blank expression. Remi stared at the tarantula in his hand. He smiled down at it and started petting it. The tarantula was the same color as his hair. Veneer just stared at him. Was he about to try and eat the spider? If he did, Veneer might faint. 

Remi didn't want to put it outside. He found it in the hallway at school. It was a tiny little tarantula. He smiled down at it. Remi's stomach growled a little. He looked down at the baby tarantula with a blank, hungry look. He licked his lips. He lifted the tarantula up to his mouth before Ritz took a broom and smacked it out of his hand. "Don't eat spiders!" Ritz shrieked. Remi looked at him with tears in his eyes. "Remi," Ritz mumbled as he sat down next to him. "You can't eat spiders. They can kill you. I already got you 3 tarantulas," Ritz mumbled as Remi crawled into his lap. He started crying because he lost his new snack and friend. Ritz brought him back inside as he kissed his cheek. 

Veneer had a metal rod. Ritz couldn't help but stare at him in confusion and worry. Vivian smiled nervously. "Is-Is the spider gone?" Vivian asked. "It's gone, Vivi. Remi's sad now though," Ritz answered with a smile. Remi looked at Veneer with a sad, blank expression. "Aw, Remi, baby. You can't eat spiders, bubba," Veneer said as he gently squished his cheek. Remi stuck his tongue out and turned his head away. Remi's stomach growled. Veneer smiled and went to make him a snack. Ritz had to put him down since he kept squirming. Remi somehow got on the counter and watched Veneer very intensely. Veneer couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. His son was kind of scary already. He looked a lot like Ritz when he was younger. 

Veneer handed him his snack with a little forehead kiss. Remi shoved his face full of food. He was a starving, growing little boy. He was a very messy eater like Veneer when he was his age. Ritz was getting very fidgety. He was so close to scrubbing his little face. He had food all over his little mouth. Ritz finally snatched him up to wash his mouth. Remi wasn't happy about it. He kept moving his head away whenever Ritz brought the wet rag near his mouth. Veneer couldn't help but watch in amusement. Remi rushed out with a clean mouth. He was very pouty. Veneer scooped him up and gave him lots of kisses. "Did he hurt my little baby?" Veneer asked and Remi nodded. Ritz came out and glared at Veneer while trying not to laugh. 

Ritz huffed and stuck his tongue out at Veneer. The kids were busy taking a nap. Veneer kept teasing Ritz. He just couldn't help himself. Ritz was hilarious when he got "angry" at him. Veneer had to give him lots of kisses to make it up to him. Ritz was very embarrassed. Veneer was very clingy as usual. He just wanted to hug and kiss his husband everywhere. He loved touching him all over. The two were messing around and being all flirty with each other. Veneer had his hands in Ritz's shirt. Ritz had his arms around Veneer's waist at the two were cuddling on the couch. Veneer was loving the attention. He missed it when the kids had all of his attention. Veneer loved having Ritz's full attention. 

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