Part 15

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Mentions of sexual abuse, manipulation, self-harm, and physical abuse.

Veneer was very excited. It was his 18th birthday. Veneer hugged his boyfriend tightly. Ritz was still asleep. Veneer buried his face into his neck. He pressed his body against Ritz's. He started playing with Ritz's hair. He couldn't help but want to touch him everywhere. He just craved touching his cute boyfriend. Ritz's leg twitched in his sleep. Ritz stirred after a little while. He moved, trying to roll over. "Veneer?" Ritz mumbled, his voice somewhat raspy and a little deeper. "Hey baby," Veneer replied, gently kissing his neck. Ritz shivered slightly, pulling the blanket up. "Aw, baby. Are you cold?" he asked softly. Ritz nodded and scooted even closer to him. Veneer sighed into his neck, gently kissing it again. Ritz's hand twitched slightly. Veneer held Ritz's hand with a gentle smile. Veneer let Ritz roll over and face him. Veneer held him even closer and tighter. "You're so cute!" Veneer exclaimed. Ritz smiled and buried his face into his chest. Veneer couldn't help but hug him even tighter. 

The two finally got up and got ready for the day. "T-Today's your birthday, right?" Ritz nervously asked. "Yep! It's my 18th birthday!" he exclaimed, hugging Ritz. He smiled and hugged him back. "H-Happy birthday Ven!" Ritz replied, kissing the corner of his mouth. Veneer scoffed and pouted. "D-Did I do something wrong?" Ritz nervously asked. "You didn't kiss me on my lips," Veneer huffed. "O-Oh. Is that what you want?" Ritz asked. Veneer nodded and looked at him with a smile. Ritz smiled and looked at his lips nervously. He slowly kissed his lips. Veneer couldn't help but deepen the kiss. He started to kiss him more passionately. Ritz slowly broke the kiss and started panting. Veneer licked his lips and started kissing Ritz's neck once again. "You don't know how bad I want to make love to you. You're just so fucking beautiful. I just love you so much," Veneer mumbled as he kissed his neck. Ritz couldn't help but blush while panting. Veneer continued kissing his neck while praising how beautiful he was.

Ritz was at the News Station. He had to wear a scarf to cover all the hickey's that Veneer made. He still craved being touched by Veneer. Someone came up to him and dragged him to the interviewing room. He was shoved onto a couch. He looked over and saw someone that horrified him. It was his ex, Alvin. Why was he interviewing him? He didn't want to see him again. Alvin couldn't help but smile down at him. He had a sickening grin on his face. "Hey Ritz. How have you been?" he asked. Ritz couldn't help but stare at him with pure fear in his eyes. His chest felt heavy, and he started shaking. He could barely breathe. His eyes started futtering and he sobbed. He covered his ears as he started panicking. Alvin just sighed and walked over to him. "Stop being such a baby. I didn't do anything yet," he snapped, grabbing his wrist. "Say something!" Alvin yelled, tightening his grip on his wrist. Ritz's eyes were unfocused. He was crying, shaking, and having trouble breathing. He started rocking back and forth. He couldn't focus on anything but his memories of him and Alvin.

This is where it starts, please don't red if triggered- 

Ritz was about 8 years old. He was playing with a frog he found. An older boy approached him with a smile. "How old are you?" the boy asked. "M-Me?" Ritz asked, looking around. "Yeah, you," the boy replied. "I-I'm 8 years old," Ritz mumbled nervously. The boy nodded and smiled. He grabbed his wrist and dragged him somewhere. "Wh-Where are we going?" Ritz asked, kind of excited to finally have someone to play with. "We're going somewhere very special to play," the boy answered. "Oh okay! H-How old are you?" Ritz asked. "I'm 13," he replied. Ritz nodded and smiled. He was excited to finally have a friend. They got to a very small, empty place. Ritz looked around, excitedly. "Sit with me!" the mysterious boy exclaimed, smiling. "Okay!" Ritz replied, smiling. He sat down next to him while looking up at him. The boy smiled and pulled him onto his lap. Ritz looked at him nervously, starting to fidget with the hem of his shirt. "Don't worry, it'll feel good," the boy said, gently kissing his neck. Ritz giggled, since it tickled. "W-Wait, what's your name?" Ritz asked with a smile. "I'm Alvin, what about you, cutie?" the boy answered with a smile. Ritz smiled. "I'm Kid Ritz! You can call me Ritz!" he replied excitedly. Alvin nodded and started rubbing his thigh. Ritz couldn't help but shiver. 

Ritz couldn't help but feel disgusting. Alvin had touched him in so many places. He made Ritz touch him back, even though it made him uncomfortable. "This is our little secret, okay, Ritzy? Please don't tell anyone. I could get in a lot of trouble. You don't want me to get hurt, do you?" Alvin asked, smiling down at him. "N-No! I don't want you to-to get hurt! You're my-my only fr-friend!" Ritz replied, sniffling. "Good. Now, let's go, okay?" Alvin said. Ritz nodded and followed him. He was still excited that he had a friend. Alvin slowly started hurting him even more. Whenever Ritz wouldn't meet him, he would get beaten by Alvin. Ritz couldn't help but be upset at himself. It was all his fault that he was being beaten by Alvin. He shouldn't be such a horrible friend. Alvin always listened to him. Ritz could just let him touch him, right? It was the only thing that Alvin asked for from him. Ritz still loved Alvin, even though he hurt him a lot. The self-harm started when he was only 10 years old. Alvin was much more aggressive. Alvin always told him how beautiful he was. He always told him that he loved him. Ritz always believed him, knowing that he only meant the best for him. He would never hurt Ritz on purpose. He loved Ritz too much to do that. He did what was best for him. 


Ritz woke up in a small hospital bed. He looked around. He couldn't remember anything that happened. Veneer looked at him once he felt movement. "Ritz? Holy shit! You're awake!" he exclaimed with tears in his eyes. He hugged Ritz very tight while sobbing. Ritz flinched but hugged him back. "Baby, what happened?" Veneer asked, holding his hands as tears ran down his face. "I-I can't remember anything. D-Do you know how I ended up here?" Ritz asked. "Y-Yeah. You had a really bad panic attack, and you ended up breaking your wrist," Veneer mumbled. "Oh. I wonder why that happened," he replied. Ritz smiled and leaned his head on him. Veneer kissed his forehead with a soft, sad smile. Ritz was trying to remember what caused it. Everything was blank. Eliza, Jonathan, Ezra, and their mother came to visit him. Jonathan hesitantly pulled the curtain back, not wanting to see Veneer making out with Ritz. Veneer was just hugging him. "May we come in?" Jonathan asked. "C-Can I just have my siblings come in? I-I don't want a lot of people in here," Ritz replied. He nodded with a small, sad smile. Eliza and Ezra came in shortly after. 

Eliza and Ezra were so upset that their baby brother was in the hospital. They had no idea what even happened. Orchid came to visit. She was shaking with tears running down her face. She was anxious. She needed to talk to Ritz. She couldn't believe what her coworker told her. She was absolutely horrified. She sighed and peeked inside. "M-May I talk to Veneer really quick? I need to tell him something very important," she said in a shaky voice. Ritz nodded with a small smile. Veneer kissed his forehead before following her. Orchid couldn't help but cry. "What's wrong, Orchid?" Veneer asked. She sniffled and sighed. Mentions of sexual abuse pass this point- "Ritz was hurt a lot by that guy that he was supposed to be interviewing. Uhm, he was forced into letting him grope him and stuff. He was a kid when it happened. The person that pushed him into the interviewing room was a friend of Alvin's. He was the one that forced him into doing things with him," she explained while crying. "You're telling me that some guy fucking groped my boyfriend?" Veneer asked, livid. Orchid nodded. "Is that why he had such a bad panic attack?" he asked with tears in his eyes. She nodded and hugged him. Veneer hugged her back and couldn't help but cry. It's over now-

Veneer couldn't help but be extra clingy. Ritz loved the attention, but it was slightly overwhelming. Veneer decided to wait to ask him for love making. He still wanted to make love to him. He didn't want to overwhelm him right now. He was still trying to figure out why he panicked so much. he still couldn't remember anything besides Veneer being his normal self. He really wanted Veneer to touch him. Veneer wouldn't touch his lower stomach, hips, or thighs. It was very confusing for him. Maybe he wanted to wait a little longer? Ritz couldn't tell. Ritz was taking a nap on the couch like he usually does. Slowly, Ritz's dream turned into a horrible nightmare. It was about Alvin hurting him when he was younger. Ritz was a sobbing mess. Veneer comforted him the best he could. Ritz was shaking and crying in Veneer's arms. Veneer couldn't help but be upset for his boyfriend. How could someone be so cruel to such a young kid? He still couldn't believe his roommate hurt him so much. Veneer was so pissed at Alvin. He wished that he could just beat the shit out of him. He would if he was allowed to. 

I almost cried while writing this you guys-

Anyways, thank you all so much for the views! I love all of you guys! I can't believe that I wrote 2 parts today-

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