Part 17

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Veneer took off his shirt, looking down at Ritz. Veneer smiled and took a fistful of Ritz's hair. Ritz shivered and wrapped his arms around his neck. Veneer slightly tugged on his hair, making Ritz moan a little louder. Veneer smirked slightly and leaned down to nibble and bite his neck more. Ritz covered his mouth, trying so hard not to moan loudly. He didn't want to disturb the baby and his older sister. Veneer pulled his hand away from his lips and kissed him roughly. Ritz let out a slight moan. Veneer moved his hand up to his neck. Ritz shivered, pulling him just a little tighter. Veneer chuckled and helped Ritz take off his sweater. Ritz shivered from the cold air hitting his skin. Veneer slowly undid Ritz's shorts. Ritz looked up at him nervously. Veneer smiled gently and kissed his neck.

Veneer was making breakfast for the two of them. His mind was all over the place, especially on how amazing Ritz was in bed. Veneer was so happy that he finally made love to his beautiful boyfriend. A knock came from the door. Veneer jumped and decided to answer it. Ezra was at the door. "H-Hey Ezra!" Veneer greeted with a nervous smile. "Hey Veneer. Where's my baby brother?" Ezra asked. "O-Oh! He's uhm," Veneer stammered, blushing a lot. Ezra gave him a suspicious look. Veneer tried to stall, waiting for Ezra to hopefully leave. He just wanted to give his baby breakfast in bed. Ezra was about to walk up the stairs until he spotted his baby brother at the top of the stairs.

Ritz was rubbing his eyes. He was wearing somewhat short shorts. Ezra stared at him for a moment. "What the hell, Veneer! Did you fuck my brother? Why the hell is he covered in hickeys? Why the fuck are his thighs covered in hickeys? You disgusting, little pervert!" Ezra yelled, turning to Veneer. Ritz slowly made his way down the stairs. He hugged Veneer from behind. Veneer couldn't help but be bright red. Ritz looked at Ezra with a sleepy look. "We had a fun time last night. He was kind of rough with me," Ritz mumbled, yawning and burying his face into Veneer's shoulder. Veneer smiled and finished making breakfast. "I was going to surprise you in bed with breakfast," Veneer said, smiling. Ritz slightly hummed, starting to fall back asleep. "I'll put him on the couch," Eliza grumbled, glaring at Veneer. Veneer looked away, very nervous and scared for his life.

Ritz was all curled up against Veneer. He just wanted to be near him. Veneer was going to give him a bath once they finished breakfast. Ritz was going to eat but was too tired to eat. "Veneer? C-Can we take a shower soon?" Ritz mumbled. Ezra gasped dramatically. "No! Absolutely not!" Ezra shouted. Veneer laughed softly. "He definitely needs a shower. I do too, since we...Had a lot of fun last night," Veneer replied. Ezra scoffed in response. Veneer smiled and kissed his boyfriend's head. Ezra pouted and looked away. He couldn't help but be mad at his baby brother. How could he let Veneer do this to him? He was all sore because of him. Ezra asked Veneer a lot of questions once Ritz fell asleep.

Veneer carried Ritz to the bathroom. Veneer knew he needed a long shower, or bath. He decided to give Ritz a bubble bath. He knew that Ritz was allergic to certain scents. He didn't want Ritz to get an allergic reaction. He put him in bed. He just wanted to run the bath and make it fairly warm to help soothe Ritz's sore muscles. He put the bath bomb and a little soap in it. He let the tub fill up with water. He went to get Ritz. He took his shorts off and brought him to the bathroom. He washed his hair and cleaned his body. He wanted to help Ritz out, since he didn't want him to be all dirty. Veneer dried his body off, not wanting him to be all cold and wet. He put him in clean clothes, just a long-sleeved shirt and shorts. He couldn't help but smile down at all the hickeys on his thighs. There were multiple on the inside of his thighs. Veneer gently kissed one of the many hickeys on the inside of his thighs.

Veneer decided to take a shower to clean himself. He was still sweaty and gross from their love making. He had such a great time praising his boyfriend. Ritz was so amazing in bed. He was pretty loud though. Veneer was so happy to please him so much. Veneer had to use protection of course. He also had to prepare him so that it wouldn't hurt as bad. He was so happy that Ritz enjoyed what they did. It was adorable how shy and nervous he was. Veneer kept praising him while telling him how beautiful he was. He just looked so perfect. He just looked so beautiful with a flustered face. It turned Veneer on even more when Ritz would moan and whine his name. Ritz kept begging him to go faster and rougher. Veneer was a little rougher than he wanted to be. He was scared that he hurt Ritz. He was fine though, besides being sore. Ezra still wasn't very happy with Veneer.

Veneer finally got out of the shower. His waist was wrapped in a towel. Ritz was sitting up, looking at him confused. "Where did you go?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes. Veneer smiled and kissed his forehead. "Don't worry. I just went to the bathroom to take a shower," Veneer answered with a soft smile. "O-Oh okay," Ritz replied, scooting to the edge of the bed. "C-Can we cuddle?" Ritz asked. "I should change the sheets first, unless you want to cuddle on the couch," Veneer answered with a smile. Ritz smiled and hugged him. "We can change the sheets later," Ritz mumbled, gently squeezing him tighter. Veneer smiled and kissed his forehead. Ritz was so warm. Veneer scooped him up and brought him downstairs with a smile. The two cuddled on the couch for a long while. Ezra still wasn't very fond of Veneer. "So, Ritz, how old are you?" Ezra asked. "Hm? Oh. I turned 19 a week after the incident with Alvin," Ritz mumbled. "Oh wow," Veneer replied, smiling. "Aw man! You're so grown already!" Ezra whined. Ezra was keeping a very close eye on how Veneer touched his baby brother. Ritz was still exhausted but felt much better. Veneer decided to change the sheets after a long while of cuddling with Ritz.

He was so proud of Ritz for being so good for him. He honestly didn't think that Ritz had a thing for hair pulling. He wasn't complaining though. He loved seeing him getting more flustered. Veneer was definitely pleased by his boyfriend. He just loved how Ritz screamed and moaned his name. Veneer was so happy that Ritz was his boyfriend. He was just so grateful that he had him now. Ritz was so glad that he and Veneer finally made love. He just wanted to be with Veneer for the rest of the night and cuddle. Ezra was sitting on one of their couches just scrolling through social media. "So, Ritz?" Ezra asked and he sat up. "Yeah?" he asked quietly. "So, do you have to work anytime soon?" Ezra asked. "Not as far as I know, why?" he replied. "Well, I was just wondering since my boyfriend wanted to meet you," Ezra replied with a smile. "Oh okay. I wouldn't mind meeting him!" Ritz said with a smile. "Yeah. He's also pretty famous," he replied. Veneer came to collect his boyfriend once the sheets were changed. He needed his boyfriend to cuddle with. That didn't sit well with Ezra at all though.

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